But he didn't say anything about those soldiers, because this was their duty, and Lao Luo couldn't say much.

"Jonnie! Go down and pay a sum of money. If this matter is not resolved, there may be conflicts between us and the Han Empire!"

Lao Luo turned his head and said to Johnny.

Lao Luo has never met Han Ling, but judging from some of Han Ling's past behaviors, this is a person who protects his weaknesses.

When the anti-Chinese incident occurred in Indonesia, he dared to send a large army to wipe out those rebels. Now his people are beaten, and if he doesn't handle things well, he will explode.


"Remember! Today, as long as you are Chinese, you can enter here, and no one can stop you!"

After Johnny left, Lao Luo spoke to the soldiers.

Because of the Chinese Exclusion Act, everyone in the United States discriminated against the Chinese.

Moreover, this bill has been implemented for more than [-] years, and it has penetrated into the hearts of every American. That's why these American soldiers dare to treat the Chinese like this.

Although many people were beaten, which filled their hearts with anger, they still couldn't stop their enthusiasm for welcoming their own navy.




When the fleet of the Han Empire began to sail into the port, the salute of the port began to resound immediately, and then the salute of the Han Empire also began to resound.

Now standing at the forefront are all overseas Chinese compatriots. They hold high the flag of the iron-blooded Han army and stand at the forefront of the port to welcome the navy of their country.

"All the soldiers are there. Our overseas compatriots will come up to visit our warships in a while! Please cheer me up and keep in mind the requirements for treating overseas Chinese!"

Zhang Lin saw those overseas Chinese standing in the front of the port, Zhang Lin knew what to do.

As the former captain of the Huashan, he had already experienced it once when the Huashan arrived in Malaysia.

Warships are known as floating lands.

When a warship visits another country, it will regard the warship as the territory of this country.

No insult will be tolerated at all, especially for a big country.

Big countries care more about these faces. This time the Han Empire came to visit, and Lao Luo came to greet them, which can also be said to be one of the reasons.

"All soldiers maintain order! Come one by one! Take your time! Don't panic!"

Zhang Lin shouted loudly while maintaining order.

Overseas Chinese boarded warships, and boarded warships known as mobile land.

Shangfeng looked at the tearful overseas Chinese with complicated eyes.

He used to be an overseas student, and he was also a returnee. He understood the experiences of these overseas Chinese overseas.

Being looked down upon by everyone, anyone can bully and humiliate her.

At the beginning, he also wanted to develop and strengthen the country.

But some things cannot be changed by his will.

After so many years of hard work, he still failed, and after he was finally wiped out by Han Ling, he saw that he was just sitting and watching Han Ling govern the country.

Chapter 483: All Old Foxes

Shangfeng, who used to fish by the river, watched a big country reborn from the ashes in Han Ling's hands. At that time, he watched quietly from the side, he didn't know where this big country would go.

After Han Ling unified the country, he did not establish a national system for a long time, and continued to use the name of the Interim Government of China.

At that time, he still laughed at Han Ling's lack of courage. Could it be that he had the courage to conquer the world, but was afraid of being overthrown by the people in the end?

But when Han Ling watered the cornerstone of the Han Empire with the blood of Danwan Xiaoguo, he found that he could no longer see through Han Ling.

In the first battle to destroy the small country, tens of millions of people were killed to water the cornerstone of the Han Empire, a new empire, to water its honor with blood, and to wash away the shame of the past with blood.

At this moment, Shang Feng admitted that he was not as good as Han Ling, he was not as decisive and iron-blooded as Han Ling.

He admits that he may not be able to make it this far.

When Han Ling used force to force those western countries to give up their benefits for the Han Empire step by step, and finally could only obey the Han Empire, he felt old again, and perhaps this world should belong to Han Ling.

But now, when Shangfeng saw the tears in the eyes of those overseas Chinese, he knew it.

Han Ling succeeded, he made a step that he failed to do.

What countless ancestors wanted to do but failed to accomplish was accomplished in his hands.

"Baichuan! We are all old!"

Suddenly, Shangfeng sighed, although they have already landed, but because the overseas Chinese are still visiting the warships, they will not go down for the time being, and they will have to wait a while before going down to have a formal diplomatic meeting with Lao Luo.

"Are you old? You have to do it when you are old. Your Majesty trusts Er Laoyan so much now, you can't let Er Laoyan choose your majesty, right?"

Yan Baichuan laughed.

"That's right! I forgot, you are from His Majesty's hometown, and you are all from Shanxi! Naturally, you have to help your fellow villagers!"

"Hehe! Old Shangfeng, you know what to say. Now that the children of Shanxi are in charge of the world, of course Erlao Yan will help!"

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