
After Tulevsky went out, the bearded man looked at Molotov in a blink of an eye.

"Comrade Molotov, I have come to you this time because I have a task for you. Go to the Han Empire yourself, find their Emperor, and ask if our country can buy their tanks and fighter planes. We can use gold , oil, food and other material exchanges!"

Big Beard's ambition is not low, he can't manage the Han Empire now, and he doesn't have that much strength to manage it.

The most important thing is what Big Beard thinks in his heart. As long as he can take down the countries like Mustache and integrate the industrial strength of Europe, he can rely on the overall industry of Europe to fight against the Han Empire.

Over the years, the bearded man also knew that the establishment of the Han Empire was short, but their industrial strength was not low.

"Yes! Comrade Slinda!"

When the bearded man was about to send Molotov to the Han Empire to buy weapons, Han Ling was about to return to Beijing.

I've been in Nanjing long enough, and it's time to go back.

And the key is that he has almost handled some things about the man.

The decree has been issued, and the following is a matter of implementation by grassroots officials, which he does not need to worry about.

Now he has to go back to Yanjing to deal with some things, such as changing the army's outfits.

Armored units were replaced with Tianyun tanks, and ground forces added rocket launchers and standard weapons.

The 29-type semi-automatic rifle can be issued to the following garrison troops for use, while the standing group army will replace it with an assault rifle, and Han Ling already has an idea about the replacement of the assault rifle.

This time he decided to use some of the original weapons on the earth, such as AK47 and other weapons.

Now the Han Empire has thousands of airships, even with fully automatic weapons, there is no problem with the logistics supply capability.

Chapter 487: National Dress Up Plan

On July [-], [-], Han Ling returned to Yanjing.

The command hall of the Yanjing Forbidden City Military Headquarters.

"Dear dears, I am here today to change the uniforms and reserves of the national army!"

Han Ling stood in the command hall of the military headquarters, looked at the military personnel below and said.

"Mr. Zhan Ning, have you completed the plan I asked you and Jiansheng to make some time ago?"

After Han Ling finished speaking, he looked at Mr. Zhan Ning and asked.

"My Majesty, the plan you asked us to make has been almost completed a few days ago!"

In order to complete the task given by Han Ling, he and Bai Jiansheng worked continuously for half a month.

"En! Very good! Ladies and gentlemen, since some time ago, the world situation has become confusing, and a new round of arms race has launched around the world.

This is an opportunity, but it can also be said to be a disaster, but whether it is an opportunity or a disaster.After all, my Han Empire is the overlord of Asia, and no one is allowed to touch East Asia.But some things are not up to us.We don't want others to mess with it, but why do they have to come?

At this time, we can only use the army to implement our will.So for the world war that is likely to happen next, I specially want to change the national standing army.Some time ago, Mr. Zhan Ning had already made a change plan, so let Mr. Zhan Ning tell us about the change plan! "

After Han Ling finished speaking, he looked at Mr. Zhan Ning, and Mr. Zhan Ning also knew that it was time for him to come.

"Everyone! Some time ago, the deputy chief of staff and I made a preliminary plan for the national army change, and now let me talk about it!"

After Mr. Zhan Ning finished speaking, he took the document handed over by Bai Jiansheng.

"National facelift plan, we change clothes in sequence according to the distance from the capital and the importance of the army.

We have divided the military refitting across the country into five batches.

The first batch is the Guards Army, the First and Second Army stationed in our capital, the Eighth and Ninth Army stationed in Shandong, the Tenth Army stationed in Shenyang, and the Rapid Response First Army stationed in Jinan, Shandong. Together with the Rapid Response Second Army stationed in Chahar, there are a total of nearly one million troops.They will be the first batch of replacement troops. [The Capital Guards Army is a large army with [-] people. Their responsibility is to protect the safety of Gyeonggi. In addition, Han Ling's Guards Division and Imperial Palace Guards are not in the ranks of the re-equipment, because they are royal privates. For the army, Han Ling can change their outfits by himself. 】

The second batch is some troops from the provinces around the capital. The troops are the [-]th, [-]th, and [-]th Group Army stationed in and around Vladivostok, the Glutton Army stationed on the Koryo Peninsula, and the [-]th Army Group. [-]. The Thirty-ninth and Fortieth Group Armies, the Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth Group Armies stationed in Mongolia, and the Quick Response Third, Fourth, and Fifth Group Armies stationed on the Mongolian steppe, a total of [-] One hundred thousand people. [Currently, the gluttonous army has expanded to [-] people, the main body of which is still the original criminal army and those who have returned from injuries.The elites of other group armies have not yet been incorporated into the Gluttonous Legion. 】

The third batch is the garrison troops stationed in Siberia. The [-]th, [-]th, [-]st, and [-]nd armies and the garrison troops stationed on the Han-Soviet border have a total of [-] troops. million people. [The garrison area in Siberia is close to the Hansu front line, so the troops in the garrison area here are no worse than the domestic standing army, and they also belong to the third batch of refitting troops.And the number is still quite a lot. All the garrison troops in Siberia add up to [-] people. 】

The fourth batch is the remaining standing army and quick-response mobile army in the area north of the Yangtze River that have not yet been reequipped.

The fifth batch is all the standing armies and quick response armies in the area south of the Yangtze River.

All the troops in the garrison area will not change their outfits for the time being. All the weapons replaced by the standing army, the quick response army, and the Siberia garrison area troops will be sealed up for re-distribution during wartime to arm the reserves! "

After Zhan Ninggong finished speaking, he looked at Han Ling, his meaning was obvious.We just made a plan for the change, but they didn't know what weapons to change.

"This time I will refit the troops with assault rifles, which can also be said to be fully automatic rifles. As for the specific information, I will send them to you. In addition to the standard weapons of the national army this time, I also have To add a weapon to the army, that is the bazooka. This bazooka is equipped for individual soldiers and does not occupy the original establishment of the army. They will be issued to the squad formation of the army.

In addition, all rapid-reaction mobile armies will also be equipped with tanks.

The original Type 29 medium tanks were all abandoned and sealed up in the warehouse.The next thing we will change into will be Tianyun Tank! "

When Han Ling said this, he nodded to Zhang Hanqing, and then a huge white cloth was pulled down.

Then the projector was turned on, and a picture of a tank appeared on it.

"My dear friends, please look, this is the Tianyun tank we are going to change into. He uses the front slope armor, and the armor protection ability is greatly improved!

And his front slope armor is [-] mm, the rear armor is [-] mm, the wing armor is [-] mm, and the turret armor is [-] mm. The tank weighs [-] tons.

It's a real heavy tank, but he's not slow.This tank adopts our latest engine technology, and its speed can reach 29 kilometers per hour, which is more than half faster than the Type [-] medium tank.And its off-road ability is also very strong, it can easily cross the three-meter-wide trench.And his maximum range can reach [-] kilometers, that is to say, he can run [-] kilometers after filling up the fuel. It can be said that this tank can completely carry out real blitzkrieg.If we use airships to transport logistics supplies, they can penetrate the defense line of the enemy's millions of troops within a day and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop.

And this tank not only has strong protection ability and fast speed, but also its artillery armor-piercing ability is also very powerful.Because this tank incorporates the latest gunpowder technology and armor-piercing technology of our empire.

In addition, he uses long barrel technology, so he can penetrate a [-]mm steel plate at a distance of [-] meters."

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