Han Ling talked in front of each other, while the military personnel below stared wide-eyed. Such a tank is completely epoch-making armor power!

Chapter 488:Junior Military Academy

"This tank is the tank we are currently going to replace. As for its specific data, you can take a closer look after you go down!"

After Han Ling said some data about the Tianyun tank above, he looked at the military personnel below and said.

"Okay! Now let's talk about the reserve service. Mr. Zhan Ning, how is the reserve service in our country going?"

The matter of the national reserve service is related to the issue of replenishment of soldiers in the later period of the war. This is a major event, and it is managed by Lord Zhan Ning himself.

"Now our empire's reserve service system has been basically established. However, the establishment of the south is still short, and the effect is not great at present. However, the area north of the Yangtze River, because it has been established for a long time, can provide us with six There are about one million reserve troops in service. If a war breaks out, we can also urgently recruit about [-] million soldiers who have undergone preliminary training.

We are in the area south of the Yangtze River, and we can currently provide us with about [-] million active reserve soldiers. In the event of a war, we can urgently recruit about [-] million soldiers who have undergone preliminary training! "

Mr. Zhan Ning spoke slowly while holding a document.

These things were calculated before.After initial training, they are only soldiers who have been trained for three months.

This is also the requirement of the Han Empire.

Originally, one year was required, but because the Han Empire had a large population, one year would be too long, which would be detrimental to the current production and development of the empire.

So it was changed to three months.

The active reserve soldiers are soldiers who have been trained from the garrison area. They have also been trained for three months, but those who are in training, or those who have just finished training for no more than three months, are called in-service soldiers. Reserve duty.

After more than three months, it will no longer be counted.

"Well! Generally speaking, it's not bad. Even if a war breaks out now, we can have enough soldiers to deal with the war, but these are only soldiers who have undergone initial training. If they are pulled into the battlefield, they will be equivalent to cannon fodder in the event of a hard battle. .

It is said that education should start from the baby, and our military education is the same.

Although there is a military class every week in the school, it's just not enough.Some time ago, I thought of a method. Since education starts from the baby, why doesn't our military do the same?

That's why I decided to set up the Junior Military Academy.

Youngsters who have gone to elementary school and junior high school are recruited into the Junior Military Academy. If some people aspire to be a soldier, as long as they finish elementary school, they don't need to go to junior high school, and they can directly enter the Junior Military Academy to study.

The juvenile military academy is full of teenagers under the age of [-], in which they will learn various military knowledge, skills and other knowledge, and of course, some necessary cultural courses will also be taught.

In addition to taking knowledge and theory classes, they usually also carry out physical training, and they are trained from an early age to become a real professional soldier.

And all the expenses of the Junior Military Academy will be reimbursed by the state finances. In addition, those teenagers in the Junior Military Academy, once they reach the age of eighteen, can either enter the army for training, or enter other military academies in the empire for further study. "

After Han Ling finished speaking, he handed the documents to the people below.

While watching, they were thinking about Han Ling's solution.

Later they also understood that schools such as elementary school, junior high school, and high school can be said to be the basis for cultivating social talents and civil servants.

Although there are North China Strategic Command School, Yenching Non-commissioned Officer Academy, etc. behind this, all the students they recruit are over [-] years old.

They are all students who have completed elementary and middle school, and they are all adults.

However, there are no specialized military schools for adults.

If a juvenile military academy is established, it means that there will be a full-time training school for military officers in the future, and militarized training for those teenagers will start from an early age.

When they became adults at the age of eighteen, they had already experienced six years of military education, and they had a great innate advantage over those students who graduated from high school and were admitted to military academies.

First of all, these people who came out of the juvenile military academy have been branded with the army since they were young. Among the knowledge they know, military cultural knowledge is the most abundant, and the knowledge reserve is also the largest.

They can be said to be true professional soldiers. In the future, on the battlefield, even a young man in his twenties, but he has received military education since he was twelve years old.

No matter how difficult the ending is, his mind will be extremely firm, and his military command ability will be much stronger than that of the military chief officer of the same year.

Since ancient times, there have been only schools or schools, private schools and the like for training civil servants.

However, there has never been a school for training military officers from an early age. The method proposed by Han Ling can be said to be a historical precedent.

There are many advantages to starting a military academy for teenagers, but there is also a big problem.

"Your Majesty! The old minister has to say that there are too many benefits to starting a military academy for young people, but we also have a big problem to solve.

Our military expenditure is only so much. If we follow the above, the military expenditure may be far from enough.

Even from the perspective of the empire's overall finances, if it follows the above, the empire's finances may not be able to bear it.

Our Great Han Empire has a large population, even if there are only a few million teenagers joining the army, that is still a huge number.And this period is also when they grow up, the food must not be too bad, and the amount must be large.

For this food expense, the daily consumption is probably a huge amount.

Moreover, the Junior Military Academy has knowledge theory courses as well as training courses.

These costs are also astronomical, and I am afraid that the empire's finances will not be able to bear it. "

After Zhan Ning finished reading it, he immediately thought of the issue of financial and military expenditures.

This method is good, but the financial requirements are relatively high, especially for these teenagers.

As the so-called half-children eat poor old men, the teenagers at this time are in the period of physical development, and the daily food intake is large, so the life you give can't be bad.Even the cost of food can scare people to death.

Chapter 489: Another Income Comes In

"I have also considered the issue you mentioned! As for their food, I don't think we need to worry about it.

Now we have a lot of food to buy weapons, and we can transfer a large amount of food to these juvenile military schools.With so much food, just squeezing out a little is enough for them to eat.

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