As for their nutritional issues during this period, I think this point can also be obtained from other countries.

Now the whole world is engaged in an arms race, and my country's weapons and equipment are currently leading the world. I believe they will come to us to buy weapons and equipment soon. At this time, we can ask them to use other payments. ,

For example, live cattle and sheep, or other animals to pay for these transactions.We can add these things to the Junior Military Academy without consuming our finances at all.

As for the weapons and ammunition used in training.

Aren't we going to change clothes across the country now?

Those weapons and equipment were not sealed at all, and were sent directly to the Junior Military Academy for them to use for training.These semi-automatic weapons are not out of date, we just started to change them for war.

Many countries in the world have not yet popularized semi-automatic rifles, so there is no problem in training them with these weapons. "

Han Ling gave a solution to the problem raised by Mr. Zhan Ning.

It's not that Han Ling hasn't thought about these issues. After all, everything needs money now, and Han Ling must consider the country's financial issues.

When Han Ling was in the command hall of the military headquarters, Shi Zhaoji was receiving a person at this time, that is Mr. Serev, the Soviet ambassador to Han.

"I don't know what Mr. Selev wants to see me today?"

Shi Zhaoji looked at Serev with a smile on his face and asked.

"That's right, Mr. Shi Zhaoji. I respect the meaning of our country's comrade Slinda, and come to ask the Han Empire if he can sell us some weapons, such as your country's Type 29 medium tanks and Type 28 fighter planes!"

Looking at the smile on Serev's face, he almost had a flower on his head.

"Oh! That's how it is!"

After Shi Zhaoji replied, he lowered his head and began to play with the teacup in his hand, but he seemed to be in deep thought.

He was thinking about what the old Maozi meant by this move.

What does it mean to buy weapons, and it is still the current active weapons and equipment of the Han Empire, but to send an ambassador?

Serev seemed to see Shi Zhaoji's doubts, and said with a smile: "Of course, Mr. Shi Zhaoji can think about it carefully. Our country's diplomat, Mr. Molotov, will arrive tomorrow!"

"Oh! So that's the case, then I can go back and ask His Majesty later! After all, this kind of thing is not something that I, the foreign minister, can decide."

Shi Zhaoji didn't say whether he would sell it or not. In fact, he really didn't know whether Han Ling would sell it or not.

"As it should be!"

As night fell, Shi Zhaoji waited for Han Ling's arrival in the Imperial Study Room of the Forbidden City.

When he came this afternoon, he knew that Han Ling was in the military headquarters. If he had something to do, he could wait in the imperial study.

Because Lao Maozi's diplomacy will arrive tomorrow, he must know what Han Ling means tonight.

He had asked someone to tell Han Ling, but Han Ling hadn't come yet, so he could only wait here.

He has already eaten dinner, and the imperial dining room made him dinner for the evening, so he is not tired now.

"His Majesty is here!"

Amid the shouts, Han Ling appeared in front of Shi Zhaoji.

"Excuse me, Aiqing! I already know what you said, but I have something important to do this afternoon, so I will make Aiqing wait longer.

Han Ling sat in his seat, looked at Shi Zhaoji and said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"As for what you said about the old man wanting to buy our weapons, you can sell them. Type 28 fighter jets, Type 29 medium tanks, and Wuyue-class battleships can all be sold to them. Anyway, these things have to be withdrawn from the active equipment of the empire. Yes, selling them is considered waste. As for the price, you can decide as high as you can. In addition, you tell them that if they want to buy weapons, this time I don’t want food, I want living bodies Animals, live animals that can be eaten.

Chickens, ducks, fish, cattle and sheep are all fine, if they can get other animals, as long as they are edible.

The trading items this time use these things to trade, and you have to tell them that the Han Empire only wants healthy living creatures.Those who are sick or dying are not wanted. "

Just as he was about to sleep, someone brought him a pillow. Han Ling also thought this old man was funny.

He was about to open a military academy for young people, and he said that the country came to buy weapons so that he could exchange them for them. Who knew that he would get news from Shi Zhaoji in the afternoon that the old man wanted weapons, which was really a coincidence.

"Yes! Your Majesty! The old minister knows."

Although Shi Zhaoji didn't know why Han Ling wanted meat again, he still knew that Han Ling must have a deep meaning in doing so.

"En! It's good to know. Did Ai Qing eat? It's past eight o'clock now! If you haven't eaten, then eat with me!"

"Thank you Your Majesty, the old minister has already eaten. The imperial dining room will deliver the food in the evening!"

"Just eat it. Since that's the case, I won't keep you anymore. You should go back and think about how to negotiate with the old man!"


At ten o'clock the next morning, a plane flying from the northwest landed at a small field airport on the outskirts of Yanjing.

This time, Lao Maozi didn't want other countries in the world to know, and Han Ling didn't want other countries to know now, so he landed at this small military airport.

After Molotov arrived, he was first arranged to go to his lower tower, rested for a while, had lunch, and took a nap. At three o'clock in the afternoon, Molotov was received by Shi Zhaoji. A conference room in the department.

"Mr. Shi, Selyov must have told you the reason for my visit. I don't know what your country thinks?"

Molotov looked at Shi Zhaoji straight to the point and asked.

"Mr. Molotov, don't be so anxious. Regarding your country's desire to purchase our country's active weapons and equipment, I have received full authorization from His Majesty to sell them to you. But you also know that this is our country's active equipment. Our country I also need to equip myself, and sell some of them to your country when the output is not much. This is entirely based on the friendship between the Han and the Soviet Union. Therefore, the price is estimated to be higher!"

If Zhang Hanqing heard Shi Zhaoji's words, he would probably laugh out loud.

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