It is also active equipment, and these weapons and equipment will soon be retired from active service.

For example, the Type 28 fighters, the current Type 28 fighters were all produced in the past two years, and now there are no such fighters, and all the Type 29 fighters are produced.

The Type 29 medium tank will soon be retired from active service.

As for the Navy's Wuyue-class battleship, it will soon be retired from active service.

Now the military department is planning the change of the navy. After all, the army has changed, so the navy will naturally change.

More than [-] battleships want to be sold in a package.

Now, according to the news disclosed by Han Ling, the new battleship is a battleship with larger gun caliber, larger displacement, armor protection, anti-submarine capability, and anti-torpedo performance, and this battleship also has anti-torpedo function.

Therefore, the Wuyue-class battleship will also be retired!

Chapter 490: Reason

"Please rest assured, Mr. Shi, as long as the price is right, our country can fully pay for the weapons!"

Since Molotov wanted to buy weapons, the beard must have given him full authorization, and in fact it was true. This time the beard gave Molotov full freedom to play.

"En! That's good! Since your country is so sincere, you can take a look at our weapon list! Here are some weapons that our country is going to sell. Molotov can take a look together. If you like that weapon , you can tell me, and I can also be the master and sell it to you!"

At this time, Shi Zhaoji seemed to have transformed into an arms dealer again.

Molotov took the list of weapons given by Shi Zhaoji and looked at it.

When I saw it, I was immediately surprised.

Because there are many weapons on it.

From pistols, semi-automatic rifles, artillery, to airplanes, tanks, and warships, it can be said that there are many things on it.

Now the whole country has to change weapons, and the number of semi-automatic rifles replaced by the army, navy and air force is about [-] million.

This is still a preliminary result. The [-] million are from the standing army, some garrison troops, and the garrison area.

For example, more than [-] semi-automatic rifles will be replaced somewhere in the Siberian security zone.

There are other troops, forty standing armies, ten quick-response mobile armies, gluttonous army, Siberian border guards, navy, air force and so on.

With so many weapons and equipment, the Junior Military Academy must never run out of them.It's a waste to put it there if you can't use it up!

It's better to sell part of it, as much as you can sell.

And others, such as artillery, are just for the old man.

Sell ​​it to you!

Anyway, the air supremacy will be snatched by the Han Empire at that time. As long as you dare to fire, my dive bomber can bomb you.

Not all other warships have to be replaced.The Wuyue-class battleship is the most advanced battleship in the world, but in the Han Empire, it is something that will soon become obsolete.Just buy it for whoever wants it. It can just improve the finances of the Han Empire and solve some problems of the Han Empire.

"Your country even sells advanced battleships like the Wuyue-class battleship?"

Molotov couldn't help being surprised when he saw that the Wuyue-class battleship was going to be sold.

"Naturally! Didn't I sell it before? But because there were too many countries to buy, and our country didn't have enough warships at the time, so for the principle of fairness and friendship, our country chose to auction."

Shi Zhaoji explained to Molotov with a smile on his face.

"It's just that this price seems to be even more expensive than the last auction! The starting price of the last auction in your country was [-] million U.S. dollars. Why is it [-] million U.S. dollars this time?"

"But last time it was an auction! In order not to increase the pressure on other countries, our country overwhelmed the low price by [-] million US dollars. At that time, we almost thought that we would lose money! But since it is selling now, our country naturally cannot lose money, no Speaking of other things, at least the wages of this worker will continue to be paid!"

Looking at Shi Zhaoji's righteous and awe-inspiring words, people who don't know really think what he said is true.

But Molotov knew in his heart that he couldn't believe this at all.

Although he didn't take it seriously, it was a sale. Shi Zhaoji sold it for [-] million yuan. Whether you buy it or not is up to you.

Then Molotov read on.

After reading it, he went back to look at the prices of Type 28 fighter jets and Type 29 medium tanks.

A Type 28 medium-sized fighter plane actually costs 29 U.S. dollars, and a Type [-] medium-sized tank costs [-] U.S. dollars.

These prices are all higher than the low price of the previous auction.

But Molotov didn't say anything. The price has already been set by others. Whether it can be sold or not, and whether it can be negotiated depends on how he does it.

For the rest of the weapons, Molotov did not look at them, nor did he have any tendency to buy them.

The first is the semi-automatic weapon. This thing has powerful firepower, but it also has high requirements for ammunition consumption and logistics!

Now Lao Maozi's annual output of Gangte is only tens of thousands of tons!

How could he afford this thing.

And their transportation is not good. They can afford this thing, but they can't use it.

As for artillery, he thought that he could produce it in his own country, and there was no need to buy artillery from the Han Empire.

At that time, a special production line will be opened to produce shells for the artillery of the Han Empire, which is really too troublesome.

"Shi Zhaoji! Our country has taken a fancy to Type 28 fighter jets and Type 29 medium tanks. But the price is really a bit expensive. I wonder if your country can lower it?"

Molotov looked at Shi Zhaoji and asked after reading everything.

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