"Your Majesty! Is the empire going to get involved in Spain's internal affairs?"

Mr. Zhan Ning asked suddenly.

The information given by Han Ling is about some internal problems in Spain.

Because of some reasons of Han Ling in this time and space, the bearded man accelerated his internal affairs activities in Spain.

As an old enemy, Mustache also began to operate in Spain.

Because of their accelerated activities, the internal turmoil in Spain was a year earlier than in history.

Franco's ambitions have also begun to swell in advance, and recently he has also started to confront his president Azania in some public places.

This also led to more instability within Spain.

It is precisely because these things happened one year earlier, that Han Ling thinks that the Spanish Civil War may happen more than one year earlier than in history.

"Participate in Spain's internal affairs? No! I don't have this idea yet. Spain is thousands of miles away from the empire, and the empire has no idea of ​​sending troops to Spain's internal affairs. But don't you think this is another way for the empire to make a fortune in war? If Spain Once the civil war breaks out, I guess the two guys, the mustache and the beard, will definitely participate in it!

In my opinion, the Spanish Civil War is not so much the Spanish Civil War as it is a place where mustaches and beards compete.The two countries represent two forces, and this is a duel venue for two great forces.

It is not yet suitable for the empire to stand in a clear line, so the empire only needs to sell some weapons to them.Whichever side is weak, the empire will sell weapons to that side.Let their war last longer, that's all!

However, in addition to buying weapons for them, we also need to send a military observation group to see them. In addition, we will also draw a conclusion on the combat effectiveness of the mustache and bearded troops! "

For the Spanish Civil War, Han Ling had no interest in participating in something that was thousands of miles away.

However, Han Ling is still very confident in making a little war fortune through this war, and then evaluating the specific combat effectiveness of the mustache and bearded troops.

"Assessing Mustache's and Beard's Army Wars?"

Lord Zhan Ning and other people in the military department looked at each other. They didn't understand why observing the Spanish Civil War was to evaluate the combat effectiveness of the army with mustaches and beards.

Is it a bit unbelievable that these two countries will send troops to participate in the Spanish Civil War!

Only Han Ling knew that the Spanish Civil War was not only a prelude to World War II, but also a weapon testing base.

It is the weapon testing base of Mustache and Beard.

"Okay! Now what we are going to talk about is preparing to form a military observation group, but the head of this military observation group needs an old future!"

Chapter 493: Repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act

While Han Ling and the others were selecting who would be the leader of the military observation group to lead the military observation group to Spain, a vote was going on in the United States on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

Some time ago, Lao Luo began to run in Congress calling on the majority of congressmen to abolish the inhuman act of the "Chinese Exclusion Act".

From the freedom and democracy of the founding of the United States to the fact that the Han Empire has become the hegemony of Asia, Lao Luo kept telling Congress.

The United States needs this powerful ally, and cannot lose the Han Empire, the Asian hegemon, by insisting on implementing the "Chinese Exclusion Act" for some reasons many years ago.

Lao Luo appealed in Congress many times: Why can the United States rise to the world in just a hundred years?Isn't it because of freedom and democracy?

The Chinese Exclusion Act was originally a bill that violated the U.S. Constitution. It looked at this ancient civilization that has been passed down for thousands of years from a narrow perspective, which is extremely inhumane and ignorant.

Lao Luo also said many times: It was the former Chinese dynasty that had many bad habits, not the current Han Empire.We cannot transfer the method of dealing with the former Chinese dynasty to the current Han Empire, this will cause us to lose a powerful ally.

When Lao Luo called for this matter, the governors of the states below the United States also began to support Lao Luo's call.

In the past, there were quite a few congressmen who were hesitant to abolish this bill.

Later, because of certain financial groups in the United States, a large number of congressmen did not agree to abolish the Chinese Exclusion Act.

They said that there are too many Chinese bad habits, and if this bill is abolished, it will have a huge impact on the United States.

It was under such circumstances that Qihang Company purchased large tracts of land in many southern states of the United States, such as Texas and other regions, and exploited a large amount of oil.

Then Qihang Company approached certain large consortiums and asked them if they would like to cooperate with Qihang Company in mining.

Under such circumstances, the wind direction of certain consortiums suddenly changed.

Why did those consortiums not agree to repeal the Chinese Exclusion Act?

Because the sailing companies are competing for their interests.

The distribution of Qihang Company in the United States has developed rapidly because of the support of Qihang Company headquarters in the Han Empire.

After Lao Luo implemented those policies, it developed rapidly.Qihang Company has developed rapidly, but it has affected some interests of the American local consortium, so they will obstruct this matter.

But this time Qihang Company extracted oil and wanted to share a part of it with them. Now their tone changed immediately.

As we all know, at this time, the Congress of the United States is controlled by those consortiums.As long as those consortiums are impressed with their interests, it will be easy for the Congress.

So next, the wind direction of those members of Congress also changed, and most of them agreed to repeal this bill.

And today, August [-], [-], is the time for the United States to vote on whether to abolish the "Chinese Exclusion Act."

Lao Luo was sitting in the first place, holding a decision hammer in his hand, watching a member of parliament vote, and there were two people standing there beside him.

"Johnny, do you think they'll agree?"

Although Lao Luo had already predicted the result, he still asked a little worriedly.

The abolition of the Chinese Exclusion Act this time is not only a response to the beating of overseas Chinese by American soldiers last time, but also a way to show favor to the Han Empire and win over the Han Empire.

Now, as the arms race progresses, the world situation has become confusing. That is to say, the United States, the Han Empire, Britain and France are still maintaining their final calm, and other countries have begun to go crazy in order to expand their armaments.

Even the bearded man couldn't calm down, and wanted to buy fighter planes and tanks from the Han Empire.

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