"Mr. President, I think they will agree! I heard that some time ago Qihang Company gave a lot of benefits to Morgan, Rockefeller and other eight major consortiums. In addition, I heard that they have other cooperation projects in recent times. Now the eight major consortiums have already cooperated with Qihang Company. A lot of interests are involved. I am afraid that these congressmen will agree!"

As an economist, Johnny may not understand military matters.But when it comes to the American economy, he knows everything.

He is very clear about Qihang's status in the United States.

Now Qihang Company has been called the ninth largest consortium in the United States by some people below, and its influence can be seen.

Now many people have to rely on Qihang Company for food, coupled with the influence of the other eight consortiums, these congressmen should know how to do it.

"Yes! I will agree! Do you think we can reap the friendship of the Han Empire? Now the world situation is getting more and more confusing. If the Han Empire and us can reach an agreement on certain interests, no matter what happens in the future , we, the United States, are still the United States, and that cannot be changed!"

When Lao Luo talked about certain benefits, doubts flashed in his eyes. He didn't know if it was worth it this time.

"I don't know! I don't know how the Orientals think!"

Johnny didn't know either.

When the conversation between Lao Luo and Jonny was over, the vote in Congress was also over.

Ticket planners also began to draft tickets.

Half a day later, the ticket drafting was over, and the two ticket drafters looked at Lao Luo.

"Well! Read the results!"

Lao Luo nodded and asked them to read the results.

"A total of [-] congressmen participated in this vote, with a total of [-] seats. Vote on whether to abolish the "Chinese Exclusion Act."

Now the voting results are as follows:

There were [-] votes in favor of repealing the Chinese Exclusion Act, [-] against repealing the Chinese Exclusion Act, and [-] abstentions.

Now according to the number of votes, I declare that the "Chinese Exclusion Act" is officially repealed from today! "

Among the National Foreign Guests Hotel in the capital of the United States.

"Shangfeng, good news! Great news! I just got the news that the American Congress has officially voted to repeal the Chinese Exclusion Act."

A member of the visiting group excitedly ran into the room that Lao Luo had arranged for Shangfeng and Yan Baichuan, and said loudly.

"Oh? Is this true?"

There was also a touch of excitement on Shangfeng's face.

This event can be regarded as the most successful event he has done in the United States.

Yan Baichuan next to him also looked at Shangfeng with a smile on his face.

"Old Jiang! We have finally done this matter, and when we return to China, we will have done a great job relying on this matter!"

Chapter 494: The Long-lost War

"Well! Yes! But our mission for this trip is basically completed. It will be time to return to China after a while!"

Shangfeng and the others have spent a lot of time in the United States, and it is time to go back.

"Well! It's time to go back. But this time the United States abolished the Chinese Exclusion Act. According to Lao Luo's approach, he may come to us soon. The real highlight is coming! Lao Luo has been working on this matter for so long , If there is no purpose, I can't do it!"

Whether it is Yan Baichuan or Shangfeng, they are a group of veterans who have been in the officialdom for a long time. They are more sensitive to political matters than military matters.That's why Yan Baichuan said this, and Shangfeng also agreed with Yan Baichuan's statement.

"Hmm! This is normal. But we should follow the original plan! Anyway, His Majesty has given us a policy for handling the relationship between the two countries, as long as we don't violate this policy!"

On August [-], [-], the third day after the abolition of the Chinese Exclusion Act, Shangfeng and Yan Baichuan met Lao Luo in his office.

"Thank you, Mr. President, for your contribution to the friendship between China and the United States. I believe that His Majesty will be very happy after knowing this!"

Shangfeng smiled and expressed his gratitude and affirmation to Lao Luo for his efforts.

"This is what I should do. I have always believed that the bill is extremely inhumane. It not only violates our American Constitution, but also is unfair to the Han Empire. The Han Empire is a world power. As a world power, it should accept The treatment due to a world power!"

The specification given by Lao Luo is not low, it can even be said to be very high.But the more this happened, Shangfeng and Yan Baichuan knew that what Lao Luo was going to say later was not so simple.

"But I still want to thank Mr. President for his efforts!"

Thanks should still be given, Shangfeng has done a good job in these aspects.

Lao Luo and his assistant, Johnny, looked at each other, and they both knew that their thanks were not only acceptance of America's kindness, but also rejection.Because they are rejecting some of the demands of the United States, such as his later request for an alliance between the Han Empire and the United States.

"The friendship between the United States and China began more than a hundred years ago. These things are nothing but trivial matters. Did Mr. Jiang and Mr. Yan have a good time in the United States this time? If you don't mind, I hope you can come again Stay for a while longer. I believe that we, America, will not disappoint you two!"

Lao Luo didn't ask for an alliance hastily, but asked to stay, as if he knew that Shangfeng and Yan Baichuan were going to leave the United States.

After Shangfeng and Yan Baichuan looked at each other, Shangfeng said with a smile: "Thank you, Mr. President, for your kindness, but we have been out for too long. Mr. President knows that when our country is developing at a high speed, we still need to go back to China Deal with some matters! I'm afraid I won't be able to stay in the United States for a long time. But Mr. President's kindness, I will bring it to our Majesty!"

"All right!"

Lao Luo shrugged, looking a little regretful.

"But before the two of you leave, I have a heartfelt request! I don't know if I should say it or not!"

Lao Luo clasped his hands together, turned his head and shrugged.

"I don't know what's the matter?"

"The two of you also know that the world situation is becoming more and more confusing. As the Pacific powers, the United States and China should join hands to contribute to world peace. What do you two agree?"

"The main event is here!"

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