Shangfeng and Yan Baichuan looked at each other and understood what was going on in their hearts.

Lao Luo finally asked this question.

After pondering for a few seconds, Shang Feng slowly and carefully considered each word: "At this stage, our country is mainly focused on development. We hope to enable our citizens to live a superior life as soon as possible, so we have not thought about forming an alliance with a certain country at this stage. Or participate in the world situation!"

Regarding Shangfeng and Yan Baichuan's answers, although Lao Luo was a little disappointed, he also felt normal.

If this is the case, the Han Empire will agree to form an alliance.Lao Luo felt that there was a ghost.

The Han Empire disagreed, which was exactly what he expected.

"Oh! It's a pity, but since your country wants to let its citizens live a superior life first, I don't think anyone will refuse!"

Lao Luo agreed, since the Great Han Empire does not agree to form an alliance at this time, it is not the time to hate the Great Han Empire.

But when Shangfeng and the others rejected Lao Luo's request for an alliance, the situation in Europe at this time had already begun to deteriorate.

Because Mustache supports Franco's side, and they are also Mustache's spokespersons in Spain, and Spain is not far from Mustache, so the level of arrogance in Spain began to rise sharply.

But the bearded man supported his president Azania, because Franco became more and more arrogant, and Azania felt the pressure increased.

At this time, Beard began to secretly send some personnel into Spain to help Azania suppress Franco's side.

At this time, Mustache has nothing to do, because now Mustache is doing his best to expand his armaments, and he really can't afford to step up his intervention in Spain's internal affairs.

But at this time, Mustache can't step up his intervention, but someone can intervene.

That is Lao Mo's Italy and Portugal.

Mustache and the intention of pulling Portugal and Lao Mo made them step up their efforts to suppress Big Beard.

Lao Mo also felt very interested in the Spanish incident, so he happily sent someone to intervene in Spain's internal affairs.

It was a disaster all of a sudden, and the bearded man immediately ordered to increase the support.

In this way, the forces represented by the mustache and the big beard began to pinch each other. At this level, the situation in Spain suddenly became tense.

After Han Ling learned of this situation, he immediately felt that the head of the military observation group should be confirmed.

"Dear dears, after many days of consideration, I have decided to send Gu Mosan as the head of the military observation group, and lead the observation group to Spain to observe!"

Han Ling stood in the command hall of the military headquarters, looked at the staff of the military headquarters and said.

"Next, I will talk about the main personnel of the military observation group!"

After Han Ling finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Hanqing.

Chapter 495: Start Layout in Advance

"Hu Boyu, Zhang Zongling, Dai Bingyang, Sun Fumin, Huang Huanran, Wang Zuomin, Song Yinguo, Liao Jianchu"

Zhang Hanqing was reading a document slowly, and the military personnel below were really confused.

Because in this list, they found that many people were unknown to them, and they were not members of the military department at all, and these people after that were military members.

They didn't understand who was able to attract His Majesty's attention, and the first person to be drafted was actually someone else.

Of course, Han Ling would not tell them that many of these front-line personnel were still studying in the military academy, and some of them had just graduated from the military academy and had just been assigned to the company below.And these people, in the original historical time and space, were all well-known military commanders.

These people are also the people Han Ling wants to use.

However, this time and space has changed due to history, so some of their experiences are not as rich as before. Now Han Ling plans to get them into the military observation group, go to Spain to watch the war, and temper them by the way.This is what Han Ling meant.

For these people, Han Ling knew that if they could become famous in history and become famous generals, they must not be mentally handicapped, they must have a certain understanding.

"Okay! The people Hanqing read just now are members of the military observation group. You are responsible for notifying those soldiers who are not members of the military department, and notify them in place! Let's stop here today! You all go to work!"

After Han Ling finished speaking, he turned his attention to Mr. Zhan Ning, Bai Jiansheng and Zhang Hanqing.

"Mr. Zhan Ning, you guys come to the office with me!"

After Han Ling finished speaking, he took the lead and left. Zhang Hanqing and the others looked at each other and left.

Han Ling was in the military office.

"Sit down, all of you! Mr. Zhan Ning, what do you think of the current world situation?"

As soon as Mr. Zhan Ning sat down, Han Ling asked.

"What about the current world situation?"

Mr. Zhan Ning frowned before slowly deliberating: "Now the world situation has become more and more confusing! The current unstable factors in the world are the virtue of the little beard, the meaning of old Mo, and the Su of the beard.

These three countries are currently the most aggressive countries in the world, and this time the deterioration of the domestic situation in Spain is the result of their confrontation.According to the information provided by you, Your Majesty, the army in Mustache's hands has now expanded to two million.But I estimate that it will take a year or two for them to form combat effectiveness.As for Lao Mo's intentions over there, although he is also expanding his army and preparing for war, his domestic economic situation is not good, so I don't think there will be too many changes in his intentions in a short time.

The rest is the bearded Su, and the bearded man is now vigorously expanding his army and preparing for war, as if he is going to fight.Poland, sandwiched between the beard and the mustache, is currently in an increasingly dangerous situation.Just last month, the bearded man made a request to Poland to send troops into Poland to protect their nationals, but was rejected by Poland.The [-] troops stationed in Poland by Mustache were also protested by the Polish government.Now the domestic conflicts in Spain have also been intensified. If it continues at this level, I think it is very likely that the bearded Su will provoke a big war in the end. "

While talking, Mr. Zhan Ning was considering his words.

"Jiansheng, what do you think? Is it still the same as Mr. Zhan Ning?"

After listening to Mr. Zhan Ning's answer, Han Ling was not in a hurry to express his opinion, but turned his attention to Bai Jiansheng again.

"I think what the principal said makes sense. Mustache's virtue is not only because the army's combat effectiveness has not yet been formed, but also because Germany's economic strength has not yet recovered. Although Mustache's economic construction has achieved initial results, they It is estimated that it will take about a year to completely get rid of the economy.

Coupled with the formation of their army's combat effectiveness, I don't think the mustaches would start a war three or seven years ago!But the beard is very likely! "

On this point, Bai Jiansheng and Mr. Zhan Ning had the same idea.

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