"Some of my opinions are the same as yours, but others are contrary to yours.

Thirty-seven years ago, the mustache would start a war, but it was only a local war!To provoke a big war, I estimate that it will be around [-] years.It will not exceed three or eight years at the latest.

As for the bearded man who you say will start a war first, I guess he won't start a big war.Because of our previous reasons, his previous food-for-machine plan did not go smoothly.He only started getting a lot of machines from us after the Seven.

But as a result of their accelerated industrialization process, their country has fallen into a food shortage.Now Beard needs several years to stabilize domestic industrial development and economic and agricultural development.

The reason I want you to come today is the layout of the next step.

Now our country is already the hegemon in Asia and has been able to change the world situation.

Yesterday, Yan Baichuan and the others sent a message saying that the President of the United States, Lao Luo, wanted to form an alliance with us, but was politely rejected by Yan Baichuan and Shangfeng.

Some time ago, Mustache ordered a batch of Type 28 fighters and a large number of tanks from us.In addition, Falkenhausen also revealed to us some time ago that we hope we can sell them three more Wuyue-class battleships! "

Han Ling paused here, glanced at Bai Jiansheng and Zhang Hanqing, and then continued: "We sold the warship to the mustache De, it's nothing, it just so happens that he can also involve those British gangsters for us.

Now we are in East Asia. Whether it is Southeast Asia in the south, Australia in the south, or India in the west, they are all within the sphere of influence of the British country. If we want to challenge the world dominance of the British country, we must first What we have to face is the siege of the British country, and what we have to do now is to plan ahead. Once the war starts, we will rush out of Asia! "

Han Ling paused again before saying: "The key to breaking out of Asia is the South Seas! Now our South China Sea Fleet has ten battleships, five aircraft carriers and twenty-five heavy cruisers, but I don't think it's enough. We need to increase the strength of the South China Sea Fleet. It’s just that we need to increase the strength of the South China Sea Fleet without arousing the vigilance of the Ying Yankees. Everyone is talking about how to confuse the Ying Yankees!”

Chapter 496: Layout

"How to confuse the British? Mr. Zhan Ning and the others couldn't help but look at each other when they heard Han Ling's words.

It is not such a simple matter to confuse the Ying countrymen. The Ying countrymen are not fools. It is too difficult for me and others to arrange them without being discovered by them, and it is an aboveboard arrangement.

But there is a saying, the Han Empire has never lacked resourceful people.

Since the Warring States period, Huaxia has used all kinds of conspiracies and tricks and vertical and horizontal techniques in national wars. A counselor can even fool several countries with one mouth.

"Your Majesty! I have an idea, but I don't know if it will work!"

Half a day later, a voice sounded, and Han Ling turned his head to see that it was Bai Jiansheng.

"It's healthy but it's okay to talk!"

Han Ling remembered that Bai Jiansheng in history was known as Little Zhuge. Would such a person have no real talent and learning?There will be fewer ghost ideas in your head?

"Your Majesty, didn't the empire reach an agreement with other countries when it participated in the Seven Nations Conference, did the empire have three oil mining rights in the Middle East and five mining rights in Australia? We don't have to focus on the South Seas, but It's about focusing on the big picture.

Maybe those proud British nationals will find out if we are in Nanyang, but if we bypass Nanyang, their vigilance will not be so strong.And the most important thing is that we start from the Middle East or Australia, as long as our superficial strength is normal, they will not doubt it! "

Bai Jiansheng's words immediately lit up the eyes of everyone around him.

And Han Ling and Mr. Zhan Ning looked at each other. They hadn't thought of this just now, and it seemed that it was right to brainstorm.

"Keep talking! I want to know what your overall plan is!"

Seeing Bai Jiansheng stop, Han Ling said softly.

This time, Bai Jiansheng was not in a hurry to say anything, but continued after thinking for a while: "We can first exploit oil in the Middle East. Now our country's land, sea and air have begun to expand rapidly, and all countries in the world know that our army is very mechanized." It consumes a lot of fuel. We are mining oil in the Middle East, and I believe they will not have any doubts, because this is the normal reaction we should have. We can even ask for two more mining rights.

Maybe the Yankees will be disgusted by our greed, but they will not doubt it in other directions.And we extract oil, which needs to be shipped back from the port, right?In addition, oil is a strategic material. It makes sense for us to build a large port on the surface, but it is a large port that no one is allowed to approach.And how much navy can we hide in such a port?

In addition, the Australian side is also, it is said that Australia's iron ore reserves are very rich.Now iron ore and other materials are still strategic materials, we use the same method, I believe they will not be too vigilant.And at a certain time, we can also use the aborigines of Nanyang as a shield and kill a few people to attract the attention of the British nationals.Then to cover our operations in Australia and the Middle East"

Bai Jiansheng organized his words slowly and spoke slowly, while Han Ling and the others kept nodding.

Why did they deploy Nanyang before?Wasn't it because in the event of a war, Nanyang must be taken as soon as possible. To put it bluntly, it was to catch the Ying countrymen by surprise, and then the Han Empire took this opportunity to rush out of their encirclement.

Now the Han Empire is the overlord of Asia, but the surrounding situation of the Han Empire is indeed not good.

India in the west, Southeast Asia, Australia and other places are all the spheres of influence of the British.

And on the Pacific Ocean to the east, the United States, who wears the same pair of pants as the British Grenade, is still staring at it.

You said that in this case, can Han Ling make arrangements in advance?

It is said that opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. If you don’t prepare in advance now, if a war breaks out by then, you will have nowhere to cry.

"Mr. Zhan Ning, what do you think?"

After pondering for a while, Han Ling turned his gaze to Lord Zhan Ning, looked at Lord Zhan Ning and asked.

"I think it's feasible! The purpose of our layout in Nanyang is to break out of the encirclement of Britain and the United States as soon as possible in the event of a war. So I don't think we have to deploy in Nanyang. We can deploy outside Nanyang. achieve this effect.”

Mr. Zhan Ning thought for a while before he said with certainty.

In fact, Han Ling also thinks that this method is good, and using oil and iron ore mining as a cover, Britain and the United States really can't imagine that they are planning for Nanyang.

And the most important thing is, wasn't the mining right originally required to exploit these resources?

As I said at the last seven-nation meeting, the seven-nation meeting is a re-division of the world structure, and to put it bluntly, it is a re-division of resources.

If the Han Empire has not mined, then there is a ghost, but if it is mined, it is normal!

"Well! That's right! Jiansheng, this incident should be a great credit to you. But I can't reward you for this credit right now, otherwise it would be bad if some people see the clue."

Rewards for meritorious deeds and punishments for demerits, this is what the superior must do.However, Han Ling couldn't reward him for his contribution this time. After all, this kind of thing is a very secret thing, if he rewarded him now.From the outsiders' point of view, it was him who rewarded Bai Jiansheng for no reason, which inevitably aroused their doubts.To be on the safe side, Han Ling didn't plan to reward him now.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! This is what I should do!"

A look of excitement flashed across Bai Jiansheng's face.

Learning a whole body of art selling and imperial family, this is the iron law that has not changed in China since ancient times.

Now that Han Ling said this, it showed that he would definitely reward him, but he would reward him at an appropriate time.The golden mouth and jade words are all open, how can this be false?

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