"Okay! You should be rewarded if you have meritorious service. There is nothing to say! Now let's talk about some specific steps!"

After Han Ling finished speaking, Mr. Zhan Ning and the others began to think about the details.

Just now Bai Jiansheng has already mentioned the general plan, but there are still many details in it, and these details can't be wrong. Does anyone know that there is a saying that success or failure is determined by details?

Chapter 497: Big Action

"Mr. Zhan Ning, you have the most experience and the oldest age here. You are more mature and stable in doing things. Do you have anything to say about the details here?"

In terms of details, an old man with rich life experience and a lot of things is definitely more thoughtful than a young man, and he is also more reliable than a young man, so Han Ling was the first to ask Mr. Zhan Ning.

Who made him the oldest here!

"Details! I think the details this time are a matter of grasping the degree. Because we generally speaking, going to the Middle East to mine oil and Australia to mine iron ore, these are our normal things that can no longer be normal.

So this incident itself will not arouse their suspicion. What really arouses their suspicion is the issue of our escort fleet.

If we send a huge fleet, I believe it will definitely arouse the suspicion of others, so the degree we need to master is the size of the escort fleet.

First, the size of the fleet should not be too large, otherwise it is easy to be suspected by the British.

Second, it can't be too small. Too small is of no use to our layout, and it is easy to show that our team's resources are not valued.

So what we need to discuss is the size of the escort fleet.How big a fleet can not arouse the suspicion of other countries, but also help us. "

Now Jiang Baili is the key to this matter.

The fleet can't be too big or too small, it has to be suitable.There is a degree here that must be grasped.

"Be sure? Well! I agree with Mr. Zhan Ning's words. Hearing what Mr. Zhan Ning said, I have some thoughts in my heart. Aren't we going to mine resources in the Middle East and Australia? Then we definitely need two escort fleets. The distance from Australia Indonesia is relatively close. We can use heavy cruisers as the main warships and destroyers as auxiliary. I believe that the British nationals will not doubt it. As for the number! I think three to five heavy cruisers are most suitable. After all Heavy cruisers are also large surface ships with independent operations, and it is not good to have too many.

As for the fleet we are going to escort in the Middle East, I think we can use one or two battleships to escort, but I think we can use two battleships, one of which is moored at the port, and declared to protect the port.

The other one is responsible for the safety of the tanker and is responsible for escorting the tanker.And this can also be equipped with between five and eight heavy cruisers and the rest of the destroyers.

This kind of fleet, alone together, is indeed powerful enough.But we are trying to separate them.After being separated in this way, it gave the outside world the feeling that these are two squadrons.I believe they will not have too much doubt! "

After thinking for a while, Han Ling looked at the crowd and said.

"Hey! That's right! Didn't Brother Jiansheng say just now that we can ask countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States for additional mining rights? We can show that we attach importance to oil and other things, and then ask them for additional mining rights. In this way, we More naval power can be released. And it won't arouse their suspicion!"

Zhang Hanqing spoke, although his method was a bit nonsense, but after thinking about it carefully, it was still the same.

If more mining rights are obtained, the Han Empire can deploy more escort fleets.And how to express the importance of those resources?

Then you can negotiate with Britain, the United States and other countries again and ask for more mining rights!

I believe that in this way, no one will suspect that the Han Empire has other plans.

"Hehe! I think it's good. It is said that the three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang. We are here today, so we have discussed a good way! But this matter has to be handled by Jiansheng, after all, you are the first to mention it. It came out. I’m afraid the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be used here, I will greet Shi Zhaoji, and he will cooperate with you!”

While all countries in the world are racing against time for an arms race, the Han Empire has begun to prepare something.

For example, fleets for ocean-going use, as well as various machines for oil extraction and so on.

In addition, there are countless oil tankers prepared, as if they are going to extract oil.

This surprised Carl and Jason, the ambassadors to Han. What is the Han Empire going to do?

Prepare so many things?To drill for oil?Where to?

Could it be that the Han Empire is also short of oil?They think about the warships, aircraft, tanks and other troops that the Han Empire has purchased in recent years, and they think it is reasonable to think about it.

Now the navy of the Han Empire is a big gas eater, with so many battleships, aircraft carriers, heavy cruisers, and destroyers, how much gas will be consumed in one patrol!

You must know that the current navy of the Great Han Empire is not the top three in the world. In terms of tonnage, it is the number one in the world.

Even the British countrymen are willing to bow down.

You said you have more than two hundred destroyers?

The Han Empire has more than [-] heavy cruisers, more than [-] destroyers, and more than [-] light cruisers.

Such a huge imperial navy, in terms of tonnage, is not yet able to crush the British countrymen.

Of course, such a huge naval fleet requires more oil.

So after learning that the Han Empire was also going out to drill for oil, Carl and Jason didn't have any accidents and thought it was normal.

The Han Empire was originally an oil-poor country, and many countries in the world know this.

How much oil do they need to support so many naval ships, air force aircraft, and army tanks and armored vehicles?

Carl and Jensen later learned that the Han Empire was going to the Middle East to exploit oil, and then they remembered that the Han Empire had the right to exploit three oil mines in the Middle East during the seven-nation meeting.

They also wondered why the Han Empire had to ask for the right to exploit oil at that time. After a long time, they had already started to mine oil, but they probably didn't have much time at that time!

Now that countries around the world are starting an arms race, they have time.

However, the actions of the Han Empire are more than that. In addition to sending countless personnel to enter the Middle East for mining, there are also countless personnel and machinery and equipment that have begun to be shipped to Australia.

In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Han Empire sent a special note to Mr. Karl, the British ambassador, regarding the two matters of oil exploitation and iron ore exploitation.

Chapter 498: Best Movie King—Shi Zhaoji

"I wonder how Mr. Carl feels about the taste of this Wuyishan Dahongpao?"

Today Shi Zhaoji is full of smiles, as if he and Karl are old friends who haven't seen each other for many years.

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