Karl, who has lived in the Great Han Empire for many years, also knows that the Great Han Empire has always pursued interestism. If he doesn't need you, he won't give you any good looks.

Shi Zhaoji found himself today, smiling all over his face, there must be something bad about him, of course, for himself.

"It tastes good! Thank you Minister Shi for the tea!"

Out of diplomatic etiquette, Karl just said that the tea was delicious, and he didn't say anything else, just waiting for Shi Zhaoji to speak.

Seeing Carl's appearance, Shi Zhaoji didn't bother to socialize with him anymore. Anyway, his task was just to tell those things. As for the final answer, Han Ling gave the answer that it doesn't matter.

"That's right! Mr. Carl also knows that our country is a big oil-consuming country. Now our country has no choice but to go out to the Middle East to extract oil. But before that, our country didn't have any bases in the Middle East, not even a place to park ships.,

Therefore, His Majesty of our country asked me to send a note to your country, hoping that your country's naval port can be lent to our country for a period of time. After our own port is built, we will not use your country's port again! "

"Use our country's naval port? I wonder how many escort fleets your country will send?"

Karl asked calmly when he heard Shi Zhaoji's words.

Seeing him like that, he seemed to be trying to trick out Shi Zhaoji's words, and Shi Zhaoji seemed to cooperate with him at this moment and said: "Not many, not many! Just two battleships, five heavy cruisers, and some destroyers and other ships!"

"Two battleships? Five heavy cruisers? This escort fleet is too much!"

Karl looked at Shi Zhaoji suspiciously, as if he wanted to see something on his face.Send two battleships to escort?Is this scale a bit big?

"Many? No, no, no! Not many at all! We have two battleships, one in the port to protect the harbor, and the other to accompany the fleet escort and send the fleet back to the country. After all, it is so far away, if the escort force is not strong One point, His Majesty is really worried!"

Shi Zhaoji's head shook for a while.

"One is placed in the port? One is escorted by an oil tanker? In other words, it will be divided into two? The Han Empire does not have much power over there, and it seems right to be cautious!"

Hearing Shi Zhaoji's words, Karl was slowly muttering in his heart, but although he felt that the Han Empire was very reasonable, he still said habitually: "You value oil so much? Can you use two battleships and five heavy cruisers? to protect?"

"Hehe! Mr. Carl, let me tell you the truth! Now we don't have much oil. The oil we used before was the oil that was seized from their storage when we destroyed the small countries. Now our navy is increasing, and the oil The consumption is also very high, and now the reserve oil is almost used up, so it is necessary to go out to mine!

If the oil is robbed once, then our naval ships will lie in the port as a pile of scrap iron.

"Huh? So serious?"

Carl asked in a bit of bewilderment.

"Of course! Otherwise, why did we make such a big fuss this time, isn't it just for oil!"

Karl nodded upon hearing Shi Zhaoji's explanation.

Although he didn't believe what Shi Zhaoji said that if there was no oil, the warship would lie in the port and become scrap iron, but he still knew a piece of information.

That is, the Han Empire is now extremely short of oil.Even about oil, the foreign minister spoke to himself with a never-before-seen geniality.

Didn't the Han Empire talk to them arrogantly?

"About your country's use of our naval port, I need to ask the country for instructions. I don't think it's a big problem. But you also know that there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. We will give you our own naval port. So what can you do for us?"

Carl said that at the end, his face was full of smiles.

What can it bring them?It's not about profit!

"Hehe! The friendship between China and Britain will last forever, and your country's affairs are our country's affairs. I wonder what your country wants?"

Shi Zhaoji had a smile on his face, but he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

This british guy really thinks of himself as an onion, and wants something more.

"The technology of your country's Wuyue-class battleship!"

The country of Ying has a large navy, and they also rely on the navy for their livelihood. The army may not be strong, but the navy must be strong.

So what Karl wants is the technology of the Wuyue-class battleship. They had auctioned back the Wuyue-class battleship before.

But the problem is that they cannot be imitated!

Yes, but it cannot be imitated.Why can't it be copied?

Because of their technical problems and the engine problems of the Wuyue-class battleship.

Although the Wuyue-class battleship is a replica of the Yamato-class in history, the Wuyue-class battleship is after all some warships produced by alien technology, and there are some things in it that they can't understand at all.

For example, the steel smelting technology of the warship itself is a technical problem that makes them a little troublesome. The steel they smelt by themselves cannot reach the level of the Wuyue-class battleship at all.

The second is the most important engine technology.

They all looked at the structure of the engine, the smelting of metal materials and the connection of oil pipes, etc., with a look of bewilderment.

It is now late August, and the battleship was given to them in early August. The gringo took it back after a while.

It has been three or four days of research now, and they don't understand anything.

So Karl thought about asking the Han Empire directly for the technology of this warship!

"No, no, no! The Wuyue-class battleship incorporates a number of the most advanced technologies of our country. These technologies are very important. I have no right to give you so many technologies! So please ask Mr. Carl to change your request!"

Shi Zhaoji's head shook like a rattle drum, it seemed impossible.

"Send? No! Mr. Shi, you misunderstood me, we can pay for your technology!"

After Carl finished speaking, he said sternly: "Our country is a big country, so naturally we won't ask for your country's advanced technology for no reason! Our country can pay for it, please believe in our sincerity!"

"Pay money to buy it! I'm afraid I need to ask His Majesty for instructions!"

Shi Zhaoji said after hesitating for a moment.

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