Chapter 499 : Who cheated whom?

"Haha! Zhizhi! Now Karl has been deceived by you so badly! Buying technology? Thanks to Karl who said it! I guess you want to sell him a battleship!"

At night, in Han Ling's imperial study, Han Ling's laughter came from inside.

There are not only Han Ling and Shi Zhaoji in the imperial study room tonight, but also Mr. Zhan Ning, Bai Jiansheng and Zhang Hanqing.

After they heard what Shi Zhaoji had done during the day, they all laughed.

"Your Majesty! You can't blame me for this, who makes Karl always so greedy, and I heard His Majesty say that I will soon replace the battleship, and I have to find a way to sell the replaced battleship, so today I think about Karl so much." Greed, why not let him know how powerful our Han Empire is!"

Shi Zhaoji was below, with a helpless smile on his face.Originally, he didn't want to cheat Karl, who made Karl so greedy.

"Okay! Now that you have set up an ending for Karl, Zhi Zhi, let's finish this game so as not to waste your thoughts. Anyway, our goal has been achieved."

Finally Han Ling stood up and said softly.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Naturally, this game has to be completed. Today, Shi Zhaoji basically just wanted to finish the task and let it go. Who knew that Karl's greedy look made Shi Zhaoji think of setting up another game for him.

When Shi Zhaoji left this afternoon, he had already told Carl that they wanted to buy technology, so he had to go back and ask Han Ling, and he would give them an answer tomorrow.

Karl agreed, with a smile on his face when he agreed, maybe he thought he could get the technology of the Five Mountains-class battleship this time!

But who would have thought of the trap that Shi Zhaoji had set up for him?

Want to buy tech?Dream it!

Tomorrow Shi Zhaoji will tell him with a constipated face: His Majesty the Emperor of the Han Empire is unwilling to sell technology, because at that time the most secret military technology of the Han Empire.But it can be sold to you battleships.And give you as much as you want.

Carl will definitely be disappointed at that time, but when he thinks of selling as much as he wants, his mind will come alive again.

Then it's a matter of price.

Although for some reason, it is impossible to sell another [-] million US dollars.But since Shi Zhaoji is planning to cheat Carl, the minimum price is [-] million a car, which is the minimum price!

Anyway, the second-hand goods that have been replaced can still be sold to him for [-] million yuan, which is not a loss.In fact, it is not a loss at all, because the manufacturing cost of this warship is zero.

The next day, the morning of August [-], [-].

"Minister Shi, I wonder if His Majesty has agreed?"

Today's Karl sat on a chair, picked up the coffee on the table with an elegant posture, took a sip, and asked Shi Zhaoji who was walking over.

"Mr. Karl, what His Majesty called the Wuyue-class battleship technology is the latest technology of our empire, and I am afraid it cannot be sold to your country. However, His Majesty also said that our empire can sell battleships to your country, and how many ships does your country want?" You can buy as many ships as you want!"

Shi Zhaoji looked constipated and almost killed Karl in a hurry. '

"Can you sell battleships?"

There was a look of dissatisfaction on Carl's face, but then he figured it out.

The Han Empire just wanted to borrow the port of its own country, and this kind of thing requires their battleship technology, which no one will give.

After all, this kind of warship technology represents a kind of strength.However, thinking that the Han Empire could sell its own battleships at will, Carl once again showed a smile on his face.

"Yes! We can sell battleships to your country!"

Shi Zhaoji said with certainty.

"As many ships as our country wants to buy, how many ships will your country sell?"

Carl asked again, seemingly uncertain.

In the past, the Han Empire strictly controlled the Wuyue-class battleships, and even Xiao Huzi had to consider buying a few more Han Empires.

And if they go to buy, it is possible to sell you a piece of genius, but now they are open for sale.

Karl thought that this time he was pinching the weakness of the Han Empire, and at the same time, he also wondered whether the Han Empire was too short of oil to support this huge fleet.

"Yes! You can buy as many ships as you want!"

Shi Zhaoji said again with great certainty, but a look of pain flashed across his face, as if saying these words was killing him.

"I understand! But what is the price?"

Carl asked with a smile again.

"This bloody white man, greedy John Bull! It's you who will be cheated, and you can't blame me!"

Shi Zhaoji cursed fiercely in his heart, but his face was still full of smiles.

"[-] million US dollars! It can still be exchanged for food, oil, gold, Chinese antiques and other items!"

Shi Zhaoji raised three fingers.

"Three hundred million? Minister Shi, today I came here with sincerity. I heard that the cost of your country's Wuyue-class battleship is only [-] million! You want [-] million, isn't that too much?"

Carl raised his eyebrows, and took another short sip of coffee. The appearance of an aristocratic gentleman showed that he was confident that he could win the purchase price of this battleship at a low price.

"No, no, no! [-] million is just the most basic cost. In addition, a battleship of this level has to pretend to have some equipment, etc. The real cost of a battleship of this kind is about [-] million U.S. dollars! This is also the original cost. The starting price of the auction. Mr. Carl won’t make us lose money, will he? If Mr. Carl wants to make us lose money, we don’t need your port. At worst, we can go to the United States! It just so happens that our Shangfeng and Minister Yan are still in the United States , haven’t come back yet!”

Shi Zhaoji's meaning is obvious, the cost of this battleship is [-] million US dollars.And if we want to sell this battleship, we must make a profit. If you want us to lose money or keep our capital, then it goes without saying that we will not sell it. At worst, we will go to the United States at that time. Anyway, the United States is in the Middle East. There are also bases!

The expression on Karl's face was stunned for a moment, seeing that the expression on Shi Zhaoji's face did not seem to be fake, he couldn't help muttering in his heart: Could it be that the final cost of this battleship is [-] million US dollars?Instead of the [-] million they estimated?

Chapter 500: City of Sky Battleship

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