Although Karl didn't know whether what Shi Zhaoji said was true or not, but seeing Shi Zhaoji's resolute expression, he knew that it was impossible to carry out a large-scale price reduction.

So he had to negotiate the price with Shi Zhaoji, and in the end Karl pressed the price at [-] million and couldn't hold it down anymore.

According to Shi Zhaoji, if you still want to lower the price, then our Han Empire would rather go to Millikin.

In the end, the two parties settled on a price of [-] million.

Carl is still very satisfied with the remaining [-] million Miguin, based on the conversion of Eagle Pounds to Miguin at this time, that is, a battleship with [-] million Eagle Pounds left.

In the end, Karl agreed to the request of the Han Empire to use their naval port, and as to how many ships to buy, this needs to be asked domestically.

The next day, Karl told Shi Zhaoji that a telegram had been sent from China to buy five Wuyue-class battleships.

This made Shi Zhaoji a little surprised, this eagle country guy is rich!

Although all parts of the world are slowly getting rid of the economic crisis, they have fallen into an arms race again.

At such a time, the Eagle Countryman can still give out [-] billion meters of gold. It seems that the empire on which the sun never sets for more than [-] years is really not for nothing.

In fact, Shi Zhaoji was wrong about this point. If he wanted to spend so much money at once, the Yingguo government would definitely feel distressed to death.

But the point is that the Han Empire is asking them to use other payments.

This is much simpler, just go to overseas territories to search.Anyway, there is no need to search their country.

In this way, a deal was concluded, and at the same time, Eagle Famigu also got a piece of news.

That is, the Han Empire was short of oil, very short of oil.The shortage of oil has reached the point where they would sell their own battleships for oil.

France is hating why the Han Empire didn't find itself.If they find themselves, they can take the opportunity to buy more Wuyue-class battleships.

And when Mustache found out about this, he just coldly scolded Eagle Law for being an idiot, and then he didn't care about it anymore.

He already smelled an unusual smell.

If it is said that the mainland of the Han Empire is short of oil, Xiao Huzi admits that the mainland of the Han Empire is indeed short of oil.

But if he said that the Han Empire lacked oil as a whole, he would not believe it even if he killed him.

Falkenhausen has been with the Han Empire recently, and also has a deep relationship with the Han Empire.

Before that, Falkenhausen sent back news to Mustache, saying that the Han Empire had discovered a large oil field in Siberia, which had been exploited before.

Since it is a large oil field, it cannot be exploited in a few years.And the reserves must not be small.

No matter how much the Han Empire uses it, it will not be short of oil to such an extent in just a few years.

So Mustache thinks that the Han Empire must have made some moves.

The Han and Eagle countries have reached an agreement, and it is time for the Han Empire to act.

Countless ships began to set off from the ports of the Han Empire, heading towards the Middle East and Australia.

At the same time the convoy set off.

As time slowly passed, oil tankers formed fleets one by one and were transported back to the mainland of the Han Empire under the escort of battleships.

Along the way, the fleet will stop at the Strait of Malacca. At the beginning, the Han Empire had no port for such a large-scale fleet in the Strait of Malacca. Only the Eagle State owned it, so it borrowed from the Eagle State.

At that time, the soldiers of the Eagle Army saw that the Han Empire was protecting those oil tankers as if they were protecting their emperor, and they were laughed at by the Eagle Army soldiers, thinking that the Han Empire was really short of oil, and it was short of home.

After this information was passed on to the high-level Eagle Kingdom, they once again believed that the Han Empire was really short of oil.

After Han Ling got the information and the high-level officials of the Eagle Kingdom believed it, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

These eagle countrymen are really stupid. Even if the Han Empire is short of oil, there will be no stupid thing to sell battleships in a short time, and they can still go to Millikin to buy them.These eagle countrymen are really used to being the boss.

September [-], [-], Forbidden City, inside the Imperial Study Room

"Houfu, growing up, and growing up, I'm looking for you today for something important!"

Han Ling looked at the commanders of the three major naval fleets standing in front of him and said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, please order!"

"Hmm! You should have read all the documents I showed you a while ago, right?"

"I saw it all!"

"That's good! This time we have to prepare for the situation in Nanyang in advance, and your navy is the top priority. Now the Eagles have been paralyzed by us, and our cautious intelligence has been known to them.

The following will start with the East China Sea Fleet. The ten battleships of the East China Sea Fleet will be dispatched one by one and sent to the Middle East and Indonesia.

The naval port in the Middle East has been built, and a super large reservoir for battleships has also been built inside.The reservoir is in the middle of the mountain. As a rule, three battleships from your East China Sea Fleet will be dispatched to the Middle East to hide, and the remaining seven will be followed by the Australian mining fleet to the small islands around Indonesia.

The empire has also built countless large mountainside reservoirs, which can completely hide battleships!As for the East China Sea Fleet being emptied, I will give you the latest battleship developed by the empire. This battleship is called the Sky City-class battleship by me.You can take a look at his basic data! "

After Han Ling finished speaking, he handed a set of photos and a document to Shen Chengzhang, and Chen Houfu and Chen Choshuo who were beside him hurried over to look at it.

After looking at it, they immediately took a breath of air-conditioning.

Because the data of the latest battleship is a bit scary.

The basic data of this battleship named Sky City class by Han Ling are as follows:

Standard displacement: 91000 tons

Displacement at full load: 101500 tons

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