And after a period of time, the Han Empire once again sent a note to Yingmi and other countries.

"Mr. Shi! I don't know what your country's note is about our two countries?"

It was still in the conference room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but this time there was one more person, and the mood changed.

Now all the battleships auctioned by countries around the world have been taken away, and those things have been paid for.

Han Ling also gave them all the five battleships that the Eagles bought later.They also paid for five battleships with a mix of food, gold, and live animals.

So now Karl is in a good mood. Outside of the Han Empire, their country has the most Wuyue-class battleships in the world.

The expression on Jason's face is also good, because the Han Empire's visit to Mi has brought about a good change in the relationship between Mi and Han.

He, the ambassador to Han, also feels good.

"That's right! Our country has been mining oil in the Middle East recently. Although the amount of oil extracted is quite a lot, you also know that our country also has a lot of warships. The oil used for one voyage every day is an astronomical figure.

His Majesty of our country thinks that three oil mining rights are not enough, so he found the two countries today, hoping that we can get more oil mining rights, such as six and so on! "

After Shi Zhaoji considered his words for a while, he spoke slowly.


Immediately, Jason and Carlton began to shout, this is directly doubled!

"NO! NO! NO! Minister Shi, you should understand that we can agree to your country's right to own three oil mines in the Middle East for the sake of our friendship. But you want six, Presumably our people will not agree!"

Carl's head shook like a rattle.

Although the Middle East has not been exposed as a world-famous oil production area, Yingmi and other countries have discovered several large oil fields in the Middle East, so it is believed that there are many oil fields underground here.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The three oil fields exploited by the Han Empire were all dug at will by the Han Empire. There are three giant oil fields at random. Does that mean how rich the Middle East is in terms of oil?

In fact, Karl and the others thought too much about this point. The three oil fields exploited by the Han Empire were not dug casually. They were the three oil fields that Han Ling specifically asked them to dig.This

These three oil fields are also giant oil fields that are famous in the future, and their reserves are very rich!

Carl refused very simply, but Jason fell into deep thought. Jason didn't rush to refuse, but calmly thought about the key.

"Minister Shi! I can't decide this matter, I need to ask the country for instructions!"

Now that the Han Empire has just concluded its visit to Rice, the relationship between the two countries is at a good time. Regarding the issue of the Han Empire’s plan to increase the number of oil mines in the Middle East, Jason is still uncertain. He is still going to ask the country to see what the country says.

"Okay! If that's the case, let's meet again in a few days, and I hope to get a good answer by then!"

Shi Zhaoji shrugged and said expectantly.

Then Jason and Carl walked out of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"Jason, tell me, why don't you refuse? Are you going to agree? This will harm our interests!"

Carl looked at Jason with a displeased face, as if dissatisfied with Jason's answer.

Jason didn't say anything on the surface, but he cursed an idiot in his heart.These hawks saw every bit of meat in the bowl, but they didn't think about anything else.

That afternoon, Johnson sent the telegram back to China.

At this time, it was the morning in Milijian, Lao Luo was sitting in a wheelchair, and there were some bread, cheese, milk and other things on the table in front of him.

"Mr. President, a telegram from Ambassador Johnson! Please read it!"

Jonny hastily placed a telegram in front of Lao Luo.

Chapter 502: Lao Luo's Analysis

"The Han Empire wants to increase its oil mining rights in the Middle East?"

Lao Luo asked in astonishment after reading it.

"Yes! This is an urgent telegram sent by Mr. Johnson. Just this afternoon on the side of the Han Empire, their foreign minister sent a note to our country and the Ying Kingdom. But the only bad thing is that Mr. Carl of the Ying Kingdom rejected the Han Empire. The Empire’s proposal is not willing to increase the Han Empire’s mining rights in the Middle East. So now Mr. Johnson sent a telegram asking if we would agree to the Han Empire’s request!”

Johnny said helplessly.

After hearing this, Lao Luo didn't speak in a hurry, but picked up the milk on the table and took a sip.

"Johnny, is the Han Empire really so short of fuel now?"

After a long time, Lao Luo asked.

"I guess so! Now their naval tonnage ranks first, and the British are far behind them. In addition, they have the world's largest armored force and air force, and they consume a lot of oil."

Johnny thinks that the Han Empire did have such a large consumption. With such a huge land, sea and air force, could it be less oil?

"Such a huge oil-consuming force! Three mining rights are indeed not enough! The Han Empire did not exploit oil fields in Indonesia and other places? I heard that Nanyang and other places also have rich oil reserves?"

The Nanyang region does have rich oil reserves. Why did the little devils in history attack Nanyang?

It was because Lao Luo cut off other people's oil that the little devil stood up and took the risk of going to war with the United States and taking Nanyang.Because Nanyang has military supplies such as oil and rubber that the little devils urgently need.

"I haven't heard of this, and I haven't heard that the Han Empire exploited oil in the Nanyang region!"

Johnny had never heard of this, but he estimated that these were three possibilities.

The first possibility is that the Han Empire did not know that Nanyang had rich oil reserves.

The second possibility is that oil extraction in the South China Sea is very troublesome, or it is mainly in the sea.In this period, there is no technology that can perfectly exploit oil in sea areas, so it makes sense not to exploit oil in Southeast Asia.

The third possibility is that the Han Empire is going to keep the oil reserves in the Nanyang region and wait until the critical moment to use them.

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