The first possibility is the most unlikely. Now they all know that the Nanyang region has rich oil reserves. The Han Empire has no reason not to know that the Nanyang region has rich oil reserves, so there are only the latter two.

The most likely one is the third possibility. The Han Empire wants to keep the Nanyang oil and wait until the critical moment to use it.

Obviously, Lao Luo also thought of the third possibility, turned his head to look at Johnny and asked slowly: "Johnny, you said that with the character of His Majesty the Great Han Emperor, it would be impossible for them to ask the Kremlin if they were short of oil. The bearded man inside launched an attack? I heard that there is a lot of oil in Central Asia and other regions, and these are all oils that have been discovered and extracted!"

If you want to talk about the vast land and abundant resources, you are talking about Lao Maozi.

Their territory is vast, and the most important thing is that the materials in the territory are extremely rich.

Oil, iron ore, coal mines, etc. have what they want.Unlike the mainland of the Han Empire, the land of the Han Empire is not small.

But it is not a vast land and abundant resources.

First of all, oil is simply an oil-poor country.

Let's talk about iron ore. Most of the iron ore in the Han Empire is of average quality. The quality is not good, and there is no such large-scale high-quality iron ore.

There are also a lot of coal mines, but in terms of good coal, there are not many.That is, the open-pit coal mines in Shanxi, Shaanxi and other places are not bad.

Therefore, the real big land and abundant resources are Lao Maozi.

It is based on this situation that Lao Luo is worried.

The Han Empire was an oil-poor country, but now their oil consumption is very large.

If the persecution is too severe, it will be a lot of fun if the Han Empire attacks Lao Maozi for oil.

This is what Lao Luo doesn't want to see now, and at the same time, Jason also thought of this question, so he didn't answer Shi Zhaoji at that time, but sent a message to ask what the country thinks.

"I can't say that, but according to my feeling for that emperor, he is very likely to launch a general attack on the old man for oil!"

Johnny hesitated before speaking.

"It's not very possible! It will definitely be! You don't know that Emperor. That Emperor is a true interestist. As long as it is for profit, he can do anything! He used to Before Wei ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, at that time he was still in control of the area north of the Yangtze River. For the funds needed for development, he did not hesitate to set his sights on the old man of the Qing Dynasty at that time, that is, the old man of the former dynasty.

Although there were more than [-] million elders of the former dynasty at that time, in order to develop funds, he sent troops to arrest those elders of the former dynasty, confiscated all their property, and then drove them to repair the railway.

In the process of their attack on the little devils, in order to bring down the little devils as soon as possible, and to reduce the casualties of his regular troops, His Majesty the Emperor recruited all the millions of criminals in his country, and after simple training, they were released. Little devil, tell them they can do whatever they want as long as they can take down the little devil.

In this way, with the hundreds of thousands of criminals killed and injured in his hands, he defeated the little devil, and the little devil also suffered heavy casualties because of the criminal army.

Therefore, once he really starts to lack oil this time, it is not impossible to attack the old man at that time.Don't forget, the last time the Han Empire just wanted to stop broadcasting ships at the port of the Ying Guo, those proud Ying Guo extorted five of their Five Sacred Battleships. It is [-] million less than the previous [-] million US dollars.

Five ships are worth [-] million US dollars!This time it can be said that the Han Empire suffered a dark loss.Now that the British gangsters are so persecuted, do you think the Han Empire will launch an attack on Lao Maozi? "

As Lao Luo spoke, there was a deep worry in his eyes.

He feels that the current Ying country is really failing, and it is so short-sighted.

Now the Han Empire, they can't win even if they woo, but for a little profit, they push such a powerful country outward, then the Han Empire is really going to completely slide to the other side.Especially in this arms race, the tendency of the Han Empire is particularly important.

Chapter 503: Compromise

"Then we should agree to the request of the Han Empire?"

Johnny asked tentatively from the side.

"Promise? It's not just our promise. You go and send a telegram to the Prime Minister of Ying in my name, explaining the serious relationship here. We must not push a powerful country that should be an ally to the enemy now." embrace.

Now the Han Empire supports the little beard, just to deal with the old Maozi and contain them.

But to say whether the political orientation of the Han Empire will come together with Mustache, according to our observations during this period, the possibility is not very high.

If the Han Empire is allowed to attack the old Maozi because of a small profit, then the Han and German countries will truly form an alliance, and the Han Empire will become our enemy at that time, you let the Prime Minister think about it, if the Han Empire The empire has become our enemy, can his India be kept? "

Lao Luo looked at Johnny with a solemn face and said.Said that in the end, he could only use his interests to tell the Ying country.If you want to throw away the big cheese of India for any benefit, then he has nothing to say.

"Yes! Mr. President, I will do it right away!"

When it is eight o'clock in the morning in the United States and eight o'clock in the evening in the Han Empire, it is exactly one noon in the capital of Ying.

At this time, the British Prime Minister Lao Mai, who had just had dinner, was sitting in his seat, drinking a cup of coffee very leisurely.

"Mr. Prime Minister, this is a telegram from the President of the United States!"

"President of the United States? What is he sending a telegram for?"

Old Mai accepted the telegram curiously.

After a while, his face suddenly changed, and his face seemed to be able to drip water gloomyly.

"Why didn't Karl report this matter? How can he decide such a major matter?"

Old Mai was angry.This matter is not just a simple issue of oil mining rights, it also involves the issue of the world structure.When will it be his turn, a small ambassador, to decide the diplomatic orientation of the British country.

Simply looking at it, it seems to be an issue of oil exploitation rights.But in fact, this is forcing the Han Empire to completely fall to the mustache side.

The last time Karl made his own claim, because he had brought a lot of benefits to his country, and because they really needed the Wuyue-class battleship, he didn't say anything.

But this time it was so important, he didn't report it, and he just made a decision like that.

"Mr. Prime Minister, I think Sir Carl simply thinks that this is a matter of the Han Empire seeking benefits!"

Foreign Secretary John Simon said somewhat cautiously.

"Just asking for benefits? He is negligent. Do you know that he will put us in a passive position and push a big country into the enemy's camp. Maybe now De's mustache is laughing happily.

Do you know why I asked Karl to agree to the request of the Han Empire last time to mine oil in the Middle East?That's why.

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