Once the Han Empire holds a grudge, when he hits Central Asia, he will turn around and deal with us.Maybe India will be lost from you and me!Is there any interest more important than that of India? "

Lao Mai almost roared out, and now he is very angry and panic in his heart.

What was angry was that Karl didn't report it, and what was terrified was that he was afraid that the Han Empire would attack India.

The current Han Empire is no longer the Huaxia that it used to be, and Lao Mai has been avoiding direct conflict with the Han Empire for this reason.

But now Carl actually refuses so flatly, and is still challenging the limits of the Han Empire step by step.

"Go! Get Karl back to me and let him go back to the country. You send another ambassador there. If this matter is not resolved, the Han Empire may use this to make trouble!"

After wandering around for two laps, Lao Mai said to John Simon.

Lao Mai can achieve this position, and his wisdom is naturally beyond doubt.He could imagine what the Han Empire would do in the absence of oil.

I am afraid that the Han Empire will transfer its anger to them.

Lao Mai didn't think that the backward army under Big Beard could fight against the modern army of the Han Empire.

Lao Mai knew very well that those old men could not compare with the Han Empire in terms of weapons and equipment or training.

More importantly, the Han Empire has millions of troops capable of conscripting and fighting a hundred battles.

Those troops who came out of the flames of war and armed with advanced weapons and equipment, can the old man resist?

Lao Maozi's army has not only undergone a major purge, but its weapons and equipment are also far behind the Royal Army of the Han Empire.

Coupled with the technological type of its military field, the Han Empire is even more capable of blowing up the old man.

In addition, let's talk about industrial capabilities!

A few months ago, the Great Han Empire released their annual steel output from [-] to June.

At that time, it had reached [-] million, and the annual steel output of [-] million. As far as it is concerned, the United States in this world is more than the Han Empire. As for other countries, including them, they cannot compare.

At this time, the steel output represents the industrial capacity. At what point in Lao Maozi's steel output can it be compared with the Han Empire?

On October [-], [-], the meeting room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Han Empire

Today, the American ambassador Jason and the newest British ambassador to Han Vicente sent a note to the Han Empire at the same time.

"Minister Shi, on behalf of the British Empire, I would like to apologize to you. Some words of Sir Carl may have caused some harm to you some time ago, and I am sorry for that. From now on, I will be the ambassador to Han. Please take care of me, Minister Shi! "

Vicente, the latest ambassador to Han, who took a plane some time ago and kept changing places on the way.As for Carl, he has been recalled to the country.

As for his fate, who knows!

Anyway, Lao Mai and John Simon didn't like this guy.

"Oh! It's nothing! I've been too busy during this time, and I've already forgotten about it! Hey, there's no way, I really don't care about such trivial matters. Our Majesty is preparing to withdraw [-] million yuan during this time." The army went to Xinjiang, Tibet and other regions to perform. If you don't look for me, maybe I'm still busy now!"

Shi Zhaoji had a magnanimous look, as if I didn't care much about such trivial matters.It's just that Vicente and Jason felt cold sweat coming down.

Chapter 504: Successful Layout

"Minister Shi is joking!"

Jason smiled a little embarrassedly. He was in the Han Empire and had not heard any news about the mobilization of troops in the Han Empire.Especially this kind of mobilization of millions of troops, no matter how it is, there will be some rumors.

But since it didn't, it means that the Han Empire did not mobilize troops. It is estimated that Shi Zhaoji was expressing his dissatisfaction.

Um!Jason thought so, but he also knew that if he waited for someone to delay for a while, the Han Empire would really start a war for oil.

Now is the time for an arms race again. If a war is launched at this time, it must not become the fuse to provoke a world war!

"I'm not joking! I was indeed busy with these things during this time. And our Majesty is also watching on the map!"

Shi Zhaoji looked serious, as if telling Jason and Vicente that what he said was true.

"Ahem! Minister Shi, the two of us came to you today mainly because of the oil exploration rights issue raised by the Han Empire some time ago! Our country has already given me an answer, allowing the Han Empire to own six mining rights in the Middle East!"

Jason decided not to talk about this issue with Shi Zhaoji anymore. The more he talked, Shi Zhaoji might scare them.

"Oh? At the last G[-] meeting, my country had three oil mining rights in the Middle East, which were agreed by both countries at the same time!

This Middle East is also a joint agreement between your two countries.

Mr. Carl rejected our country's proposal last time, so I would like to thank Mr. Jansen for his kindness.If you two have nothing else to do, I think I'm leaving.After all, our country is still mobilizing troops, and there are some things that I need to do! "

After Shi Zhaoji finished speaking, he looked like he was about to get up and leave.

"Wait a minute! Mr. Shi, I'm here to tell you this time. Our country has also agreed to the fact that the Han Empire owns six oil exploration rights in the Middle East! Sir Carl's answer last time does not represent our country's final answer!"

Seeing that Shi Zhaoji was about to leave, Vicente called him quickly.

"Oh? Is it true?"

Shi Zhaoji turned around and asked in surprise.

"Of course! All of this is true. Sir Carl didn't ask the Prime Minister of our country last time. This time I came to the Han Empire on the order of the Prime Minister!"

Vicente said with certainty.

When Shi Zhaoji heard what he said, a smile appeared on his face.

"Wow! Then let's talk about the specifics!"

Night began to fall in Yanjing, and Shi Zhaoji also told Han Ling the results of the day.

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