"Hehe! They agreed? Huh! A bunch of stupid foreign devils!"

Han Ling sneered immediately after hearing this, and then set his sights on Mr. Zhan Ning and the others.

"Mr. Zhan Ning! Now the Ying Yan has promised us to increase the oil exploration rights to six. Our next step can also start to act."

"Well! It can indeed be implemented! Now there are three battleships moored in the hidden mountainside in the Middle East, but it is still not enough without a supporting fleet. This time our mining rights have increased to six, then we can add two more port.

After the two ports are built, the size of our escort fleet can be increased openly.

But this time we don't need to add battleships.

Just add ships such as heavy cruisers and destroyers.We have already dispatched two battleships on the surface.So if we send out battleships next, I'm afraid those British countrymen will be alerted.We're adding heavy cruisers to these ships, I'm sure they won't mind too much! "

Mr. Zhan Ning thought for a while and said.This matter is also one of the bureaus in the layout of Nanyang.

After all, you sent three battleships there, and if you add two of them, you will have five battleships.

Five battleships, this requires other auxiliary ships, you can't just have five battleships!

And if you want to hide the other auxiliary ships of the battleship in the mountainside, the space required is too large, and it is not conducive to the hiding of the battleship.

So after various reasons, Han Ling and the others decided to increase the number of ports by increasing the oil mining rights. By then, the escort fleet should also increase!

Increase the number of battleships, the British should oppose and be vigilant.

Then if I don't add battleships, I just add heavy cruisers, and they won't say anything.

After all, a battleship is a strategic level thing, where you have two battleships is already the limit.

"Well! Now that the problem in the Middle East has been resolved, what about Australia? Our second layout for Southeast Asia is the problem of Australia. Are the other seven battleships of the East China Sea Fleet hidden in Indonesia?"

After solving the layout problem in the Middle East, the next step is to completely solve the layout in other places.

"Your Majesty! Please rest assured on this point. Although it is difficult to raise this fast-ying countryman, it is relatively deadly, but there are too many small islands around Indonesia, and many places are desolate places.

We used the terrain to establish a lot of hidden bases in those places.Now the East China Sea Fleet has six battleships hidden, and the last battleship will arrive tonight.As for Australia, we have mined five coal mines and iron mines there.

And our [-] army is disguised as a mine protection team and spread around these coal mines to protect the safety of the mines.The outside world does not know that these mine guard teams are our army.When the war to snatch Nanyang is launched in the future, these [-] troops will be known as cavalry, and they will be inserted into the heart of the Ying Guo from behind. "

Now it is Zhang Hanqing who will talk about it. This time, Zhang Hanqing is in charge of the army layout, so naturally he is the one who said it.

"Well! Not bad! As long as the layout of Nanyang is completed, we can make preparations for the next step. By the way, how is the domestic situation in Spain during this period? Can they fight?"

Thinking of the situation in Spain that Han Ling had been paying attention to before, Han Ling couldn't help asking.

"Hehe! Jiansheng, I have been in charge of this matter all along, you answer Your Majesty!"

Lord Zhan Ning looked at Bai Shengsheng behind him and said.

"Yes! Lord Zhanning. Your Majesty, according to the information we have received during this period, the domestic situation in Spain has further deteriorated. The forces represented by Franco have begun to accept Mustache and their army weapons and equipment. In addition, they are also preparing secretly. The army. I estimate that once their preparations are completed, they will immediately fight the government forces headed by Azania!"

Chapter 505: Han Ling Asks

"Further deterioration? Hehe! It seems that Mustache can't wait any longer! What about Mustache's country? I got information earlier that Mustache has started to target those Jews. How is the situation now?"

After hearing Bai Jiansheng's words, Han Ling asked with a smile.

"Mustache domestic?"

After being taken aback, Bai Jiansheng said again: "Because there are a lot of Jews in the Mustache country, and the distribution is also very wide. It can be said that they are involved in all walks of life, and the Mustache wants to learn from us. So it is still in the process of planning. , it is estimated that it is impossible to do anything to those Jews this year. But next year may not be so. Now they are expanding their armaments, and the people in the mustache country, after nearly two years of his development, the people's livelihood has greatly improved, it is estimated that Next year, the mustache will be completely hands-on.

After all, such a sum of wealth is enough for him to expand his armaments! "

"Next year? Next year is also good! I don't want him to do it this year. It's too early. The mustache who has gained wealth is not a person who is willing to be lonely. Now our Han Empire is not ready. The army is still changing, and the air force The change of equipment is over, but the air force division is still being expanded, and it is estimated that it will be impossible to complete this year.

In addition, in the navy!The East China Sea Fleet has now served five Sky City-class battleships!However, the rest is estimated to be replaced by the end of this year!

In addition, the Sky City-class battleships of the Pacific Fleet and the South China Sea Fleet will be completely refitted, and it is estimated that they will go in the second half of next year.In the first half of next year, it is impossible to complete the refitting. "

When Han Ling said this, he seemed to think of something, turned his head to look at Zhang Hanqing and said, "Hanqing! How is our intercontinental bombing brigade preparing? I remember that you have always been in charge of this matter."

Intercontinental bomber, that was the surprise brought by the upgrade of the information base at the end of last year.

The intercontinental bomber is different from the previous Type 30 heavy bomber.First of all, because the body of the intercontinental bomber is too large, the previous hangar must not be used.

Second, the take-off runway of the intercontinental bomber is too long, and a dedicated airport must be built for it.

Third, the intercontinental bomber is completely a global strategic weapon, except for some of them, no one else can know.These

Han Ling had to use clones as the pilot and ground crew of the intercontinental bomber, which showed how much Han Ling attached importance to him.

"This matter is still under preparation! Now we have only equipped two brigades of intercontinental bombers. In addition, we have built dedicated airports for intercontinental bombers in many cities."

"Well! Anxi, don't worry about the aircraft. Intercontinental bombers are not very easy to produce, but I estimate that after the beginning of next year, we will have five intercontinental bomber brigades.

Don't look at the amount of ammunition that this thing has, but if it can't be scaled up, it means threatening the enemy strategically and making them panic.

But if you can't cause substantial large-scale damage, they should still fight.Only after the scale is formed, tens of thousands of tons of bombs can be dropped at one time, and it can be dropped continuously, can this truly deter all countries in the world.This will play a major role in our global strategy in the future! "

When Han Ling asked these questions, he was silently estimating in his heart when the Great Han Empire would be able to change its costume and start a large-scale war.

Now land, sea and air are changing and expanding, so Han Ling is not ready to go to war in a short time.

"By the way! What's up with Lao Mo's intentions? Some time ago, I heard that Yi is also expanding the army on a large scale. How is the situation now? What about their domestic economic situation?"

"Italy's military expansion is not ideal, but the economy is relatively stable. The growth rate is not high, but it is still growing."

It was Zhang Hanqing who answered Han Ling's words.

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