"Hehe! Not ideal! What's the situation in Lao Maozi's country recently?"

"Old man! Their situation in Eastern Europe is not bad. But the situation in West Siberia is terrible. Because all the industrial machines they get from us are in exchange for grain, and the grain is mainly collected from West Siberia. Come, so now their West Siberia is depopulated very badly.

Now the population of Lao Maozi in our ruling area has reached more than [-] million, and there are only about [-] million people left on the vast land of West Siberia!The rest of the people have already fled to our ruled area! "

Zhang Hanqing said again.

"Hehe! Is the population loss serious? More than [-] million. It seems that our immigration plan can be increased. In recent years, because our country encourages births, and our own people also have more children, more blessings, so in recent years Our population is growing rapidly.

Some time ago, the Ministry of Civil Affairs conducted a census, and now there are about [-] million people in our country.This is not a small amount!

Now I have decided to emigrate to Siberia. According to my initial goal, [-] million people will be immigrated there! "

Han Ling said that at the very end, he revealed the immigration plan.

Immigration plan!

This is a national integration plan that Han Ling has prepared for a long time.To integrate some ethnic groups and completely integrate them into the Han Empire. ,

"Immigration plan? Thirty million? I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money! Don't mention the money, even the food consumed by these [-] million people is an astronomical figure!"

Mr. Zhan Ning frowned and said.

"We don't have to worry about food! Because we planted hybrid seeds this year, the harvests in both the north and the south are very good. This year, my country's total grain output has more than eight times that of last year. That is to say, our country has The total grain output of my country is more than the total grain output of the previous eight years!"

Han Ling revealed the total grain output of the Han Empire this year.

The most important of these is the reason for high-yielding seeds.

Secondly, there is the reclamation of wasteland, and the increased food production in these places in Indonesia.

According to Han Ling's estimation, next year's grain output will continue to double.The reason lies in the energy converter.

It was said before that energy converters can now turn deserts into oases, and abandoned land into fertile land.

Now the northwest region has begun to show results, and large tracts of fertile fields have begun to appear.

Those lands that could not be cultivated before can now be cultivated.Moreover, these places are flat and very suitable for mechanical agriculture.

Don't forget that the Guanzhong Plain in Qinchuan, eight hundred miles away, was an important food producing area in the Qin, Han, Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Once recovered, its food production will certainly not be low.

Chapter 506: The Prelude to World War II Breaks Out

"Eight times more?"

When Han Ling said this number, everyone present was shocked.

People in this era don't know the power of high-yield seeds. The grain yield per mu of land is only one or two hundred kilograms, unlike later generations, who are embarrassed to say that they have a good harvest if one mu of land is less than six hundred kilograms.

If you only weigh four or five hundred kilograms per mu, you will be laughed to death, and whoever is talking behind your back may be.

So now when Han Ling said that this year's grain output was more than eight times that of last year, Mr. Zhan Ning and the others were shocked.

They are military generals, and they don't pay much attention to people's livelihood. They didn't expect the total grain output of the Han Empire to increase so much all at once.

"But Your Majesty! If the grain production in the empire is already so high, then why do you need to exchange grain for the military weapons sold to the empire? It might be better to use other things!"

Hearing that there is such a high grain output, Zhang Hanqing immediately became restless.This grain yield is not low, but it is a very high grain yield.

"No, no, no! Although our grain output is very high now, it doesn't mean we don't stockpile grain. Food has been an important material to stabilize people's hearts since ancient times. Now that there is no war, we still don't feel the importance of food. Once it happens Large-scale wars will definitely affect our domestic economic development. If the war lasts for too long, inflation and other things will even occur.

At this time, food can really stabilize the people's hearts and make the people support the war. The prerequisite for fighting the war is food.

And food is also our last guarantee. Economic development is affected, and other materials are affected, but as long as we have enough food in our hands, the national food price is still under our control.

If the common people eat without worry, there will be no major changes in our country, and the people's hearts will be stabilized. "

In fact, there are still some things left unsaid.That is, there is plenty of food, and other things can be done.

Now other countries buy military weapons from the Han Empire, and they pay for it with food.

The importance of food may not be seen now, but once the war breaks out, food will become a really important thing.In addition, the Han Empire can also use old grain to raise various livestock to supply the meat supply in the Han Empire.

In addition to the cattle and sheep on the Mongolian prairie, Han Ling is confident that even if a war breaks out, the prices of grain and meat will not fluctuate greatly.

So this is why Han Ling kept hoarding food.

[-] was a year of turbulence, and it was also the most peaceful year for the Han Empire.

In the past few years, the Han Empire fought every year, especially last year, when the small country was destroyed, the Han Empire lost millions of soldiers.In addition, there are countless injuries.

In [-], the Han Empire entered a period of rapid development.

It is also the second and third plans, which is the first year of the development of the second three-year plan.

The One-Three Plan was carried out perfectly. The annual output of steel in the area north of the Yangtze River exceeded [-] million tons. The lives of the people in the area north of the Yangtze River have changed a lot. Agricultural machinery began to be used in the North China Plain, Guanzhong Plain, Northeast Plain, and Hetao Plain. Get on the Mercedes.

In the first year of the Second and Third Plans, steel production had already exceeded [-] million tons.

The reason is that there is a large amount of talent replenishment. There are two to three million people who came from the United States in advance, but the real talent shortage is less than one million people.

Because there are their family members among them, among the three million people, there are only less than one million people with real technical talents.

One million people, sprinkled all over the country, especially the great empire covered by the Han Empire is not obvious.

It was enough when it was only in the area north of the Yangtze River.

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