But to unify the whole country, and factories are being built all over the country, this manpower is not enough.

Therefore, during the period of the One and Three Plans, the increase in steel output was obvious and the largest during the period when the talents from the United States had just been recruited.But because of these reasons, the growth rate began to decrease.

But at the end of [-], the information base was upgraded, and Han Ling began to collect resources on other planets in the Milky Way, especially the moon, which had been mined for a long time, so that Han Ling no longer worried about resources.

Also began to vigorously produce clones.

Among them, the South China Sea Fleet and other military forces have to leave a lot of talents, but they can produce up to [-] clones every week.

No matter how much you want, Han Ling can afford it.

So a large number of clones here were filled by Han Ling to serve as technicians and master workers in the factories below.

Therefore, this year, because the talents have been adequately replenished, and the development is no longer slowed down by the lack of basic talents, the steel production has increased by [-] million tons in one year.

This can be said to be a miracle in the history of the world, eh!Anyway, it is developing very quickly.

In terms of people's livelihood, because of the mass production of clones, many grassroots below are also full of clones.

For example, there are agricultural stations in townships. In the past, there was only one agricultural station in one or two towns, but now there are already agricultural technicians, and each town has at least two to four agricultural technicians.

Agricultural technicians, this is to solve some agricultural problems of farmers.

For example, what happened to the crops in the field today, and what to do if the crops were attacked by insects tomorrow, and so on!

In the Ministry of Supervision, there were still many human beings who served as inspectors before.

But in terms of impartial law enforcement, ruthless iron and blood, and no other relationship dragging it down, then people have to be cloned.

So slowly, the inspectors all over the country are now mainly clones, and most of the humans inside have been transferred to other departments by Han Ling under other names.

In terms of finance, there are also many clones in this area, but the degree of their influx was not as strong as that of the Ministry of Supervision.

Now the clones are open to production.

Han Ling still arranged a large number of people in the Ministry of Finance to supervise the finances.

In the army, this is not to mention.The army is where Han Ling arranges the most clones.

Now the standing army, the rapid response army, the air force, the navy, and the local garrison area, there are a large number of clones in these places.And because these clones acted as the most basic officers in the army, the army is still firmly held by Han Ling.

Without Han Ling's order, no one could mobilize a single soldier.Not even Mr. Zhan Ning.This is Han Ling's absolute control in the army.

And it was after such a year of development that the national power of the Han Empire had been greatly improved, and it was during this huge improvement that the internal conflicts in Spain were activated at the end of [-] and the beginning of [-].

On February [-], [-], the Spanish Civil War finally broke out. The outbreak of this war, known as the prelude to World War II, immediately attracted the attention of many countries in the world.

Chapter 507: Time flies

As the saying goes, time flies, time flies, and it refers to the present.

Before we know it, it is late February [-], and the Spring Festival has already passed.

Now Han Ling is walking in the snow-covered Forbidden City, and next to him is Zhan Ninggong.

Zhang Hanqing and Bai Jiansheng are still busy with their work. Now that the Spanish Civil War broke out, they have a lot to do. First of all, Han Ling predicted that World War II will break out soon, and the Han Empire will start to make some preparations again.

"Your Majesty! How time flies! Before you know it, the Han Empire has been established for more than a year! Unexpectedly, after the establishment of the Han Empire for more than a year, the Second World War will break out.

Two days ago, Mo San sent a telegram, saying that the Spanish Civil War had completely broken out, and the forces headed by Azania and Franco, with the support of the forces behind them, were constantly recruiting and expanding the army.Now it is still unknown who will win the deer!I don't know what will happen to my Han Empire in the future.

The development is too fast now, and many things still feel like a dream to me.Five years ago, although we were a big country in the East, we were actually a weak country in essence. Five years later, we have become the overlord of the East and joined this world competition. "

When Mr. Zhan Ning thought of everything today, he still felt a little unreal.

"It's nothing! If we don't develop faster, I'm afraid we will be suppressed by others. The World War II that is about to break out now can be said to be the last train of our country's rise."

Han Ling knew very well that this World War II was not only the last bus to the rise of the Han Empire, but also the re-division of the new world structure.

After the war, what is the status of the Han Empire? This is the World War II, how the Han Empire will fight, and which side it will stand on.

"The last bus! This burden is really big enough! Your Majesty! The two ambassadors Vicente and Jansen met with Shi Zhaoji a few days ago. Shi Zhaoji said that their two countries are going to form an alliance and they want to invite us to join. You What do you think about this matter?"

Standing in line has always been a very important thing.Stand in line, stand well, and you will be able to share a lot of benefits after the war.But if you make a wrong stand, you will have to be prepared to accept partition from other countries after the war.

"Stand in line? No! Let's not rush to stand in line. If we stand right, we can make a lot of money, but if we stand wrong, the Han Empire we have just established will face the siege of the whole world.

So I am not going to stand in line now.We can make a war profit first. "

In fact, Han Ling has already sided with the United States in his heart, and is against the United States.The United States stands with the British Grenade, and the Han Empire will stand with the mustache.

Quite simply, it's a matter of interest.

Eagle Coal has always been wearing a pair of underpants. After the war, the division of the world was also decided by the two countries of Eagle Coal, and the British will not think too much of you.

And what is the sentence that the President of the United States, Lao Luo, is shouting now?

"Let us be the arsenal of democracies!"

This is the slogan that American President Lao Luo shouted, but in fact they did.

Since the United States is going to become the arsenal of Britain, France and other countries, the Han Empire will become the arsenal of the mustaches.The reason is also very simple. Historically, Mustache did not have a solid ally.

Don't mention Lao Mo's noodle army, it's just to make soy sauce for fun.Not to mention other effects.

As for the little devil, he was actually a coward, or rather bold.

His short-sightedness is the best in the world.

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