In history, Lao Zhu, the general under Big Beard, beat the little devil to the ground in the battle of Nuomenhan.

Afterwards, the little beard attacked the big beard, but the little devil didn't dare to touch the old man. Instead, he went south to fight Yingmei.

The reason why he hit eagle coal is also very simple, isn't it the lack of oil!

But does Siberia have no oil?At that time, Siberia had already been surveyed to have rich oil reserves.

But the little devil just didn't dare to move, instead he went south.

If at that time, the little devils did not go south, but continued to implement their first plan to go north, not to mention how many troops they sent, they only needed to send about a million troops, and the old Maozi could deploy the half a million troops in the Far East I ate it.

You know, at that time, all the elites of Lao Maozi were transferred to Eastern Europe to fight with Mustache, and there were only half a million troops in such a vast land.

Annihilate his half a million troops, then follow the Siberian Railway all the way west, and attack the bearded man with the little beard.

Can the beard resist it?

It can be said that the bearded man fought extremely hard in this war. The little devil sent an army of one million to the west, and the bearded man must at least send no less than [-] troops to resist.And the little devil was crazy at that time, and his individual combat ability was better than that of the old Maozi.

If the old man wants to resist, he needs at least a million troops.

At that time, the old Maozi's troops on the Eastern European battlefield were already stretched, and he sent a million troops to the east to defend against the little devils. If the Eastern European battlefield lacked a million troops, how could the bearded man resist the little bearded man's attack?This history is really about to be rewritten.

It's just that the little devils didn't do this. The million Kwantung Army was frightened by half a million old men. I have to say that the little devils are really short-sighted, and they haven't produced a few people with strategic vision.

Therefore, the historical mustache, in terms of the entire World War II, he was fighting completely alone, and there was an old Mo carrying a big weight on his back, and then his hands were dragging his thighs.

And it's the same now, Mustache doesn't have a real ally at all.

If under such circumstances, the mighty Han Empire joins it, or becomes the arsenal of Mustache, what will be the result?

Han Ling was looking forward to it, so he was on the side of the mustache in his heart, and he was completely against the United States.

"Making a sum of money for war? Hmm! That's not bad. It's the best way. We sold a lot of warships last year and made a lot of money. Many countries are afraid that all food payments will cause turmoil in domestic food prices. There are also a lot of gold payments. We can say that we have made a lot of money! Now that the Spanish Civil War broke out, Azania and Franco have come to us, hoping that we can sell them weapons and equipment. As for the price Well! Of course they hope to get a little discount!"

Hearing Han Ling's words, Mr. Zhan Ning said with a smile.

Chapter 508: Han Ling's Calculation

"Hmm! Making money from the war is the best and fastest way to rise. And if we want to earn more in this war, we have to stand on the side of the mustache.

If they stand with Britain, France and the United States, Britain, France and other countries must give priority to the United States, not us.On the side of Mustache, the first thing that Mustache considers is us.Including other countries will also consider us first. "

Han Ling agreed with Mr. Zhan Ning's words, but according to Mr. Zhan Ning's understanding of Han Ling.He didn't think this was what Han Ling really meant.

If this was really the main reason, Han Ling probably wouldn't say that.

"Your Majesty! You seem to have other considerations?"

Mr. Zhan Ning walked beside Han Ling and asked a step behind him.

"Other considerations? Hehe! Maybe! How is the expansion of our air force? Have other quick-response mobile armies been formed?"

Han Ling changed the subject, obviously not wanting to say more on this topic.Maybe he really has other considerations!Who knows? "

"The Air Force has almost expanded. Now it has expanded to forty-six air divisions, and there are still four air divisions to complete! The ten quick-response mobile armies have all been formed and can be put into battle at any time."

"Hmm! That's right, what's the status of the national reserves? If a major war breaks out, will they be able to recruit troops to join the battle in time?"

As soon as Han Ling's words came out, Lord Zhan Ning frowned immediately, but he still said: "The national reserves are still operating normally. If there is a big war, we can deploy troops to join the battle in time!"

"That's fine! Lord Zhan Ning, go down and draw [-] troops from the reserve force, and replace all their weapons with semi-automatic rifles. It will be of great use to me."

"Deploy [-] troops? Your Majesty, why did you deploy so many troops? Is there any action?"

Mr. Zhan Ning felt that Han Ling suddenly asked the reserve that something bad happened, and now it seems that it is so.

"Hehe! Actually, it's nothing. Now the Spanish Civil War has completely broken out, and to put it nicely, each country is supporting its own forces. To put it bluntly, it is a training ground for each country, a weapon testing base.

And since it is the training ground and weapon experiment base of all countries in the world, I think where can better evaluate the combat effectiveness of other countries' armies.Although we have arranged a military observation group, there are some things that our military observation group is not suitable for.After all, they represent our Han Empire on the bright side.

So I decided to send an army to do it in the name of international mercenaries!Mustache has the Condor Legion, and Beard has the International Column. We can also choose a name and join the war as international mercenaries! "

"As an international mercenary?"

Mr. Zhan Ning said in astonishment. ,

"Yes! International mercenaries! Anyway, when the time comes, the international community will not be able to produce evidence if they want to accuse them! I didn't let the standing army join the battle, but just used the reserves. Besides, look at the mustache and the big beard. Aren't they doing the same?"

"Which side does His Majesty want to support? It's impossible to go on a trip with an army of [-]!"

Mr. Zhan Ning asked.

"Support? Hehe! No! On the surface, no one supports it!"

Speaking of support, Han Ling would not support anyone publicly.

Because it is very simple, this Spanish Civil War is still a war of division of world powers.

If the Han Empire blatantly supported Franco, it would be supporting Mustache, and it would be telling Britain, France and the United States that he was on the side of Mustache.

And if it supports Azania, it belongs to Britain, France and the United States.

Han Ling would not stand in line so easily.

"No one supports it? What about the [-] troops?"

Mr. Zhan Ning couldn't understand Han Ling, and no one knew about the [-] troops he sent.Isn't this a bit confusing!

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