"Mr. Zhan Ning, don't forget the brand we played! International mercenaries! Mercenaries, we will work for whoever pays!"

A smile appeared on Han Ling's face, while Mr. Zhan Ning's mouth twitched.

International mercenaries!It's really an international mercenary, you can hire it with money!

"What if someone pays you to deal with yourself?"

"Who dares? He can try! If he really dares to do this, I will kill him!"

"That's right! You can do whatever you want! But what about the logistics of the [-]-strong army?"

"The Junker nobles in Mustache have promised to provide us with logistical supplies! We can pay in other ways!"

Mr. Zhan Ning was a little stunned, feeling that Han Ling was almost ready for everything.Even the logistics supply problem has been solved.It's just that it's really interesting to find Junker nobles!

Han Ling really wanted to take the middle route this time.

When Han Ling and the others were talking about these things, the matter was in the Chancellery of the German capital. Mustache was looking down at a document. In front of him was his confidant or private secretary Hess.

"Your Excellency, Head of State! This is a telegram from the Han Empire, please read it!"

Hess handed a telegram in front of him.

"I see!"

After the mustache answered, he looked down at the documents on the table.

After a while, after reading the document, Mustache looked up at the telegram in front of him.

"Hess! What's inside? What did the Han Empire say?"

"Sorry! Your Excellency, this is not what I should know!"

Although he is Mustache's closest comrade-in-arms, he is also his confidant.But for things that shouldn't be seen, Hess will never look at them.

Mustache nodded in satisfaction and picked up the telegram to read it.

It was a while before the telegram was put down.

"It's really troublesome!"

Mustache rubbed his head, and said with a big head.

"Your Excellency the Head of State! Did the Han Empire give you another problem?"

"Hehe! Take a look! It is too difficult for us and the Han Empire to rise. There are too many countries in the way. I still don't think as far as any emperor!"

When the mustache said this, he got a little big headed.Is there something about him being too arrogant?

Hess picked up the telegram and read it. After a while, Hess also frowned.

"Your Excellency! With all due respect, what does the Great Han Empire mean? They don't stand with us? They want to exist as mercenaries, and whoever pays the most will beat them?

What if those stupid John Bulls pay us to beat us?How should this be done?Are we going to help them beat themselves? "

Chapter 509: Fanatic Mustache

"No, no, no! Hess! You still don't understand the meaning of this. You see, the Han Empire asked us to obtain mining rights for them in Spain! The [-] people they sent here will be in the name of the mine protection team Where to station, become a neutral situation!

I believe that His Majesty the emperor of the Han Empire has his own thoughts.As for why he is not on our side now, it is easier to understand!

Now the Han Empire is the overlord of the East and a powerful country in the world, but they still have some problems. For example, the domestic economy is far too different from that of countries such as Yingqian Coal.

Their strength is mainly manifested in the military field.This is why they were able to rise in just a few years.

Their military field has risen, but their economic field, although developing rapidly, is not yet rising.They want to use this war to rise their own economy.

So at present they will not express their position to the world, nor will they clearly stand on which side.

Hess, you have to understand a truth.What the Han Empire is doing now is nothing more than their emperor's majesty to develop the country's economy.Their political system and everything in the past have shown that it is impossible for them to stand with the Three Kingdoms.

Don't forget, whether it is the British or the French, they have caused heavy harm to the people of the Han Empire.

Do you still remember the Yuanmingyuan incident that happened in China?Some time ago, Falkenhausen sent a telegram saying that His Majesty the Emperor of the Han Empire is planning to rebuild the Old Summer Palace, and those national treasures that are living overseas will be cultural treasures that the Han Empire wants to take back.

Relying on these, countries such as the Han Empire and Yingqian Coal are already mortal hatred.Like us, they all have sworn vendettas against countries such as Yingqian. Do you think that under such circumstances, they can still stand with Yingqian coal and other countries?

These are just the most basic. Just look at the Wuyue-class battleships equipped by our imperial navy, Type 28 fighter jets and Type 29 medium tanks equipped by the Air Force. Don’t you understand?

The Han Empire is supporting us, they hope that there will be wars in the future, and we will be able to withstand the attack of eagle weights on the European battlefield! "

While the mustache was talking endlessly, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes from time to time. ,

Mustache can get to where he is today, not only because of his genius-like ability to fool around that day, but also because of his keen insight.

Mustache is very clear about the reason for the current route that the Han Empire is taking.

If Mustache's current goal is to expand its armaments, launch a war, and eat up the Eagles, Su and other countries, then the Han Empire will take revenge, dominate the Pacific Ocean, and regain its former glory.

This can be seen from the fact that the Han Empire continued to expand its navy.

Anyway, in a word, the current goals of the Han Empire and the mustache are the same. They both want to kill the Eagle Weight and other countries, and they both want to compete for more living space.And one in Europe and one in Asia.

That's why Han Ling approached Mustache, and Mustache also believed that the Han Empire would be his ally.

"Sorry! Your Excellency the Führer, forgive me for not being able to understand your profound wisdom!"

Hess seemed to understand a little bit, but he still felt a little confused.There seems to be a lot involved here.

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