If the wealth of the Jews is robbed, it can be paid back immediately.

In addition, Han Ling was still considering whether to change to a larger aircraft carrier, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

Now an aircraft carrier of [-] to [-] tons is enough to use, and it is also enough to abuse them thousands of times.

The Wuyue-class battleship escorts, and the Sky City battleship becomes a battleship that fights alone.

Because Sky City is very fast, its armor is very thick, and its anti-aircraft firepower is as fierce as a hedgehog. According to the navy's estimation, even if it encounters the enemy's aircraft carrier fleet, there is no need to worry too much.

Even if you can't fight, can you still not run?

A speed of 33 knots is not a vegetarian.As far as this speed is concerned, it is extremely fast in the world!

Moreover, for this Sky City battleship, the torpedoes equipped by countries all over the world cannot break through its side armor belt.

In other words, this is almost an unsinkable battleship. The nemesis of battleships - torpedoes can't penetrate the side armor belt. Who else in today's world can confront him head-on?

So Han Ling was going to use the Sky City-class battleship as a separate combat target.

As for the air force, the intercontinental bombing brigade, after meeting Han Ling's requirements of five intercontinental bombing brigades, received Han Ling's order again to expand to ten bombing brigades, so that the intercontinental bombing brigades could deter the world.

With a bomb load of 3750 tons, a bombing brigade can carry [-] tons of bombs.

Ten intercontinental bombing groups can carry 37500 tons of bombs.I believe that with this amount of ammunition, a bombing brigade can cause heavy losses to the enemy country once dispatched.

And in [-] it wasn't just the Intercontinental Bomber Group that was growing.

The armored forces of the Han Empire are still undergoing a leap-forward expansion.

There have been no hordes of tank divisions, only quick-reaction mobile units.

But in order to be faster, or to be more precise, to increase the assault force, Han Ling used Tianyun tanks to form [-] tank divisions.

All of them are composed of Tianyun tanks, and more than [-] Tianyun tanks charge together. What kind of momentum is this?

Forming such an armored cluster force, no matter how powerful the force lay in front of him, Han Ling was confident that he could flatten him.

Originally, Han Ling saw another unexpected tank at the weapon manufacturing base, but because the weapon manufacturing base needs to be upgraded to level nine, the weapon manufacturing base is now at level eight.This tank will only be unlocked after level nine.

As for the performance of this tank, Han Ling doesn't look at the data, but he doesn't doubt his performance when he sees the word "Apocalypse" below him.

It's just that it's still one level behind. Han Ling estimates that the weapon manufacturing base will be upgraded in the second half of [-].

Now that the weapon manufacturing base is upgraded at a later stage, the speed of upgrading is really too slow.

And in the process of Han Ling expanding the army and developing people's livelihood, Mustache has successfully captured the Jews, and a large number of Jews have been persecuted by Mustache.

Just as he is implementing his ideals, as the mustaches began to attack the Jews, Britain, France and other countries seemed to feel that there was a Jewish relationship in the economic crisis, so they also began to expel the Jews.

In this way, except for the United States, other countries in the world, including the Han Empire, are expelling Jews.No Jew was allowed to enter the country, and if found, would be punished with death.

Subsequently, Mustache began to expand his army again, and the Spanish Civil War also began to break out.

Azania and Franco in Spain continued to break out wars with the support of their respective forces, and then used the money in their hands to continuously purchase basic weapons and equipment from the Han Empire to arm the army and fight against the enemy.

Under such circumstances, [-] passed, and [-], full of gunpowder, ushered in!

Chapter 511: Lao Luo's Anger

The past [-] was a year of turmoil.

As for the Han Empire, because of Han Ling's foreign policy, the Han Empire did not join any party, but existed in this war as a neutral and arms dealer.

They all purchased weapons and equipment from the Han Empire.

The Han Empire seems to have become a country that sells arms for profit. He does not stand on any side, and only exists in the form of profit.

Except for the Portuguese Civil War in [-], the arms race was still going on all over the world.

When entering [-], the arms race around the world entered a new round of climax.

First of all, Mustache took over the wealth of the Jews in [-], and the funds in Mustache's hands suddenly became abundant.

With sufficient funds, Mustache first repaid the money owed to the Han Empire, and then expanded the air force and army again, and purchased a large number of Type 28 fighters and Type 29 medium tanks from the Han Empire, preparing to form a group Formed armored clusters.

And Britain and France are also constantly expanding their armaments, preparing to deal with the upcoming war.

At the same time, France invested more money in his Maginot Line, and now France has invested [-] billion francs in the Maginot Line.

In history, he only invested five billion francs, but now it is because Mustache's military expansion is faster than in history, and the weapons are sharper than in history, so France has also increased the budget of the Maginot Line.

As for the United States, after [-], after three years of governance and rectification under the leadership of Lao Luo, the United States finally began to get rid of the economic crisis, the national economy began to rise rapidly, and the unemployment rate was greatly reduced.

In the Han Empire in the east, thanks to the efforts of all the officials and people of the Han Empire, the national power of the Han Empire is rising rapidly.

[-] also entered the last year of the Second and Third Plans. In the previous year, the political, military, cultural, and economic development of the Great Han Empire was rapid.

Among them, in [-], the annual steel output of the Han Empire reached [-] million tons.

According to the estimates of the Ministry of Industry of the Han Empire, by the end of [-], the annual steel output of the Han Empire would reach about [-] million tons.

It is worth mentioning that the US economy has begun to pick up in recent years, and its industrial capacity has also begun to recover.

At the height of the economic crisis, the annual production of steel in the United States was only [-] million tons.Now at the beginning of [-], the annual steel output of the United States has reached about [-] million tons, according to the estimates of the American industry by the Ministry of Industry of the Han Empire.

By the end of [-], his annual steel output would have exceeded [-] million tons.

Han Ling knew all about these data, and he also understood that this was just the reason why the American economy was picking up and their industries were beginning to recover.

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