What's interesting is that after the American economy began to pick up, Lao Luo also understood that the current world situation has become very tense.There may be a major war at any time, so several proposals to expand the army, navy, and air force were submitted to the country.

It's just that they were all beaten back by those members of Congress. Their reason was: instead of wasting money on these things at this time, it is better to support a few more companies and improve the American economy.

For members of the American Congress where isolationism prevails, the war is too far away from them.

They believe that with the protection of two oceans, the United States is extremely safe, and no country can hit the mainland of the United States.

Although the cooking of these congressmen is called stupid, some of their ideas are good.

For example: the lives of American boys are precious and should not be sacrificed for that fearless war.

Regardless of the truth or falsehood of this statement, at least this people-oriented concept is correct.

"These damn bastards! The whole world is preparing for the upcoming war, but they still think that the war is too far away from the United States. It is really stupid. Don't they know that the strength of our Han Empire on the other side of the ocean is growing day by day?"

In the White House, the capital of the United States, Lao Luo was angry in a wheelchair.

The reason is very simple, that is, the bill he submitted to expand the armaments a few days ago was once again rejected by those members of Congress.

Now Lao Luo often thinks of the fear in his heart when he thought of the end of last year, when the Han Empire announced that the annual steel production had reached [-] million tons.

The cohesion of the Han Empire is too strong, so strong that it is unimaginable.

Six years ago, the annual steel output of the Great Han Empire was only tens of thousands of tons, but six years later, their annual steel output had reached [-] million tons.

Now in the world, the annual steel output of the Han Empire ranks second, second only to the United States.

And according to the budget of their industrial sector, if the Great Han Empire continues to grow at this rate, within a few years, the annual steel output of the Great Han Empire will surpass that of the United States.

What does this mean?This represents a transcendence of industrial capabilities.

An old industrial power is surpassed by an industrial country that has only been established for a few years. Is it because others are too strong or is it too weak?

"Mr. President, there is no way to do this! They think that the two oceans can protect the great America. In addition, the First World War brought us [-] dead young boys, which has already made many of them feel heartbroken. In addition to the previous The economic crisis in [-] has scared many members of Congress!"

Jonny behind Lao Luo said very calmly.

"Are you afraid? The war is coming, and if we don't prepare, it will be too late. If we talk about death, the Han Empire was built entirely from the flames of war. Why aren't they afraid?

In the first two years, the war was said to have cost the Han Empire millions of soldiers.But are they afraid?They didn't, and now our Asian intelligence station has sent back news that the Han Empire is actively expanding its armaments, and their reserves have been completed.

According to the statistics of our Ministry of National Defense, once a war breaks out, the Han Empire can recruit [-] million reserve troops in the fastest time!Listen clearly, it's [-] million reserve soldiers!What is that concept?How many people do we have in the United States now?They recruited [-] million reserve soldiers, who in this world can stop them? "

Chapter 512: Worry

Lao Luo's anger filled the entire White House, and Johnny looked at Lao Luo in astonishment. He didn't expect Lao Luo to be so angry.

"Mr. President, are you saying that the Han Empire can recruit [-] million reserve troops in a short period of time?"

After a few seconds, Johnny also reacted.Fifty million reserves?

It was this number that terrified him.Fifty million?

Which country in the world can recruit [-] million reserve troops?The total population of some countries is only over [-] million!

For example, Germany with a mustache has a total population of just over [-] million. As a result, the reserve forces of the Han Empire can recruit more than [-] million.Is this too big a gap?

"Of course! This is the result of statistics from the Ministry of Defense. This is only the most preliminary result.

In addition, the Han Empire can also recruit hundreds of millions of servants from other countries.Can you imagine how many troops the Han Empire can gather at one time?This will be a scary number! "

When Lao Luo thought of this, he felt creepy.

Who said population is useless?

At this time, in wars, population is a key factor in many cases.

"Mr. President, you are worrying too much! If the Han Empire really has tens of millions of troops, even finance and logistics can drag them down! Maybe their soldiers won't even be able to eat by then!"

After thinking about it for a while, Johnny, an economist, suddenly said with a relaxed look, maintaining the optimistic look of the American boy.

"Finance? Johnny, you're still too young! Once a war breaks out, the Han Empire can completely implement the wartime system they used when they started a few years ago, and then finance will become useless for war.

What really matters then is industry, agriculture, and population.

Now the industry of the Han Empire is developing rapidly, and their industrial capabilities are not bad, so there is no need to worry about their industry.

And their population is the largest country in the world, and now they can recruit the largest army in the world, and there is no problem in terms of population.

As for agriculture?Ha ha!Johnny, maybe you don't know!

In the past two years, the Han Empire has used a new type of agricultural seed, whose yield is several times that of ordinary seeds.

The intelligence personnel of our Asian station once stole some of them to return to China, but after planting them in our country, we found that the yield was higher than that of our seeds, but it did not reach the yield of the Han Empire.At that time, we predicted that the seeds of the Han Empire were likely to be a genetically mutated seed, and their current grain production is more than five times that of before. This is only a conservative estimate of our Ministry of Agriculture.

Some time ago, Jason sent back news that the land of the Han Empire was changing.

The northwest of the Han Empire used to be very barren, where the desertification was severe, and there were Gobi deserts everywhere.But in recent years, where is changing.

Now there is already a piece of fertile land, and the previous desertification no longer exists.

Moreover, such changes are also taking place in their Xinjiang and Tibet regions.

In addition, desertification has also been changed in Mongolia, Chahar and other regions.Where the environment is good.Where once it could not be used as arable land, it is now arable land.

do you know!This is a very scary thing.

The northwest and north of the Han Empire were originally plain areas, and once those lands turned sour, they could use mechanical farming to plant them.

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