Combined with their high yielding seeds, what does that mean?

Cultivated land increased and food production increased.They have no shortage of food.

According to the estimates of the Ministry of Agriculture, the grain reserves of the Han Empire are already enough for the Han Empire to feed for twelve years without fear of running out of grain.

Johnny, do you know what that means?

This means that in the event of a war, the Han Empire can continuously recruit troops to the front line.Their huge population base has already indicated that they are the country with the least shortage of soldiers in the world! "

Every time Lao Luo said this, he felt trembling all over. This was not excitement, but fear in his heart.

Which country in the world says in the face of war: I am not afraid of war, as many people as you kill me, I can replenish as many people!

Even the United States dare not say such words, but the Han Empire dares!

"Mr. President, do we need to unite with other countries to sanction the Han Empire in advance?"

Johnny said hesitantly.

"Sanctions? What sanctions do we have? Now that members of Congress simply don't allow us to expand our armaments, what sanctions can we use?

Moreover, it was possible to sanction the Han Empire three years ago.At that time their reserve system had not yet been perfected.It is still impossible to recruit so many troops in a short period of time, but now their reserve system has been perfected, what do you think we will use to sanction? "

Johnny was taken aback by Lao Luo's words. He didn't expect Lao Luo to give him such an answer.

No one can sanction the Han Empire?Then who would dare to go to war with the Han Empire?

"So what we have to do now is to make good friends with the Han Empire, and win the Han Empire to our side as much as possible! If the Han Empire joins the mustache side, none of us knows what irreversible changes will happen!"

When Lao Luo said this, there was a flash of worry in his eyes.

Because until now, that is, as of [-], with the help of the weapons, equipment and personnel of the Han Empire, the mustache has expanded its army to more than four million.

And their navy has also formed combat effectiveness, and the air force has expanded to more than [-] fighters and various other bombers and other air forces with the help of the Han Empire.

Anyway, the strength began to expand rapidly, and the expansion of the mustache's army is so large, it must not be for fun, it is for war.

hit who?Either French or bearded.So now Britain and France hope to divert the disaster to the bearded man.

It's just that sometimes the development of things is not based on their consistent standards, and the track of history is still very strong.

Recently, the mustache and the beard seem to have reached some agreement on the Polish issue. Their confrontation in the wave was in full swing before, but now it has stopped.

While Lao Luo was worried about the upcoming war in his office, Han Ling was asking about some things he had ordered before on the other side of the ocean.

Chapter 513: Satellite Project

"Are all the personnel and equipment ready?"

Han Ling sat in his imperial study, looking calmly at Zhang Hong standing in front of him.

Yes, it is Zhang Hong!The head of the Dahan Royal Etiquette Department.

Since [-], Han Ling has been preparing a plan, which is the launch plan of military satellites.

Military satellites, this can be said to be an epoch-making thing.His appearance changed the way people communicate and changed many patterns of warfare.

For example, the emergence of missiles, many people know that missiles have actually appeared during World War II, but the real role of missiles is the birth of computers and the emergence of military satellites.

Only through the guidance of military satellites can the missile be accurately guided.without a large deviation.

This is only the most basic function of military satellites. Later, military satellites still have solid and other functions.

He can clearly see the movement of those troops on the ground on the earth, and he can solidify the movements of the enemy's navy.

Of course, there are also anti-tracking technology, shielding technology and other technologies!

Anyway, it can be said that the relationship involved is very complicated. Of course, you can't use immature military satellites that develop mature military satellites after gaining power.

However, the military satellite used by Han Ling is the mature satellite technology of Planet Yasiqi.

That satellite technology still has the ability to attack, and carry out fixed-point strikes.The degree of error will not exceed 01 mm!

It can be said to be true precision guidance.

And how big an object on the ground can he capture?

We all know that the capture size of satellites in later generations is in meters, and how many meters are needed to be captured.

But it doesn't matter, objects as large as 101010 [unit mm] can be caught by him.

In this era without anti-tracking and anti-surveillance technology, as long as Han Ling launches such military satellites into space and there are enough of them, the whole world will be under Han Ling's surveillance.

Any of their countries, any troop transfer, Han Ling can know the first time.

That is to say, the army of the Han Empire will fight in the future, and they have already grasped any of their movements. This is simply cheating!

As for why Han Ling used Zhang Hong to take care of this matter, there were actually several reasons.

First, the person who manages this matter cannot use clones, because clones are too rigid, and some things cannot be adjusted accordingly. When they encounter many problems, they often directly report to Han Ling and let Han Ling solve them.

Then what a fart!Han Ling is so busy every day that he has no time to take care of it.

And the second reason is that Zhang Hong is a house slave, he is a eunuch, and belongs to Han Ling's house slave.He can only survive by relying on Han Ling.

So Han Ling chose to use him because he was a domestic slave after all.

And the third is the military satellite program, Han Ling is not going to let other people know.So to find a trustworthy person to manage, Zhang Hong came into Han Ling's eyes.In a short time, Han Ling didn't even intend to let Mr. Zhan Ning and the others know about this matter.

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