That's why Han Ling came to Zhang Hong.

But Zhang Hong does have some ability.

"Report to Your Majesty! Everything is ready, and military satellites can be launched at any time!"

Zhang Hong's face was full of respect. Among the former eunuchs, he could be said to have lived the best life.Some of the other eunuchs either died in the previous war, or they were starved to death due to poor health, or they died because of old age and financial constraints.

The remaining ones who are a little younger will eat in some temples or other places.

Later, Zhang Hong also asked Han Ling to recruit some former eunuchs, hoping to give them a bite to eat.At that time, Han Ling also agreed, and the eunuchs who were recruited were all assigned to the Etiquette Department.Anyway, they are not allowed to enter the harem.

As for Zhang Hong's position as the director of the Etiquette Department, it can be said that he is really good at it.

"Well! What do the weather observers say? When is the best time to launch?"

Han Ling looked up at Zhang Hong and asked.

"Your Majesty, the meteorological observation station said that three days later will be an excellent launch time!"

"Okay! Then launch after three days."


After handling these government affairs, Han Ling went to the command hall of the military headquarters. Due to his continuous military actions over the years, Han Ling also had a habit of appearing in the military headquarters after handling the government affairs.

"Your Majesty! Here we come!"

Seeing Han Ling appearing in the military headquarters, Lord Zhan Ning laughed loudly. ,

"Well! Here we come! Is there any information in Spain?"

Han Ling walked over and asked.

"In Spain? Your Majesty, if you want to ask about the situation in their country, then don't ask. Because it is still the same as before, and now both sides are in a stalemate. It is estimated that there is no one or two to decide the winner. Years can't do it!"

Master Zhan Ning shook his head and said.

"A year or two? Did the mustaches and the beards do anything else?"

Han Ling frowned and asked, although history has changed now, there are some things that cannot be changed, such as the occurrence of World War II, the hatred of the mustache towards the beard and Britain and France, these cannot be changed.

So what should have happened in World War II will still happen, but the time will be brought forward.

"Other countries? Speaking of other countries, we have received some news. Mustache and Beard recently signed a non-aggression treaty.

Britain, France and other countries have formed an organization called the Stresa Front. According to my estimation, they will come to us in a few days, hoping that we will join this organization!In addition, Beard and France also signed a mutual assistance treaty, which is probably a treaty for Mustache.And now that Mustache has the support of our weapons and equipment, his ambitions have also begun to expand rapidly.

I attended a banquet a few days ago, and Taudman tested my views on the current world situation. I guess that within a few days, Mustache will also send us a suggestion to form an Axis organization.Now the world situation is afraid to become tense again! "

When Mr. Zhan Ning said this, he felt that the war was approaching.

In recent years, countries around the world have been engaged in an arms race, and now the arms race has been going on for a long time, just like before World War I.

Some countries are eager to fight a war, such as mustache and beard.

"Mutual aid treaty? Non-aggression, breaking the treaty? It seems that the mustache and the beard are going to clean up those small countries first, and then talk about the big things later!"

Han Ling knew very well that once the mustache and the beard signed a non-aggression treaty, it meant that the real World War II was about to break out, and the signing of this treaty was three years earlier than in history.

Chapter 514: Shocking the World

"Your Majesty! How should we respond to the two organizations?"

Lord Zhan Ning and Zhang Hanqing looked at Han Ling intently and asked.

"How to reply? For countries such as Britain and France, say that our country pursues a foreign policy of non-hegemony and non-alignment. Our country is a peace-loving country and will not join any organization! As for the mustaches! Just tell them that the time has not yet come. Now, at an opportune time, our country will join them! But it will take time!"

Han Ling thought for a while and came up with such an answer. Now is indeed not the time. The Second World War has not yet broken out, and the Han Empire has not yet earned enough money. Why join them at this time.It's better to salvage a fortune first.

"oh, I understand now!"

Lord Zhan Ning understood Han Ling's thoughts, and at the same time he also thought that it was not good for the Han Empire to join an organization too early.

Make a lot of money in war, this is the kingly way!

Look at Millikin, they made a lot of money in World War I.

"By the way! Isn't Britain, France and other countries starting to get nervous now? Then we can add fire to them!"

Thinking that Britain, France and other countries are also anxious now, Han Ling couldn't help showing a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Add a fire?"

Zhang Hanqing and Bai Jiansheng looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't understand what Han Ling meant.

"That's right! Just to add fuel to the fire! Now our Pacific Fleet and East China Sea Fleet have been refitted long ago, and they have never shown up in the past two years, just to keep it secret. But now that the war is about to break out, there is no need to They are hidden. Reveal them. In addition, the South China Sea Fleet will also immediately replace the Sky City-class battleships. The replaced Wuyue-class battleships will all be escorted by the aircraft carrier!"

Cypress Palace, the capital of Millikin.

"Mr. President, there is news from the Asian intelligence station that a new type of battleship has appeared in the Han Empire! According to their prediction, the displacement is about [-] tons!"

A Baigong intelligence officer rushed into Lao Luo's office in a hurry, and told a news that shocked everyone.

"What did you say? The latest battleship? The displacement is about [-] tons?"

A general wearing an army uniform beside Lao Luo stood up and asked in shock.

"Yes! The Han Empire released official news. The latest battleship they developed is the Sky City-class battleship. It is a super battleship with a full load displacement of nearly [-] tons. Its main ship guns have a caliber of more than five hundred mm!"

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