"Show me the telegram!"

Lao Luo held back the shock in his heart and said to the intelligence officer.


Lao Luo took the telegram from the Asian intelligence station and read it.

After a while, he put down the telegram with a look of shock.

"The three major fleets of the Han Empire have all appeared, and all their battleships have been refitted as Sky City-class battleships. Their three major fleets are equipped with a total of [-] Sky City-class battleships. In addition, they also announced that they will be in the sky. The next step is to replace the Indonesian squadron and the Middle East escort fleet with Sky City-class battleships. In this way, they will have a total of twenty-eight Sky City battleships!"

Lao Luo put down the telegram, looked at the people around him, and said with some uneasiness.

"Mr. President, can you show me the telegram!"

The general said to Lao Luo, and Lao Luo handed him the telegram in his hand.

After a while, the general passed the telegram to those around him.

"This is a conspiracy! This is a conspiracy prepared by the Han Empire! Their Pacific Fleet and East China Sea Fleet have not shown up in the past two years. Now when they show up, they are all the latest battleships. And their South China Sea Fleet, the front part At that time, the ten battleships were still Wuyue-class battleships, but now they have become Sky City battleships. I guess they have been ready for a long time. It's just that they haven't changed their outfits all the time. This time, they changed their outfits in a short period of time. It's a conspiracy!"

The general looked at Lao Luo and said.

"Yes! General Bradley! This is a conspiracy. This is a long-deliberate conspiracy of the Han Empire. When the situation in this world became more and more tense, the Han Empire suddenly exposed the Sky City-class battleships. I feel that they are I want to speed up the outbreak of war!"

Lao Luo also said with some worries.None of them are idiots. If you say that you have developed the latest battleship in normal times, it is just a joke.

But now, when the world situation is tense, the Han Empire broke the news that it has developed the latest battleship, and twenty-four ships appeared at once. This is an obvious conspiracy.

"I also think so. After the Han Empire released the latest battleship, the countries of the world, especially Ying, will increase their investment in the navy again. At that time, their economy, which has just started to recover, will be destroyed again because of the arms race. into the abyss.

And Mustache, a cannon advocate for giant ships, will also increase military spending.

At that time, all countries in the world will be affected by the arms race again, and the economy will be affected. In order to balance domestic contradictions, countries can only vent externally and transfer conflicts through war.What a good way!I estimate that the Great Han Empire has already begun to lay out a few years ago.

Now think about it carefully, isn’t the world’s arms race the first to be provoked by the Han Empire? "

Bradley's words stunned the people present, and then they thought about it, it seems that the coming of this war has a close relationship with the Han Empire.

According to the normal development, even if a war breaks out, it will not come so soon.

"Hmm! General Bradley, you are right! All this seems to be controlled by the Han Empire! I'm afraid they are dissatisfied with the status quo and want to provoke a war!"

Lao Luo said something leisurely.

"Instigate war? What good does it do them? Now they have only established a country for a few years. Shouldn't they calm down and develop at this time?"

Another general expressed his doubts. ,

"What's the benefit? The benefit is great!"

Lao Luo seems to have figured out some problems, so he has the confidence to speak.

"According to the foreign policy of the Han Empire in the past few years, we can know that the Han Empire wants to provoke a war, but they don't want to participate in the war in a short period of time, then their purpose is obvious. That is to make money from the war. As we all know, if They can make a lot of money in the war, which will greatly reduce the rise of their country, especially to improve their country's economic problems!"

Chapter 515 : I can't wait

"They want to make a lot of war money? Oh! God! Don't they know that if a war is started, thousands of lives will die in this world?"

As soon as Lao Luo's analysis came out, the non-soldiers present immediately said in astonishment.

"Thousands of lives have passed away? Do you think that His Majesty the Emperor of the Han Empire would care about the lives of other countries? In recent years, you should know that His Majesty the Emperor of the Han Empire is a man who does everything he can to achieve his goals. people.

Now they have made great achievements in both industrial and military fields, even we are amazed by them.But they have a short board, that is the economic problem.

The national economy is now mainly driven by domestic demand. If this continues, let alone catch up with our economy, it will be difficult for them to break through the bottleneck after they reach the bottleneck.

If at this time, if they start a war and make a lot of war money, this problem will no longer be a problem.Their economy can develop rapidly and even catch up with us in a very short time!I think this is what His Majesty the Emperor meant! "

It has to be said that Lao Luo's vision is indeed very vicious, and some things in it are indeed what Han Ling thought.

"Then what are we going to do now? Do we want to seize the world arms market with the Han Empire during the war?"

A general asked with some helplessness.

"Seize the weapons market? In terms of weapons in the world, our weapons are lagging behind those of the Han Empire. But because our manufacturing costs are cheap, we can sell them at a slightly cheaper price. This is our only advantage." .

If the price of the Great Han Empire is not high, then our market is estimated to be seized! "

Lao Luo is also a little helpless. If the weapons of the Han Empire are really the same as his own, or even cheaper than his own, then other countries must buy the weapons of the Han Empire.

In this kind of world war, every penny that can be saved is a penny.

Because every little savings can buy more weapons, and then arm more armies.

No one is stupid, one is high quality and cheap, the other is behind others in performance, and the price is higher than others, a fool knows which one to buy.

"But will the weapons of the Han Empire be cheap? According to our previous experience, the weapons and equipment of the Han Empire are very expensive! So if we compete with them in the weapons market, we may have an advantage!"

A general analyzed it based on the previous experience of selling weapons in the Han Empire, and felt that his own country was more dominant.

"That was before! Who knows now?"

Looking at the present through the eyes of the past, that is what a fool would do.Of course, Lao Luo will not use the past to measure the present.

"Should we tell the British government about this matter? It's best to announce it to the world, so that the reputation of the Han Empire in the world will be stink!"

A non-soldier, the American guy who looked like a literati said hesitantly.

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