

As soon as he finished speaking, the people around him spoke anxiously.

"Alvia! Your method is not acceptable! In this way, we will offend the Han Empire. Now the Han Empire is instigating the war just to make money from the war, but he has not clearly stated which side he is on, which shows that his Still hesitating in my heart. If we do this at this time, it will be tantamount to pushing the Han Empire into the arms of the enemy!"

Lao Luo looked at the man and said with a serious face.

"Okay! Then I have no choice! It is impossible for us to watch the Han Empire make war fortune!"

Alvia felt a little helpless on the ropeway.

"Let's take one step at a time! Who can say for sure about these things?"

Lao Luo said something sad.

When Lao Luo and the others were talking about the Great Han Empire, at this time in the remote British Isles, the British Prime Minister was also talking about this issue.

Because of the changes in history, Lao Zhang did not take the position of Prime Minister in the past. On the contrary, the Minister of the Navy, Lao Qiu, the iron-blooded prime minister of the British countryman, came to power a few years in advance.

Although Britain and France were frightened by the First World War, they did not want another war.

But the world situation has shown that war is unstoppable. Some people in the country of Ying Guoyao put Lao Qiu on the stage, because he kept propagating in the House of Commons that he must resist the attack of the mustache and cannot compromise and so on.

For various reasons, he came to power early.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister! This is the news from the intelligence personnel of our Asian station. The latest battleship appeared in the Han Empire. According to the official news released by the Han Empire, their latest battleship has a displacement of more than [-] tons! The caliber of the main ship's gun exceeds [-] tons. mm caliber"

This intelligence officer is the intelligence officer of the famous MI[-] in the UK.

"Why do they have such strong scientific and technological strength? It is difficult for our empire to develop a [-]-ton super battleship. Some technologies of the Wuyue-class battleship of the Han Empire have become technical fortresses that the empire cannot break through now. Now you are telling me that the Han Empire has launched the latest battleship with a displacement of more than [-] tons?"

Lao Qiu didn't seem to be in a good mood, and when he heard the news, his face turned dark.

"Your Excellency, the Prime Minister! The news from the Asian station should be correct."

The intelligence officer also didn't know how to answer, he was just an intelligence officer from MI[-], how could he know the truth of the information.

"Okay! You put the telegram here and go out!"

Lao Qiu also knew that it was useless to talk to him about this kind of thing.After the intelligence officer went out, Lao Qiu picked up the telegram on the table and read it several times before he fell into deep thought. He didn't know how long he was thinking.

At this time, in the far east, the Great Han Empire was already shrouded in darkness, but Han Ling was still standing in the command hall of the military headquarters.

Looking at the huge world map in front of him, Han Ling fell into deep thought, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Lord Zhan Ning and Zhang Hanqing stood in the distance, looking at Han Ling who was meditating.

"Mr. Zhan Ning, Han Qing! Do you think I can take this land? I have been planning for so long and prepared so much. Sometimes I am looking forward to the war, and now I can hardly wait! I have been preparing for this day since [-], and it is still July [-]."

Chapter 516: Preparation for Mustache

"I can take it! Even if I can't take it, I have to take it. This is the only chance for the empire at present. As you said, if the empire can't take advantage of the situation to rise this time, it will be even more difficult in the future! Now the empire has grown from a few years It has been several years since I started preparing.

The first batch of students in the empire who received compulsory education since they were young have now completed two-thirds of their studies.Those who started compulsory education in high school are now graduating.

Now the empire lacks nothing, only an opportunity is missing! "

Mr. Zhan Ning walked behind Han Ling and said softly.

"Timing? That's right! The empire lacks a suitable timing. But now we don't have much way to speed up the process. What we can see now is the two sides of the little beard and the big beard, or the little beard is ready What's the matter!"

Han Ling's eyes shifted from Asia to the piece of land in Europe.There was a touch of heat and hope in his eyes.

But he also knew that it would be useless for him to add fire to this kind of war.

If the mustache is not ready, even if he adds fire, the mustache will try to put out the fire, and then wait until it is ready before acting.

"Mr. Zhan Ning, let Gu Mosan's military observation group and the [-] Spanish troops come back.

Now Europe is no longer safe, and I am afraid that it will soon become a place of war.Although I don't know exactly when the mustaches will launch the war, but according to the information I have obtained, they are estimated to launch the attack before the spring of next year.Of course, this is just our guess, and maybe they will start the war before September this year.It all depends on where the mustache's first goal is! "

Han Ling looked at the huge map and thought for a while, then said to Mr. Zhan Ning beside him.

Now he doesn't know when the mustache will start the war, because according to his information, the army of the mustache now has five million people.

In addition, the air force and navy have also formed combat capabilities, and the scale is not small.

If it continues to drag on, the domestic economy of Mustache will be affected.

How did the mustache raise such a huge army in history?

It's not about supporting war with war!

Although the mustache has greatly improved their domestic economy and became a major European country again in a short period of time, their domestic economy cannot bear such a large army.

The reason why it can be raised later is that it is possible to raise such an army by defeating Europe and integrating the power of the whole of Europe.

Therefore, Han Ling believes that the mustache will start the war before the spring of next year at the latest, and if it is soon, it will start the war before September.

Take Poland before winter sets in, then turn around and take out the rest.

"En! It's time for them to come back. They have been there for a long time. The situation in Europe is not stable now, and it is easy to cause problems wherever they stay!"

Lord Zhan Ning also agreed with Han Ling's decision. The army was in Europe, so he was afraid of being tricked by others.What things can't some people do for some benefit?

"You guys go and give orders on these things! I still have something to do, I'll go back first!"

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