Thinking of the satellites launched before, I still don't know what happened.I don't know if it will work or not.Han Ling decided to take a look.

Inside the Imperial Study Room of the Forbidden City

"Zhang Hong! How is the operation of the satellite? Is it operating normally?"

Han Ling sat behind his desk, looked at Zhang Hong in front of him and asked.

"Your Majesty! Now there is news from the satellite base that the satellite is in normal delivery! This is an image sent back by the satellite, please take a look at it, Your Majesty!"

Zhang Hong naturally knew why Han Ling had summoned him.After all, the most important thing I manage now is the matter of this satellite.

Han Ling must have summoned him for the satellite, so he prepared some things when he received the summons.

After taking a look at the image Zhang Hong handed over, Han Ling nodded in satisfaction.

"En! That's right! That's what I want. You go down and let them prepare. This one satellite cannot monitor the whole world, and at least thirty more satellites are needed.

Get ready, I will allocate satellites to you after a while.You shoot me up one by one.

I want the final result to be able to monitor every country in the world, even if they have the slightest troop mobilization, I still want to know!do you understand? "

This satellite certainly cannot monitor the whole world.No matter how powerful your satellite is, if your satellite can detect ants on the ground, there is no way for one satellite to monitor the whole world.

The earth is so big and round, so if we want to monitor the whole world, we need [-] or [-] satellites to do it, and it is accurate monitoring.

This first satellite can be said to be of an experimental nature. If the launch of this satellite fails, it needs to be improved.

If successful, then continue to launch.

While the Han Empire was preparing to continue launching satellites, in distant Europe, Mustache was preparing to launch a war.

Han Ling predicted that Mustache would start the war in the spring of next year at the latest, but in fact, Mustache could not wait that long.

It's actually an economic issue.

With an army of five million, plus a powerful air force and a huge navy, the daily military expenditure is an astronomical figure.

Although Mustache made a fortune against the Jews last year.

But this wealth was used by Mustache to buy weapons and equipment from the Han Empire, and then expand the army, and it was almost used up.

The military is a very financially consuming thing.

No matter how much money you have, it can eat it for you.Now, in order not to seriously drag down the domestic economic development, Mustache can only support war with war.

"General Gudrian, how are you preparing? If there is a big war now, can you immediately join the battlefield?"

Mustache sat behind his desk, and a general stood in front of him.

This is a question from Mustache before the war, he needs to know whether his troops are ready or not!

"Report Your Excellency the Head of State! Please rest assured that my armored force is already ready and ready to attack at any time!"

"Very good! Go down! By the way, call Commander Ge in for me!"

Chapter 517: World War II Deduction

"Report to Your Excellency, the Commander of the Air Force is reporting to you!"

Fatty Ge, wearing a white air force uniform, stood in front of Mustache and said loudly.

"Is your air force ready?"

When dealing with these matters, Mustache never talks nonsense, but goes straight to the point.

"Report Your Excellency the Head of State! Everything is ready!"

Fatty Ge was very proud, and his answer was full of confidence.

The current Fatty Ge is not as fat as in history, and his current figure can even be described as burly. He is tall and burly, and it is really difficult to connect his fat pig-like figure in later generations.

"Very good! Now our plan is about to start. The army is fully prepared, and your air force must not make any mistakes. Your air force cannot cause our operation to fail, do you understand?"

Mustache regards this operation as the first battle after the rise of the Third Reich, and it is also a battle that truly tests the combat effectiveness of the troops.

During the Spanish Civil War, although he sent the Condor Legion, after all, it was not his own troops who participated in the war on a large scale.

Moreover, the main purpose of Mustache sending the Condor Legion to participate in the Spanish Civil War was to experiment with weapons and equipment.

"Your Excellency, please rest assured! I will definitely ensure the smooth progress of the war!"

When the little beard was making the final inquiry and preparing to launch a big war, at this time in the Kremlin, the capital of Lao Maozi, the big beard was also conducting a deduction.

"Dear Comrade Lin Sida, according to the information we have received, the mustaches in the west are ready to attack Poland. Their army and air force are almost ready! We predict that if they act quickly, they will attack Poland before September assault!"

Major General Vasilev was gesturing on the huge map with a baton, and he stood behind with a mustache, his eyes fixed on a certain place, as if he wanted to see a flower here.

"En! How is our army and air force prepared? Although we have signed a treaty with that mustache, that mustache really cannot be trusted. We must not give up our territory to them!"

What is shameless?I mean bearded.

This was originally the land of Poland, but he already regarded it as his own, and he said it so righteously, I have to say that this bearded man is really shameless, just like in history.

"Comrade Lin Sida, don't worry, the boys from our air force and army are already ready and ready to attack Poland at any time!"

Major General Vasilev had a confident smile on his face.

"very good!"

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