There was a smile on the face of the bearded man. He admired Major General Vasilev very much. Now they lack such a general with strong self-confidence, don't they?

The little beard is making the final questioning, the big beard is making the final preparations for the questioning, while the military headquarters of the Han Empire is conducting European war games in the middle of the night.

"Your Majesty! Please look, these are some deductions we conducted based on the information you provided. Now Mustache has concentrated 29 divisions, [-] million troops, and [-] Type [-] medium tanks on the Polish front. , In addition, there are more than [-] aircraft of various types.

In addition, they have concentrated no less than [-] troops in Czechoslovakia, Austria and other places. They seem to want to take these two places when they attack Poland.

In addition, the mustache's army is still in Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and other places. If our military department has not miscalculated, they are likely to attack these places after attacking Poland! "

A colonel and staff officer of the military department was holding a baton and talking about his deduction for Han Ling and Mr. Zhan Ning.

Then the staff officer continued to wave his baton and gesture on the map.

And Han Ling and the others were listening carefully. Although it was late at night, Han Ling and Mr. Zhan Ning still didn't feel sleepy at all.

History has progressed to the present, and the history of the world has been changed in pieces because of Han Ling's arrival.

Now Han Ling has lost the prophetic nature of history, so every step he takes now, Han Ling needs to think twice, taking into account all aspects of the situation.

But fortunately, although the history has changed a lot, the general historical trend has not been changed, such as the signing of the treaty between the mustache and the beard.

The mustache and the beard together carve up Poland and other actions.These things have not been changed.

The only places that have changed are Austria and Czechoslovakia.

Historically, when these places were re-annexed by Mustache into his arms, no world war broke out.

But in this time and space, a world war is about to break out, and the mustache has not yet been included. It seems that he wants to take these places into his own territory after the outbreak of the war.

After a while, the staff officer finished speaking and put down his baton.

Han Ling and Mr. Zhan Ning also sat down.

"Your Majesty! The development of the matter seems to be a bit beyond our expectations. We predicted that they should launch an offensive in the spring of next year. But we did not expect the information we have now, they estimate that they will launch an offensive before September!"

When Mr. Zhan Ning said this, he felt that Mustache was really in a hurry.

However, Han Ling understood the mustache's approach very well.Now Mustache raises so many armies. If he doesn't take down other countries and seize their wealth for his own use, these armies can easily drag down Mustache's finances.

"Isn't there an old saying that plans can't keep up with the rapid changes! Now that Mustache has so many troops, it's understandable to plan ahead.

For now we just have to wait and see.Mustache and Beard want to carve up Poland, wait for them to carve up slowly!Let's just watch from behind! "

Although Han Ling has been paying attention to the situation in Europe, it doesn't mean that he is going to join the war now.

"Your Majesty! Although the relationship between us and Lao Maozi seems to be good now, both of us know that we belong to the deadly feud, or the kind of deadly feud that cannot be solved.

But now the mustache and the big beard have signed a treaty, but we all know that the mustache will not let the beard go.The last time Mustache found us, hoping that we could join the Axis powers, why did you say that now is not the time, Your Majesty?I think now is actually the time!After the mustache takes Poland, it is very likely that he will choose to defend against countries such as Britain and France, and then eat the old man and then turn around to deal with countries such as Britain and France. After all, the French Maginot Line is not so easy to break through! "

Chapter 518: The outbreak of World War II [Part [-]]

"Beat the old man? The little beard is indeed going to beat the old man, but it is definitely not now. And if you fight like you guessed, the little beard will be caught in a two-sided battle, which is very bad for the little beard. On the contrary, I But I think that after the old man and the little beard take Poland, they will turn around to deal with Britain, France and other countries. The predicament of the First World War reappeared!"

To be honest, if Han Ling hadn't come from a later generation and knew the power of the armored force and the direction of the mustache's attack, he would also think that what Zhan Ninggong said was right.

The Maginot Line, which cost billions of francs, is indeed a great deterrent, and France has said harshly that if Mustache wants to break through this line of defense, it will take at least two million lives to fill it.

If Mustache really attacked the Maginot Line so stupidly, it would indeed cost a lot of lives.

But why is Mustache so stupid?Knowing that there is a solid line of defense ahead, they attack foolishly.

So in history, Mustache's cooking is to bypass the Maginot Line, making this line of defense a dispensable decoration.

And it was this method that let Han Ling know that the only function of the Maginot Line might be to solve the job problems of some French people during the economic crisis.

As for other military significance, that is a joke.

"First deal with Britain, France and other countries? Your Majesty! It's not that I don't know, but that Mustache is really so stupid? The Maginot Line is a line of defense that France spent billions of francs to build. The strength of this line of defense can be called It is the best in the world. It is impossible for Mustache to break through this line of defense without spending millions of lives! Unless Mustache can make all his army fly over! Otherwise, he will have to fight hard !"

"Attack the Maginot Line? Mustache is not so stupid. The reason for this line of defense is still in France. If I were Mustache, I would not attack France first. You see, Mr. Janning, this line of defense is mainly in France. The eastern area. And this area is also the main line of defense of the Maginot Line.

In addition, France also built a branch line of the Maginot Line in the Daladier area, which is close to Belgium.In the eyes of the French, this Maginot line of defense across eastern France is fully capable of defending against Mustache's attack, but in my opinion, this line of defense is perfect, but it has two fatal flaws. "

After Han Ling finished speaking, he stood up, took the baton, walked to the huge map and said, "Look, everyone! This Maginot Line is solid, but its first fatal flaw is in the northeast of France. Where it meets Belgium.

From Daladier in northeastern France to Dunkirk in the far north, the Maginot Line was not built for this distance.

Maybe those proud Frenchmen thought it was impossible for the mustache to hit here, or they were confident enough to mobilize millions of troops to block the mustache when the mustache hit here, so that the mustache would sink here.

This is their first fatal flaw, and the second flaw is that they trust Lao Mo's wishes too much.

In addition, Lao Mo always wanted to restore the glory of the Mediterranean Empire, but Britain, France and other countries could not meet Lao Mo's request, or they would not allow Yi to dominate the Mediterranean again.Do they think that one Serbia can fill in the old ink?

snort!It's just a joke.Britain and France have been unable to satisfy their appetites, but Moustache can.So in the end, Italy will still become an ally of Mustache.

The second fatal flaw of the Maginot Line is the defense line in southeastern France.

Because France has always regarded Mustache as an imaginary enemy, and the main defense target of the Maginot Line is also Mustache, but he ignored it.

Once Italy becomes an ally of Mustache, Italy can directly send troops into southeastern France from Monaco and other places.And his Maginot Line will also become a decoration.

Of course, according to the information sent back by our military observation group in Spain, the combat effectiveness of the Italian army is worrying. We know this, and so does Mustache.

Therefore, Mustache will not put his hope on Yi's body. Since he can't put his hope on Yi's body, then he can only fight by himself.

The first fatal flaw we just mentioned is the distance from Daladier in northeastern France to Dunkirk.

It is believed that there are not many countries in the world who know the assault power of armored forces.

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