Our country is a country, followed by a mustache.

As for the assault power of armored forces, I believe you all know it.Especially now the armored forces of Mustache are mainly equipped with our Type 29 medium tanks.I won't say much about the performance of this tank, you all know it.

Mustache used blitzkrieg to kill the Netherlands and Belgium in a very short period of time, bypassing the Maginot Line from Lille in Belgium and other places, so that the French Maginot Line would become a decoration.

According to my understanding of the armored forces, the French army must not be able to react when the mustache's armored forces bypassed the Maginot Line.

At that time, the millions of troops of the French army in the Maginot Line of Defense will become shackles.Especially after Mustache's armored troops bypassed the Maginot Line, his goal would be directed at one place, the capital of France! "

Han Ling's baton suddenly landed on the location of the French capital, and everyone looked at the baton in Han Ling's hand as it was drawn across the map in a daze.

But here, Bai Jiansheng, Zhang Hanqing, and Mr. Zhan Ning calculated the time to complete this operation after hearing Han Ling's words. They believed that the speed of the main mustache was fast enough, and they could definitely break into France before the French army reacted. native.

"If it is our armored force assault, I think that with the performance of the Tianyun-class tank, it can hit the French capital within a month. Of course, even if it is a Type 29 medium tank, two months! Up to two months You can hit the French capital in less time!"

Han Ling raised two fingers and said, in fact, it is true.

In fact, this is still Han Ling's conservative estimate. If it is really the clone soldiers of the Han Empire driving Tianyun tanks to attack France, Han Ling is confident that he will occupy the entire territory of France within a month.Conquer the whole of Europe in three months!Before they could react, Han Ling could kill them all in one fell swoop!

It's just that there may be many rebels after the extermination.

Chapter 519: The outbreak of World War II【中】

Han Ling's words let everyone in the military know that the mode of war has changed, and they also know it.Once Mustache really plays according to the strategy Han Ling said, France will fall in a short time.

Then some preparations for the Han Empire began to prepare again.

The first is the strategic layout of India.

India, next to the Han Empire, is now the overseas territory of the Ying Guo.

In the future, once the Han Empire has a war with the British, they are likely to use India as a springboard to attack the mainland of the Han Empire.

This is something that Han Ling does not allow. Riots and wars are not impossible, but wars must not be waged on the mainland.

This is the idea of ​​all the soldiers of the Han Empire to keep the enemy out of the country.

So now the Han Empire has begun to implement a strategic layout for India.

As for Lao Maozi's layout, there is no need for layout at all.

Although there are only [-] garrison troops on the Han-Soviet border, there are still a large standing army behind him, and there is also a quick-response mobile army in Mongolia.

Once a riot is about to go to war, they will rush to reinforcements in the shortest possible time and join the battlefield.

The Han Empire is preparing, and the two people, Moustache and Big Beard, are also making final preparations and waiting.

Inside the Cypress Palace, the capital of the United States.

On August [-], the temperature has obviously turned cooler after the beginning of autumn.

In the morning, I also feel a little cool inside.

Unlike before the beginning of autumn, even in the morning, I felt a little hot in it.

Lao Luo was sitting in his wheelchair, wearing a white short-sleeved shirt.

At this time, Lao Luo, who had already had breakfast, was looking at the documents in his office, and his think tank team was in front of him.

There is the army, there is the navy, there is the air force, and of course there are officials.They can all be said to be closely united with Lao Luo, and they can be regarded as Lao Luo's solid strength.

Since Lao Luo took this position, he has led the United States out of the quagmire of the economic crisis step by step, making him very popular in the United States. Judging from the current situation, it is estimated that he will be re-elected in the [-] election.

The voice in the country is very high, which also makes many people very optimistic about the president in a wheelchair.

Someone once claimed that he was one of the greatest presidents in American history.

Of course, as for the specific situation, no one knows.But at least Han Ling knew that although Lao Luo was a cripple, he was really powerful.

"Two days ago, the intelligence agency sent me a message, saying that European mustaches and beards, these two beards are a little restless. Even if one is bad, it may bring disaster to the world! What do you think of this sentence? "

Looking at his subordinates, Lao Luo showed a helpless expression on his face.

"I think they are right. Now the mustache has completely broken the shackles of the Treaty of Versailles. Now they use more than [-] million troops, more than [-] aircraft and more than [-] armored vehicles. It will be a Very dangerous country!"

Bradley, the general who is more favored by Lao Luo, said with an expression that he is a dangerous guy.

"General Mike, do you think so too?"

Lao Luo did not express his opinion easily, but turned to look at another general.

I believe everyone knows this person, Mike Ah Sai, I don't need to say more about his real name.

"Although I don't agree with the Treaty of Versailles, it violates our American constitution. But what I have to say is that the mustaches are really dangerous now. These more than five million troops need a vent!"

"En! General Patton! What about you? What do you think of the current situation in Europe? Or where do you think the attack direction of Mustache will be?"

Lao Luo still didn't express his views, he needed to know the views of these generals.

Lao Luo is a successful politician, and he can even be described as great in the history of the United States, but he is by no means a brilliant military commander!

As the saying goes, things should be looked at by professionals. From a military point of view, Lao Luo believes that the answers given by these military commanders are more accurate than those given by his second military sword.

"The situation in Europe? I don't think there is anything to talk about except war. It's not just Moustache who has conflicts with Britain, France, and the Soviet Union. Their rapidly expanding troops because of the arms race already shows that war is inevitable.

There is no war to digest such a large-scale expansion of armaments. I believe this will be a big burden on the finances of every country.

As for the direction of attack, in my opinion, the little beard has no other choice but to attack westward, first take down Britain, France and other countries, and then attack the bearded man.

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