If he still wants to attack the bearded man first, then he will be caught in a two-front battle.The territory of the bearded man is really too big, he can't eat it for a while!

And according to the information we got, Mustache's attack will be in the nearest period of time, and now it is about to enter winter.

What he meant by Chen Bing on the Polish border was to take Poland.It is impossible for him to attack the bearded man at this time.Because this will put his troops at a disadvantage!The coldness of Eastern Europe is enough to extinguish all hot flames! "

Button's analysis made everyone present feel reasonable.Why did Germany lose in World War I?Still not reconciled to losing?

As far as the combat effectiveness of the German army in World War I was concerned, even the French army could not match them.But why did they still lose?

It was not because of fighting on two fronts that it was attacked by a group of countries.If one-on-one.

Even the French army, which is known as the world's largest army, is not an opponent of the German army.

Now the mustache must avoid the embarrassing situation of fighting on both sides, so now the mustache can only win Britain, France and other countries, and then turn around to deal with the bearded man.

This is also Barton's view, but his view has also been questioned by some people.

"General Patton! Although I think what you said is very reasonable, the Maginot Line in eastern France is a super-large defense line that the French government spent billions of francs to build. If Mustache takes the lead in attacking Britain and France, then he How to conquer the Maginot Line? You know, the Maginot Line cost billions of francs.

Another person raised a question, and his question is everyone's question.

"I think maybe you should ask Mustache about this question!"

Button shrugged, because he hadn't thought of this question, and he didn't know how Mustache broke through the Maginot Line.

Chapter 520: The outbreak of World War II [Part [-]]

When Big Beard, Lao Luo, and the Han Empire all got the information that Mustache would attack Poland in the near future, but Mustache in Europe had already started making final preparations.

On August [-], [-], Mustache already had [-] divisions, and troops of more than one million people began to secretly gather on the border of Germany and Poland.

At the same time, Moustache's domestic aircraft began an emergency special flight, approaching the German-Polish border in an emergency.

In the previous preparations for Mustache, a large amount of various materials and equipment were prepared on the border in order to attack Poland.

At that time, for the sake of secrecy, only supplies were prepared, but the plane was not dedicated.

After all, even an idiot will understand what you are going to do in a large-scale aircraft transition.

Then in the next two days, [-] more divisions of Mustache assembled on the border of Germany and Poland.

The large-scale build-up of the German army did not hide Poland, and they also began to gather troops to prepare for battle.

It's just that the Polish army is too backward.

Their soldiers still wield World War I weapons, don shiny breastplates, carry sabers, and mount their horses, as if to take on the enemy just like their ancestors did.

Poland also began to build up troops on the border.

It's just that their speed seems to be too slow, or they read it too late when they got the information.

At nine o'clock in the evening on August [-], [-], all German troops had assembled, and all preparations had already been completed.

According to the order issued by the Mustache Command, their army will start to attack at [-]:[-] am on September [-]st.

At this time, history has amazing coincidences.

Historically, Mustache launched an attack on Poland at four o'clock in the morning on September [-], [-], and this time too, the only difference is that the attack time was three years earlier.

At ten o'clock, all the German troops were asleep, and the entire camp seemed to be plunged into darkness.

The Polish scouts who were investigating on the front line believed that the German army would not attack tonight, or would not attack today after learning that the German army had all rested, so the news was reported to the upper echelons of Poland.

After that, all Polish troops also entered the rest time.

It's just that what they didn't know was that the German army only rested for a few hours.During this period of time, the vanguard of the German army has been adjusting the rest time for this attack.

At one o'clock in the morning at night, all the German troops woke up.

After they ate something quickly, they made final preparations.

The rigorous style of the technetium people has been well reflected at this moment, and they will be ready soon.

At four o'clock in the morning, the headlights on the German frontline airport suddenly turned on, before they were only small lights on.

Now the headlights suddenly came on.The plane, loaded with ammunition and fuel yesterday, was pulled out of the hangar.

A pilot ran out of the pilot's dormitory. They boarded the planes wearing thick clothes and goggles, waiting for that moment to come.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, the planes on the airport began to scramble into the air, and they began to fly into the sky and form a formation to fly to Poland according to the scheduled plan.

All the more than a thousand planes of the vanguard took off at this moment, and under the cover of the night, they hid in the clouds with the heavy roar of their engines.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, this time is the time when everyone is most sleepy, and it is also the time when people sleep the most.

The Germans attacked.

During the firing of more than 28 artillery pieces of various types, the entire Polish army's defense line became a sea of ​​flames. It was at this time that more than [-] Stuka dive bombers and more than [-] Type [-] fighters appeared in the sky. superior.

In this time and space, due to the dive bombers of the Han Empire, the Stuka was perfected much earlier.

A Stuka dive bomber dropped the [-]-kilogram heavy aerial bomb under its belly to the sleeping Polish army.

Then nearly 29 Type [-] medium tanks began a full-scale charge.

At this point, the Second World War broke out three years ahead of schedule!

The capital of the Han Empire, the military headquarters of the Forbidden City!

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