When Mustache was still at [-]:[-] in the morning, in the Han Empire it was already [-]:[-] in the morning, and it was going to be [-]:[-].

Now Han Ling was sitting in the command hall of the military headquarters, with his eyes closed, tapping his fingers on the table, no one knew what he was thinking.

"Your Majesty! The latest news came from the European intelligence station. Fifteen minutes ago, the German army officially launched an assault on Poland."

A staff officer hurriedly ran into the command hall of the military headquarters.

"Bring it to me!"

Han Ling, who was closing his eyes, suddenly opened them.

After receiving the telegram and reading it word by word, Han Ling seemed to relax and sat back on the chair.

"Mr. Zhanning, take a look! Mustache finally raided Poland! The Second World War finally broke out!"

Han Ling sat on the chair and said with a sigh of relief.

"Your Majesty! Are you so sure that the Mustache raided Poland and Britain, France and other parliaments intervened? You said before that Britain, France and other countries were terrified because of World War I. What if they don't declare war this time?"

Zhang Hanqing asked after reading the telegram.

"Not declaring war? No! They will declare war, because Britain, France and Poland have signed an Anglo-Polish mutual assistance agreement. And both Britain and France know that this war is impossible to avoid. Now the mustaches are attacking Poland, which is exactly what they want Yes. They hope that Poland can hold the mustache, and they are deploying troops to attack the German army from the west! Let the mustache fall into the situation of fighting on two fronts again.

If Britain and France wait for not to declare war now, they will turn around and clean up France after Mustache solves Poland! "

Han Ling is very sure of this. Although World War II in this time and space has been moved forward by three years, some things have not changed.

"En! I think what His Majesty said makes sense. Moreover, these Western countries have been engaged in an arms race for the past few years. If they haven't fought a few games to digest the results of the arms race over the years, their finances are really important. Something is wrong."

Mr. Zhan Ning also stood up and said.

"Okay! Now that the war has broken out, our plan can also be carried out. Whether we can make much money in this war depends on the layout ahead. I really hope that Mustache will beat them hard again One point, otherwise I sold so many Type 29 tanks and Type 28 aircraft to Xiao Huzi, it would be worthless!"

Han Ling stood up and said with a smile that Han Ling sold a large number of Type 29 medium tanks and Type 28 fighters to Mustache, not just for making money.

Let Mustache's armaments be stronger, and countries such as Britain and France be beaten harder, so that he can take the opportunity to go up and sell his weapons and equipment again!

Chapter 521: Selling Arms

At [-]:[-] in the morning, the German army launched a full-scale assault attack on Poland under the order of Mustache.

Under the command of Fatty Ge, Fatty Ge's air force dive bombers aimed at the wave's troops, arsenals, airports, railways, roads and bridges.

The Polish army, who was caught off guard, went to see God before he even realized what was going on.

In this raid, the Polish Air Force lost more than [-] aircraft at the airport, which is already five-eighths of the Polish Air Force.

In order to deal with the German army, the Polish army only assembled a total of more than [-] planes. It was not that they did not want to gather, but that they only had so many planes.

After losing more than [-] aircraft at this time, the Polish army has lost air supremacy.

Then the German army followed up with armored troops as the guide and motorized troops as the backup.

On the morning of September [-], [-], Eagle Weight and other countries successively sent telegrams to Mustache, requesting that Mustache stop his military operations in Poland immediately and that his troops return to the German-Polish border immediately.

Facing the telegrams from the two countries, Mustache ignored them.Instead, it was declared in Congress that the empire has since entered a state of war.

And he also boarded the German military uniform, and declared in his speech: From now on, I am just a soldier of the Empire, and I put on this most sacred and most precious military uniform to me.I will not take off this uniform until the final victory, or I will die for my country.

After Mustache's speech, the whole country officially entered a state of war.

Afterwards, the eagle and the two countries sent telegrams again, but Mustache still ignored them.

While the Eagles and Weights sent telegrams to Mustache, they began to gather troops, preparing to launch an attack on Mustache in the fastest possible time.

Originally, the two countries had already prepared their troops before, but the British troops were still in their homeland and did not enter the territory of France.

Now they start to assemble the army.

First of all, France began to contact other countries in Western Europe, recruiting troops from other countries to attack Mustache from Belgium.

And the British army also divided into two groups, one of which landed in Belgium and the other in France, preparing to launch a full-scale war against Germany.

On September [-], the two countries believed that it was impossible for the mustaches to withdraw their troops, and their troops were almost assembled, and they could declare war on Germany.

Otherwise, if they don't declare war, other countries in the world may think that they are afraid of mustaches.

So at noon on September [-], the two countries sent a telegram to Mustache again, and this time it was an ultimatum, asking Mustache to order the Dade army to stop all military operations in Poland before [-] pm, and prepare to return to Depok border, or they will immediately declare war on him.

This time when he received the ultimatum, Mustache fell silent.But he still ignored it, as if he didn't see it.

So after five o'clock in the afternoon, the two countries declared war on Germany one after another.So far the Second World War officially broke out.

However, although the two countries both declared war, the strange war in history still took place.

Although they all declared war, their army did not take any substantive actions, so it can be said that they declared no war.

In the territory of Waves, Big Beard always wanted to attack Poland, but because of the non-aggression treaty signed with Poland, he couldn't find an excuse to do it, so he could only watch where Mustache ate meat.

But on September [-], the Polish authorities fled, and this escape gave Big Beard an excuse to send troops to eat meat.

Later, the old Maozi agency declared that the Polish agency no longer existed. In order to protect the interests of the ethnic minorities in their country, they decided to send troops to intervene.

In the early morning of the [-]th, Lao Maozi also sent troops to join the feast of carve up.

The Han Empire, the capital, and the command hall of the military headquarters.

Since the outbreak of World War II, Han Ling came here more times, and today Han Ling came here again.

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