This software was introduced to him by Ogata's boss half a month ago, and now the number of orders sent by him has reached five figures.

His half-month running list by himself has surpassed the second place in the leaderboard by hundreds of times. In front of the rider's ID, there is a championship title customized for him by this delivery company that is said to be very big in Neon.

——Red Lightning Knight

No one knows how Chen Feng achieved such exaggerated data, but this food delivery company has investigated, and Chen Feng has indeed delivered [-]% of the food delivery orders in the whole city within half a month, and there is no any false elements.

The reason why I chose this food delivery company is because there is no limit to the number of orders the riders of this food delivery company can take. As long as you can deliver it within the specified time, the money is yours.

Other riders only take 5 or 6 orders at a time, and earn less than 3000 yen when they are all delivered, but Chen Feng can pick up [-] or [-] orders from the same store or a store that is relatively close at a time. As long as your boss makes the orders fast enough, he can even take all the ready-made orders in the store.

The most important point is that Chen Feng does not always send orders by bicycle, he is likely to run, for him, running is much faster than cycling, and because of this, Chen Feng rides more and more The less, most of the time they are running to deliver the order with the takeaway hanging from top to bottom.

And the takeaway has never been overdue, and there has never been a bad review!

He has suddenly become a super cash cow for this food delivery company, and the company even asked him if he would try to challenge the Guinness Book of Food Delivery records...

But he was rejected.

What's the use of that thing for him?

"Then I won't be working today..."

Turning on the TV, the early morning news was broadcasting the terrorist attack on Yukinoshita's home a few days ago. Almost all the news he watched in the past two days were broadcasting this incident, and the news was very popular, and the instigator was the Winter Club Pushed to the cusp.

The president of the Winter Club personally came to Yukinoshita's home to apologize to him, claiming that the incident was caused by radicals within the gang. The police also arrested more than [-] members of the Winter Club and two senior officials of the Winter Club, and the police headquarters Further steps have also been taken with regard to the winter festival...

Changing the channel to a TV station that specializes in introducing hand-made models, Chen Fengzai watched the program carefully.

Needless to say, Chen Feng could have guessed that the incident at Yukinoshita's house was Yang Nai's revenge against the Winter Club.

At noon today, it seems to be the time to ask Ms. Eriri to exchange things.

Chen Feng glanced at the records in his small notebook, and suddenly remembered this matter.

The police came to the new mansion of Yukinoshita's family after receiving the call from Yukino Yoshinoshi, and Chen Feng was there at the time, but he was not questioned too much by the police after the incident. Treat him special.

That is to say, after simply asking about his name, address, and family situation, he was invited to drink tea in the lounge, and the two left directly after Yang Nai came out.

It should be the reason of Yang Nai, the priority of this incident is not at all on the people who are on the side with Yang Nai, the focus is on the intruders of the Winter Meeting.

The police's investigation was very powerful, and enough information was collected in just one day, and those Winter Club members who were not killed by Chen Feng also committed suicide in the police headquarters the next day.

Chen Feng didn't bother to take care of those things in the middle, just a few people died, no big deal.

There is only one thing that Chen Feng cares about very much. He feels that he has forgotten something in the past two days...?

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the TV.

"In this rush to buy limited figures, the ranking of sales speed has come out. The number one limited figure is the 'Springfield Prom Limited' figure! This limited figure is limited to 6000 pieces nationwide, and it will be released on the night of release. All sold out. The Springfield Prom limited figure is from…”

Hearing the sound of the program broadcast, Chen Feng remembered!

He remembered!

"Where's my Miss Springfield figure?!"

The originally calm expression instantly stretched his hips, and Chen Feng ran around in the living room like a headless fly, like a psychopath...

After calming down quickly, he sat on the sofa with his chin propped up, recalling what happened the day he bought the figure.

He remembered!

Because I was too anxious to receive the time-limited order from Yang Nai, and then prevented Miss Eirari from running too slowly wearing clogs, I picked her up and drove. It seemed that my handicraft fell to the ground at that time.

Case solved!

But... what about the figurines?



"My sister is SCP166"

I, Ai Peng, the demon boy, bah, the son of the succubus.

I have a wonderful sister and a scumbag dad.


Sunday, sunny.

The sisters in the monastery treated me very well today, my sister is a little cuter today than yesterday, and I am one year older, but the bastard dad still didn't take me to pick up my sister.This grudge, I wrote down.


In order to make this world a better place, and to give those tragic anomalies a happy ending, he stepped into the Exile Library to learn knowledge, joined the Serpent's Hand, snatched the anomalies from the Foundation for his own use, and acquired Prometheus Adams Laboratories Inc...

Of course, it was also to beat up his bastard father.

Chapter 68 The mysterious girl who picked up Chen Feng's lost property

Is the road of my own collection so bumpy and bumpy...

Lying on the sofa like a waste, Chen Feng couldn't help thinking like this.

Mingming had the first figurine that he particularly wanted, and it was the first time he went into that kind of store and bought her, but then he lost the first time because he bumped into Ms. Eriri and took the wrong things with each other.

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