Obviously, for the second time, I was lucky enough to buy Miss Chuntian's limited prom figure, and I was full of joy and wanted to put her in the cabinet and play with it every day, but...

But he threw it away with his own hands!

In terms of looking for it, Chen Feng doesn't want to look for it anymore. That kind of thing is so precious, it's not surprising that the person who finds it takes it for himself. Is his second time just like that?

Chen Feng, who was in a trance, watched the TV, and before he knew it, the hands of the clock on the wall had already reached the position of 10.

I'm a little hungry, do you want to go out and find something to eat?

Touching his stomach, Chen Feng was going to change a pair of shoes and go out when someone knocked on the door.


Opening the door, a smiling face appeared outside the door, Chen Feng curled his lips.

"It is you……"

Seeing Chen Feng returning to the living room with a calm face, Yang Nai who was outside the door jumped in.

The big round eyes blinked, and thoughts of concern could not help gushing out.

"What's wrong? I'm so unhappy to see my sister~"

"Almost, seeing your face reminds me of sad things."

Chen Feng shook his head helplessly, and said, "It feels like you have snatched my treasure."


Yang Nai couldn't figure it out.

"Okay, what can I do here early in the morning?"

Seeing Chen Feng changing shoes, Yang Nai asked, "Xiaofeng, are you going out?"

"Yeah, go out and get something to eat."

"that would be great!"

Looking at the cheering Yang Nai, Chen Feng got up and grabbed her face, and said contemptuously:

"Can't you act more mature? How come you act like a child. "

Yang Nai didn't mind Chen Feng's behavior, but stroked his hair and said slowly:

"Would you like to go shopping with my sister today?"

"Give me a reason."

"Because my mother's birthday will be the day after tomorrow, and I don't know what to buy for my mother, so I come to ask you..."

"Stop!" Chen Feng interrupted Yang Nai, looked at her with strange eyes, and said, "Yang Nai, do you hate your mother?"

"Not at all, my lord mother is very respectable."

"Then why are you looking for me?" Chen Feng said suddenly: "I thought you had a grudge against your mother and wanted to get revenge on her, so you came to me to pick out gifts for her."

"Ah this..."

Yang Nai thinks about it carefully, and it seems that he is right. Chen Feng's aesthetics does seem to be a little different, and it can be seen from his monotonous daily attire.

In fact, Chen Feng really didn't have much to do today. He was a workaholic, but he was not the kind of person who wouldn't take a break after working. He took today as a holiday for himself.

"to be frank."

Chen Fengbai saw Yang Nai with his palms clasped together.

"Hey... shopping alone is too boring, I want Xiaofeng to go with me."

"Help you carry something?"

"how is this possible!"

Yang Nai scolded, "I'll treat you to dinner!"

"I knew..." Pushing Yang Nai who had just entered the door for a few seconds to go out, Chen Feng said: "It doesn't matter, anyway, I have nothing to do today, so it doesn't matter if I go out for a walk."

"I'm just kidding~ Xiaofeng, I'll take care of everything you fancy, and the price is just to accompany my sister to pick a gift for my mother."

"Okay, okay, I understand, I understand."

"Don't be so perfunctory, okay, I will really cover everything!"

"Then you invite me for breakfast first, the steamed dumplings outside are delicious and cheap." Chen Feng looked back at Yang Nai who was feeling silly, and said, "Let's talk first, I have something to do at noon. , but it shouldn’t take too much time, you can wait or not.”

With that said, Chen Feng picked up the packaging bag of Chaoman House in his hand.

"no problem!"


In a certain apartment building, a girl is doing homework in her room.

She has short, shoulder-length hair and is wearing a white shirt with a red collar and a red skirt.

The light from outside the window shines through the window, illuminating the whole room.

She is a sophomore in high school.

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