"It's so difficult..."

Facing the math problems in the exercise book, the girl frowned slightly, and her small cherry mouth pouted lightly.

Her academic performance is not good, and she has been hovering around the middle of the school all the time, neither getting up nor falling down.

A crystal clear face was full of doubts, as if he didn't understand the solution to this math problem.


Mother's voice came from the living room, and the girl put down the penholder in her hand and walked to the living room.

"Is mom okay?"

In the living room, a beautiful woman was taking out some vegetables and meat from the refrigerator, as if she was about to cook.

Seeing her daughter coming out of the room, the beautiful woman said:

"Can Xiaohui help mom out and buy a bottle of oyster sauce?"


The girl nodded obediently and agreed, and took the money from her mother.

"By the way, mom, isn't dad coming home today?"

"A big incident happened recently. Your father has just been promoted to the police department. There are a lot of work matters to deal with."

"Is that so..."

"Xiaohui, is there anything you can do with your father?"

"A little...a little bit."

The girl smiled slightly, and the beautiful woman seemed to have guessed what was going on.

"Is it the thing you picked up that day?"

"Well, I checked it afterwards, and it seems to be very expensive." The girl put her index finger on her lips, "And there is the buyer's name in that bag. I originally wanted my father to find the owner so that I can return it to the other party more quickly. of."

The beautiful woman touched the girl's head and comforted her:

"After a while, your father is busy, and you can go and talk to him, okay?"


The girl nodded and went out the door.

Looking at her daughter's slim figure, the beautiful woman also smiled in relief.

When my daughter came home that night, she picked up a beautifully packaged shopping bag. She thought it was something her daughter had bought, but after asking casually, she found out that it was a lost item her daughter picked up on the street.

She accompanied her daughter to check the contents, and found that the figure inside turned out to be a limited edition item. Many people in multiple forums were willing to pay more than ten times the high price to buy it, but the daughter seemed to insist on finding the owner and keeping it. Return things to the other party.

Originally, the daughter wanted to get rid of her father, who was a policeman, to help her, but her husband received some mission that night, and he hasn’t come back since he went out all night. He just talked on the phone every day. I heard it was from Chiba City in recent days. A place was attacked by militants.

The beautiful woman is also very happy that her daughter can have this kind of good character of not taking advantage of her own interests, and not taking anything for her own interests.

Her daughter was sensible very early, and she hardly worried about the development of her daughter's three views, so she also agreed with her daughter's approach.

Opening the door of her daughter's room, she nodded in relief when she saw the resealed packaging bag on her daughter's bed cabinet.

Chapter 69 Just a Beat

"Hey, boss, lady boss, eat dumplings."

On the street opposite the apartment building, Chen Feng walked into a dumpling shop with a lot of customers, and skillfully greeted the owner who was making steamed dumplings.

"Good morning, Xiao Chen."

The boss is a middle-aged uncle in his forties, and beside him is his wife who is busy with him.

It seems that Chen Feng is also a regular customer of this store.

It’s no wonder that Chen Feng doesn’t have the habit of getting up early to make breakfast and eat it at school. Compared with other people who wake up and have something to eat, he can only go to the breakfast shop downstairs to buy breakfast. This street can He basically ate at least one of the breakfast shops he ate.

Although there are many shops, there are only a few that suit his taste, and this dumpling shop is one of them.

The reason why it fits Chen Feng's taste...well, I have to read on.

"Is it still the same as before? There are a lot of customers now, but you have to wait."

"It's okay, just do what I wanted before, a basket of steamed buns and a basket of dumplings."

After finishing speaking, Chen Feng asked the person behind him, "What do you want to eat?"


"Just like you, Xiaofeng."

"you sure?"

The boss uncle moved his head together after hearing the voice, and saw Yang Nai behind Chen Feng, with a smile on his face, and joked:

"Not bad, Xiao Chen, are you bringing your girlfriend here today?"

Yang Nai smiled brightly.

"Hi, boss, my name is Yang Naida."

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