"Good name, the little girl is pretty and has a good personality, Xiao Chen is really lucky..."

"Oh, girlfriend? Just her?"

Unexpectedly, Chen Feng beside him said disdainfully, "Not worthy."

The boss, who was about to continue praising Yang Nai, was suddenly at a loss for words, looking left and right, wondering what to say next.

After finishing speaking, Chen Feng found a place to sit down and play with his mobile phone. Yang Nai smiled at the boss embarrassedly, and explained:

"Recently, I haven't seen Xiaofeng for a day or two because I'm busy with some things. I'm a little rusty. Boss, don't mind~"

"So it's like this, I understand, I understand, young people, it's normal to play a little temper, my wife and I were also... balabala..."

Yang Nai patiently listened to the boss talking about a lot of things about him back then. Older people especially like to recall the past when they were young, which is the same for most people.

Yang Nai sat opposite to Chen Feng, jokingly said:

"Xiaofeng, you are quite popular. The boss likes you so much."

"I think I like you more or less."

Chen Feng rolled his eyes at Yang Nai, and said: "At first I thought you would be busy for a while because of that matter, but I didn't expect you to be free so soon."

"I have a good job, and I will study hard at night, after all, I am about to graduate~"

"Oh, yes, you seem to be a student."

Chen Feng suddenly realized, "But the graduation certificate of that thing doesn't seem to be useful to you, isn't it...the effect should be good-looking?"

Yang Nai pouted.

"I always feel like you're scolding me for not doing my job properly."

"That's what you think, not what I think."

"Well, no matter what, I still have to thank you for that matter."

"Well, I really should be thankful. After all, I fired the shot for you in the end. Otherwise, you will probably go to the cremation site. When the time comes, the white-haired man will send the black-haired man. It's too sad."

"Xiaofeng, your mouth is too poisonous..." Yang Nai exhaled, and took a sip of tea, "That sniper is really you, right?"

"Yes, it's me. Those who came to kill you were also sent by me. They are too useless to do such a trivial thing. In the end, I have to go out and kill the last survivor to prevent the identity of the black hand behind me from being exposed. "

"Hehehe, as expected, I still don't admit it. But it doesn't matter if you don't admit it. This title will be withheld to you. My benefactor."

"Then you still ask me what I'm doing."

Anyway, what she said doesn't count, so wouldn't it be a waste of time to ask her this question?

With her chin propped up, Yang Nai looked at Chen Feng who was sitting opposite her and smiled.

"Xiaofeng, are you familiar with my sister?"

"I've seen it a few times, and I'm not familiar with it, but I feel okay."

Hearing Yang Nai mentioned her sister, Chen Feng's figure of the other party appeared in Chen Feng's mind, and after the cat incident, he went there several times and found that the cat's food and water had been arranged by others, so He nodded and replied.

Yang Nai opened his mouth wide.

"Is it such a high evaluation?"

"Am I so harsh on people?"

"It's quite harsh." Yang Nairuo nodded and said: "She was kidnapped by those people that night, but fortunately, there was no danger, but she was given sleeping pills and fell asleep. I went to the hospital yesterday As for her, it feels like she's being unwanted again."

"Your family affairs are really complicated."

"How should I put it, she is too stubborn, so as a sister, I used to try to stand on the opposite side of her to see how Xiao Yukino would react. But this time..."

Yang Nai paused, and then continued: "Xiao Xue Nai felt that her position at home was even worse, so she became even more hostile to my sister, and didn't even talk to my sister, I am about to die of anxiety up."

"Is it autistic?"

"Basically, it feels like I've lost my fighting spirit, and it's become boring." The conversation changed, and Yang Nai looked at Chen Feng, "Xiaofeng, if you encounter such a thing, how do you think you can bring her up?" fighting spirit?"

Without hesitation at all, Chen Feng replied: "Beat me up."

"Uh..." Yang Nai touched his face in embarrassment, "What about the milder one?"

"It's better to scold you until you forget your last name, so she won't think you are her sister."

Chen Feng murmured: "That's why your kind of family is very annoying. You can pay attention to any trivial matter like this. Those who don't know may think that you are some kind of clan hatred."

"Let's not talk about this for now. Speaking of which, Xiaofeng, why were you taken to rest without being questioned by the police? Do you know someone from the police department? Hiss...it doesn't seem right..."

Yang Nai asked her question, she forgot about it at that time because she still had a lot of things to do, but now she can remember it.

Chen Feng looked at her strangely after hearing this.

"You didn't do it for me?"

"No, I saw you being taken to the rest area for tea before I had time to say hello."

"I do not know then."

Chen Feng spread his hands, expressing that he didn't know why, "I always thought you did it for me."

"That's weird..."

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