"Good-looking is good-looking, but that stinky woman will block me from watching Tiger Style, and then I have to find a way to split them into two."


The car drove all the way down to the underground parking lot of a shopping mall.

Chen Feng led Yang Nai to the rest area on the first floor of the shopping mall and sat down. This is the place he agreed with 'Ying Lili', but the other party seems to have not arrived yet.

Yang Nai went to the bathroom first, and when she came back, she bought a glass of fruit juice for Chen Feng, while in her hand was a cup of steaming milk tea.

After being in contact with Chen Feng for such a period of time, Yang Nai also more or less learned from Chen Feng that he doesn't like drinking milk tea, but prefers to drink fruit juice, and Yang Nai is very familiar with it.

Sitting beside Chen Feng, Yang Nai said boredly:

"Xiaofeng, what kind of person is that person who took the wrong things with you?"

"Oh, I heard from her that she seems to be of Japanese-English mixed race. She had blond hair at first, and then dyed her hair black for some reason. She is a bit short and wears a kimono."

Chen Feng stretched out his hand to gesture there, and finally he remembered something, and added: "It's still a heavy taste LSP, her stuff is full of heavy taste porn comics, I've even read them."

Chen Feng felt that he had nothing to hide about the fact that he had read pornographic comics. If he had seen it, he had seen it. Can he lose a piece of meat?

"Eh?? It's still a girl."


"I always feel that you are a little familiar with that girl's appearance. Do you know her name?"

"It's called Sawamura Spencer Eriri. It seems to be a Japanese surname and a British surname, which is quite distinctive."

Chen Feng nodded if he had something to say.

"What?!" Yang Nai was shocked, and asked, "Are you sure her surname is Sawamura Spencer?"

Chen Feng, who was drinking juice, nodded.

"Yeah, that's what she told me."

Yang Nai covered his face, seeing Yang Nai's strange appearance, Chen Feng tilted his head.

"you recognize?"

"I know... Not only do I know her, I also know her parents..."

The ambassador's daughter bumped into Xiaofeng when she went to buy porn comics. The two took the wrong things from each other, and now they come to exchange at an agreed time and place...

The amount of information is inexplicably large.

She felt that she might have to avoid it a little bit, otherwise it would be embarrassing if there was something to meet again in the future.

Just when Yang Nai was going to find a reason to sneak into the dark and observe secretly for a few minutes, Chen Feng suddenly made a sound.

"Here, that's the one, here she comes."


Yang Nai raised his head and looked in the direction Chen Feng pointed, his eyeballs almost fell out.

Who is Ying Lili who just entered the gate of the shopping mall not far away? That's obviously... her mother!

At this time, the amount of information is even greater...

Chapter 71 Identity Exposure Crisis

When did people's happiness sneak away...

As the saying goes, "Those who are content are always happy, and those who can endure are at peace." The older a person grows, the more greedy he becomes. Greed often symbolizes an increase in the upper limit of happiness. If people's gains remain unchanged, happiness will eventually will become lost.

Countless people will look back on everything they have experienced when they are old, because the happiness at that time often reaches the upper limit, which makes people feel very happy when they think about it.

And who isn't... After contacting too many things, the joy seems to fade away, leaving only a broken body full of dust walking in place.

Sayuri Sawamura was originally from a famous family, but she graduated from Waseda at the age of 17 by virtue of her superior IQ and various jumps.In addition, just from the fact that Sayuri never changed her surname after the marriage of the two families, we can also see the clues of some of the two families.

This is a symbol of family equality, and it is also a medium through which the interests of both parties are intertwined.

If she is lucky, she is a lucky person; if she is sad, she is also a sad person.

But no matter what happened, her life was like this.

She met a very strange boy who was beyond her understanding of his peers no matter what he did or said.

Even the words "I want you to return the things to me, please don't be ignorant" can be spoken like ordinary speech, which really subverted her cognition.

Likewise, she wondered why this boy was so abnormal, even ignoring the so-called 'communication tacit understanding'.

And what she noticed even more was why this young man had... ammunition?

Is he really a student?

Sayuri couldn't help thinking this way.

The attack of Yukinoshita's family by gangs from outside districts can be said to be the biggest incident that happened in the upper class of Chiba City in the past ten years. Bit up.

However, the Yukinoshita family took it down, and organized the revenge against the Winter Club as quickly as possible. Perhaps after a few years of gang statistics, the Winter Club is likely to fall off the list of first-class gangs. This is Xue Under the power of the family.

From a domestic point of view, the Yukinoshita family may not even be able to touch the edge of a first-class family, but from the Chiba area, it is indeed a local emperor.

The senior leaders of the Winter Club were either assassinated or arrested by the police, and a large number of illegal businesses were reported and sealed up...

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