So many things have mushroomed in just a few days.

Sometimes... the ruthlessness and operational efficiency of capital far exceed the imagination of ordinary people.

Since returning home that day, Sayuri has been thinking about the relationship between this boy named Chen Feng and Yukinoshita's family. Because she was worried about etiquette, Sayuri didn't use her contacts to investigate anything, let alone ask Yukinoshita in person. home people.

This is just curiosity, and there is no need to go to great lengths, especially if it may offend others. Compared with her stupid daughter, Sayuri is much more politically minded.

Anyway, being idle is idle, so maybe it would be more interesting to just come and get in touch with this young man who has a strong sense of disharmony between his practical actions and hobbies?

With this in mind, she put the Nishizumi Miho figure that Chen Feng had bought into a paper bag from her daughter's room, and drove all the way here.

Where are people...?

Her flawless white cheeks were facing the air-conditioning wind blowing in the mall, and the two ponytails behind Sayuri were flicking left and right. Just by looking at her appearance, no one would think that she was a mother in her early 30s.

found it!

She raised her hand and waved to Chen Feng who saw her, but her eyes shifted slightly, and suddenly, she saw a very familiar figure.

The other party seemed to be avoiding his gaze at first, but as his gaze fixed on him, the acquaintance sitting beside Chen Feng smiled awkwardly and looked at him.

"How could it be her..."

Sayuri began to worry that her real identity would be exposed, which she should have thought of earlier.

Now that she has come here, if she pretends not to see and turn around and leave, it will obviously cause bigger problems. It seems that there are many options to choose, but in fact Sayuri only has one choice, and that is to muster up the courage to face it.

Eh...strange?Obviously even if it was exposed, I just need to apologize and say it was a prank, why should I worry about this and that?

Unknowingly, Sayuri has come in front of Chen Feng and Yang Nai, with a smile on her face.

"Student Chen Feng, your stuff."

Sayuri opened the mouth of the bag, and took out the figure box inside. There was no doubt that inside was the figure of Miho Nishizumi that Chen Feng bought for the first time when he entered the store. A little bit of bump marks when it was on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Sayuri generously greeted Yangno who was sitting beside him with a confused face:

"Miss Yukinoshita, I haven't seen you for a while."

"Ms. Sawamura, good afternoon, I didn't expect to meet you in this kind of place. I don't know you and Xiaofeng...?"

Yang Nai almost blurted out the word "wife" subconsciously, but he changed his name in time under the signal of Sayuri's gaze, and the address became neutral.

Isn't it your daughter who collided with Xiaofeng?Why are you here by yourself now?

"Hmm..." Sayuri put her right index finger on her lips, making an expression of trying to remember, "Because one evening, the poor and helpless Ying Lili, who had just finished shopping, didn't look carefully at the road and bumped into a car. Chen Feng, and then the two took the wrong things for each other, until one day they met again by chance, Chen Feng recognized me and asked me to exchange the wrong things with him, so we met."

Saying that, Sayuri shook the paper bag in her hand.

"Really, I haven't had lunch yet."

"That... Miss Sawamura?"


Yang Nai pursed his lips and said, "Let me ask, did Xiao Feng ask me to pay it back in person?"

"That's right, classmate Chen Feng asked me for his contact information and name, so I told him, and it's a private number~"

After listening to Sayuri's answer, Yang Nai finally understood what Sayuri was doing, it turned out to be a pleasure monster...

Relying on the appearance and figure of [-]% of the daughter, I really pretend to be my daughter.


Yang Nai glanced at Chen Feng quietly, but Chen Feng noticed this behavior in an instant. She turned her head hastily, pulled Sayuri back a short distance, and spoke in a voice that only the two of them could hear...

Chapter 72 Chen Feng is a cowboy?

"Ms. Sawamura, you will be disgusted if you do this."


Sayuri was puzzled.

"Isn't this fun?"

"If Xiaofeng knew about it, it might not be like this."

"Miss Yukinoshita, do you understand so well?"

"I understand this very well. I may not be able to explain the details and feel a little embarrassed, but I advise you to tell the truth."

"Ah, ah, ah." Said Baihe comfortingly: "I heard from Chen Feng that he is a student of Zongwu High School, and that Yinglili's school is far and wide, and she can't hit eight poles. I won’t go out, don’t be afraid.”

"You really have a big heart... Let me tell you first, at most I will not expose it, I am neutral."

"That's enough~"

It's rare to see Yang Nao, who has a strong and smooth personality, has changed so much, and he can speak clearly. At this moment, Sayuri seems to have realized something, but she still wants to be sure.

"Miss Yukinoshita, you..."

Sayuri just wanted to ask about the relationship between Yang Nai and Chen Feng indirectly, but before she finished speaking, she heard Chen Feng shouting from the chair: "You still have the things, change them, I'm afraid you will run away .”

Sayuri didn't mind, she carried the things and handed them over, jokingly said:

"I won't steal things, don't worry, I want to chat with Ms. Yukinoshita when I see her."

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