"That's right~ It's okay, it's okay, if you are bullied, you can call back, and I will solve the troubles for you later!"

"Forget it... I just want to study hard. As long as no one messes with me."

Yang Nai saw a familiar shop, and then glanced at Chen Feng's empty hand.

"Look at what I do?"

"Hee hee, come, let me show you something good!"

Finally, when he came out of the store, Chen Feng raised his hand and glanced at a thin leather bracelet on his hand.

"That's it?"

"Yeah, doesn't it look more temperamental, come on, come on, the eyes are more fierce... That's right! It looks more like a gangster."

"You guy..." Chen Feng put down his hand helplessly, glanced at Saoyang Nai's straight eyes, and took out his wallet, "How much is it?"

"I don't know, I bought it when I thought it was suitable, not to mention that I didn't spend any money."


"Because I bought it with points! I have saved more than [-] points."

Yang Nai waved a golden membership card that was pulling a carriage by himself, and blinked playfully: "Because I bought too many things, I have saved them for more than a year."

Seeing that Chen Feng was about to go to the store to inquire, Yang Nai grabbed him and urged:

"Let's go, let's go and show my mother a present."


Half a minute later, Nakano Nino brought her sisters to the door of the store, and the corner of her mouth twitched.

"Damn rich... Bah, no, damn rich... not right, anyway, just be damned!"

"Huh? What kind of store is this?"

Clover asked.

Yihua glanced at the store's logo and explained:


"Is it expensive?"

"You can ask Er Nao how much the bag on her shoulder is."

"What are you asking!" Nino glared at Yotsuba who was really planning to come up to ask the price behind her back, "If you try to dawdle, you will disappear!"

Looking at Nino who was running faster than anyone else, Yihua looked at Wuyue who was shrinking at the end, coupled with the lights reflected from the nearby store, the smile on his face was very bright and gorgeous.

"Yihua, the way you smile and that Sister Yangnai are almost carved out of the same mold."

"Really?" Yihua touched his face, "I thought of something interesting~"

"What's interesting?"

"Ernai bought a Hermès shoulder bag."

"What's so funny about that?"

"I didn't buy it in May."


"Because May's money was used to eat."

Although she didn't understand the previous one, Yotsuba couldn't help laughing when she heard the last sentence.

Wu Yue kept up at this time, wondering what her two older sisters were laughing at.

"What are you laughing at?"

Clover answered first:

"You didn't buy Hermes bags in May!"


Why are these two guys inexplicable...?

No one knew that the eldest sister of the Nakano family became happy at this moment, and Chen Feng wanted to drag him to see a lot of things, but Chen Feng just wanted to do business, that is, to replace Xue Xia. mother chooses gift.

"What were you going to give in the first place?"

"A bouquet of flowers?"

Yang Nai pressed his lips and said cautiously.

"Flowers are also fine, but they don't last long, and there should be quite a few people who know how to send flowers?"

"It's because of this that I struggle. Every year, many people send flowers to my mother. There are too many, and my mother doesn't seem to like this thing very much."

"Then choose something that will last longer."

You only need to look at their head's house and the small manor that is now devastated to see how well-off the family under the snow is. Chen Feng thinks that it is useless to send practical things. This kind of family Will people still lack practical things?Obviously not.

To be honest, a gift is a matter of heart, and it doesn't even matter what it is.

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