People cannot be generalized. When he was celebrating his birthday, the gangsters in the team even gave him an alarm clock. It was the kind that had a grenade in it, and it would explode if it was not turned off in time... …

Some emptied out the bullets from their own guns and put a pendant on for him, and some were more direct, a certain Maomei elder sister gave him a box of vodka directly.

Isn't he happy too?Even if it's someone else's birthday or something, as long as he wasn't on a mission at the time, he would use his own brain to make something as a gift...

By the way, do it yourself!

Chen Feng seemed to have gotten a point.

Chapter 76 Are you drawing a battlefield? !

He recalled that there seemed to be a shop selling sand paintings on a certain floor that he and Yang Nai walked up all the way. It might be a bit difficult to make sand paintings, but the sand in that shop has many colors, so Yang Nai could match a palm with his own. Wouldn't it be nice to have a colorful sand painting of any size?

Am I such a little genius!

However, Chen Feng did not forget that there were five little guys behind him. He did not lower his voice, but said loudly:

"Yang Nai, let's go back to the second floor. I remember there is a store there. It should be a good idea!"

The five figures who were not far behind the two disappeared in an instant.

Yang Nai, who was still worried about his mother's gift, clapped his hands and agreed when he heard what Chen Feng said.

"no problem!"

In front of a store called 'Sand Flower Square' on the second floor, Chen Feng pushed Yang Nai.


"Xiaofeng, are you asking me to buy a sand painting? It seems really good!"

"Do not."


"I let you do it yourself."

"But I won't..."

"If you come, you will come."

Chen Feng didn't care what Yang Nai said, and directly dragged Yang Nai into the store.

"Welcome Light..."

The young lady in front of the counter of the store was about to speak when she saw a fierce Chen Feng, and her words froze immediately.

"Hi, is this a photo frame?"

Chen Feng asked with a smile that he thought was very gentle, pointing to a photo frame hanging at the door of the store.

But the young lady who greeted her was almost scared to cry.


"What about the smaller one? It's about the size of your palm."

"Yeah, there is."

"Give her an empty one and let her make a small sand painting by herself."

"This...guest, our boss is a professional sand painter, if you can customize it."

The little sister said with a smile uglier than crying.

"No, no, it's only meaningful if you make a gift yourself. You must let her make one herself."


The cashier lady went to the warehouse of the shop and called a middle-aged woman. When she saw Chen Feng and Yang Nai, she greeted her with a smile.

"Hello, two guests, I am the owner of this shop, I heard that the two guests want to make sand paintings by themselves?"

Although he had never done such a thing before, Yang Nai still nodded.

"Well, hello boss, I am going to do it, can you tell me how to do it?"

"No problem, two guests, come with me to the warehouse, the sand is put in the warehouse."

Following the guidance of the boss, the three of them came to a small warehouse with a few small workbenches, but other places were filled with sand in various colors in wooden boxes.

"Sand painting is so complicated that you need to use glue such as latex to draw the outline first, and then use sand to do this... Finally, repeat the sand color."

The boss demonstrated the complex painting to Chen Feng and the two, and drew a bird. Although the painting was done hastily, the picture was still so lifelike that Yang Nai's eyes were straightened.

But then Yang Nai was embarrassed. She did have painting skills, and she won some awards for painting in high school, but this kind of thing requires a high degree of stability of the opponent. Wasted a lot of time.

It would be fine if I came alone, but I still brought Chen Feng with me. I still have a lot of things to do in my plan. Wouldn't it be a waste to waste time here?

Perhaps seeing Yang Nai's difficulties, the boss smiled and said:

"Actually, there is a simple method. You only need to stack layers of sand of various colors, and you can succeed without composition."

"Can you draw?"

Chen Feng asked suddenly.

"Yes, but it may take more time..."

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