"Then draw and leave me alone."


"I'm here to accompany you to choose a gift, do it, how can there be so many things."

Chen Feng's attitude was resolute. Seeing Chen Feng like this, Yang Nai also felt that it was like this, and his eyes narrowed into a smile.

"it is good!"

Yang Nai started drawing, and the boss was on the side to guide. Chen Feng looked at the sand in the small warehouse and found that the colors were quite complete. Anyway, it would take a lot of time to look at Yang Nai's place, so he took it from the corner. A drawing board said:

"Boss, let me try one."


Because it was the first time for Yang Nai to come into contact with this kind of sand painting. After painting for nearly ten minutes, his hands shook and he had to redo it. He tried 7 times to draw the outline. The boss also found that Yang Nai's painting skills were not bad. Excellent, exclaimed:

"Guest, you are really amazing. I used to come to make sand paintings by myself. At that time, it took me a whole day to draw the outline."

"Haha...don't make fun of me, I haven't painted for more than two years."

The process at Yang Nai's side is proceeding in an orderly manner, and the procedure that is most likely to fail has passed, and the boss chats with Yang Nai from time to time.

Through chatting, I found out that the cashier at the door is the daughter of the boss, and she is also a very good sand painter.

"Boss, don't you have a bigger drawing board?"

Chen Feng, who was on another workbench, asked.

"Yes, right here."

The boss took Chen Feng to get a large drawing board of about 2 square meters. Chen Feng broke up the things he had drawn before in an instant, his eyes were full of excitement.

"This stuff is really interesting."

"Yes, sand painting relies on a kind of artistic conception. As long as you are proficient, the things you draw are more beautiful than oil paintings."

The boss asked, "Does this guest want me to help you?"

"No, I'll just draw whatever I want. If I can draw, I can pack them together."

"That's it, then you can take care of yourself."

After about two hours of painting, Yang Nai's side was finally about to finish, while Chen Feng said that he was just painting casually, but who knew that he became more and more serious about painting, and now a thin layer of sweat broke out on his head.

Yang Nai finished the work a little earlier than Chen Feng. Yang Nai drew a cherry blossom tree with her name and production date signed on the bottom. Although it looks flawed, it is also the result of her hard work.

Although this gift has not been sent out yet, she is very satisfied!

After finishing the work, Yang Nai stretched her waist, she has been sitting here to draw, and she can only stand up when she gets up to pick up the sand, her waist has hardened a lot.

By the way, what is Xiaofeng painting?

From the beginning of painting by himself, Xiaofeng took the drawing board and went to draw sand paintings by himself. Could it be said that Xiaofeng has come into contact with similar things before?Don't say it's really possible.

From Chen Feng's body, Yang Nai always learned all kinds of mysteries, from the initial car accident to recovering from fractures in one day, and later he might see ghosts, know how to explode, and finally even held a Beretta that he didn't know where he came from. 92f saved himself...

She leaned over curiously, and the boss who had been instructing her to draw sand paintings was also curious. When they came behind Chen Feng, they were taken aback for a moment.

What is drawn on the two-square-meter sand painting?

ruins?armored car?Soldiers with guns?Grenade rolling on the ground...

Chapter 77 You must find an excuse to send something, this is the principle

This is clearly a battlefield map of modern infantry fighting, but it was all drawn by Chen Feng.He painted very seriously, and the sand to be used had already been installed in advance, so he didn't even notice that there were two more people beside him.

It would be better to say that Chen Feng either did not do things directly, or he did them very seriously, there were almost only two possibilities.

Half an hour later, when the last layer of sand color was finished, Chen Feng got up suddenly.

"Ah, the drawing is finally finished...huh? When did you two come here?"

Unless it is in danger, it is difficult for Chen Feng to concentrate on what is happening around him, and there is no danger for these two guys standing behind him to watch his painting, so Chen Feng naturally ignores it up.

He has always been confident in himself, and when he saw the way the two looked at the painting, Chen Feng seldom boasted.

"Well, my hands-on ability is really good, right?"

After seeing what Chen Feng drew, the boss suddenly felt that he had been smashed...

The glue used to make sand paintings is specially made, so the solidification speed is very fast. In about ten minutes, the glue is completely integrated with the sand, and a sand painting that can be put into a photo frame is made in this way.

As a commemoration of his first sand painting, Chen Feng also asked the boss to bind the sand painting he had drawn at his own expense.

Because Chen Feng used the largest picture frame in the store, the boss also made a picture frame on the spot in the warehouse to cover Chen Feng's unique sand painting.

It can only be said that this kind of more experiential handicraft production, even if the buyer does it himself, the price is not much higher. A 2 square meter sand painting by Chen Feng, plus the materials he consumes, etc. It cost nearly 4 yen, and Yang Nai's boss personally guided and helped to debug it. It is only a quarter of Chen Feng's sand painting, but the price is twice as high as Chen Feng's.

However, looking at her appearance, she didn't feel that she was losing money. On the contrary, she felt that she was making a profit. Chen Feng could understand this, just like when he was a mercenary, each person could get 10 dollars for a small business. A single person can even get close to a million dollars. Although most of the money will be spent on alcohol, drugs or buying equipment, there is still a lot of the rest. The money they spend every day is not even the average middle-class person. Class people can imagine.

Even in the end, when Chen Feng became the leader of an organization in a certain area, the money in his hand was completely in a situation where there was no way to spend it. In a sense, he seemed to be a capitalist?

After all, the means of production, that is, a group of hard-working mercenaries, are in his hands. When necessary, he can even cooperate with some countries with ulterior motives to completely change the regime in a certain area.

He hates playing politics, because the way politics sends signals to each other is too obscure, and if the interpretation is wrong, it will cause a huge disaster.

But he no longer wants to be a mercenary. A long-term mercenary life will make a person numb and crazy. He has had enough of the pain in this area, and he has no reason to do that kind of thing now. It used to be a last resort. , Now I have other ways out, so why choose the old way that once led me to have nothing?

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