Don’t you enjoy delivering food well and learning economics, accounting, architecture, computer programming in your spare time… these things?

I have survived the hard days and enjoyed the prosperous days. In fact, in a sense, I have a really strong ability to adapt to the environment.

Probably, this is the will.

There is neither the unwillingness of "several generations of hard work, why lose to Han Chuang's hard study", nor the pride and complacency of "Han Chuang has studied hard for more than ten years, and he has become a master all the way". What a feeling...

As long as there are many skills in hand, he can live comfortably at any time and in any environment. This is Chen Feng's philosophy all along. Otherwise, why would he learn so many things?

The packaging of Xianghua is very exquisite. At least in business, customers must feel that it is worth the price. After receiving two sand paintings drawn by Chen Feng and Yang Nai, the two left the house in the sound of farewell from the boss and his daughter. shop.

"gone back?"

Chen Feng asked.

"No, it's still very early~" Yang Nai rolled up his sleeves, shook the blue bow tie tied around his collar twice, and brought the lady's watch on his delicate wrist to Chen Feng, "It's only three o'clock in the afternoon Clock."

"Then what are you going to do?"

Chen Feng has never been very interested in shopping. He has already planned what he wants to buy before going out. He has even researched where it is sold. He can directly plan the shortest route and buy it all the way. There is no need at all. So troublesome.

He also doesn't understand why so many girls like to drag their friends to wander aimlessly in the street or shopping mall, it's tiring and ineffective, doesn't it?

"There are so many things we can do. Come on, let's put things in the car and take you for a stroll later."

Yang Nai said with a smile.

"Is it so interesting to go shopping in a shopping mall that sells things..." Chen Feng sighed, "Walking around is not just about eating, wearing, wearing, and playing, you will never be able to get away from these things."

"Yeah, shopping at the mall has never been so much fun."

"Then go shopping with a mallet."

"It's interesting to go shopping with other people. Come on, your painting is really big enough. It probably won't fit in the trunk. I'll have someone deliver it to your home."

"I feel that the size of my house is not suitable for hanging this thing."

Chen Feng held up the painting with both hands, always feeling like a porter, but these words made Yang Nai feel puzzled.

"Eh? Originally, I thought you wanted to hang it at home."

"No." Chen Feng shook his head, "I just made it on a whim, and then I paid for it."

"It really looks like an impulsive consumption."

Chen Feng's expression was quite bitter.

"If it's done well, I might give it away, but after all, it's the first time I've made a sand painting. It feels like there are too many flaws, and the composition is not fine enough."

"Oh, is that so? Why don't you give it to me!"

"I'll give it to you if you want it. Anyway, it's piled up in the corner and there's nowhere to hang it in my house."

"You really want to send me?"

Yang Nai looked at Chen Feng in shock.

"Yes, I'll see you off." Chen Feng raised his head and thought for a while, then asked, "When is your birthday?"

"May 7."

"Then I wish you a happy birthday next year. You have to find an excuse to give something."

"Then don't give excuses!"

Even though he complained so much, Yang Nai's eyes couldn't help but smile into cracks.

Yang Nai didn't talk too much, and directly called a driver to take the two paintings back to her apartment. After doing this, she dragged Chen Feng and continued shopping in the mall.

Chapter 78 This is what a real hunk does

The five sisters of the Nakano family had long since disappeared, and I don't know if they were lost or impatient and left first, but Chen Feng was very comfortable to have a few tails behind him.

With the excuse of helping to spend the points that are about to expire in the card, Yang Nai began to buy Chen Feng his clothes and some decorations such as bracelets and watches in such a name.

He looks handsome, but his eyes are a bit fierce, and if he dresses up a little bit, he will immediately hit some people's strange XP.

Yang Nai suddenly remembered the content of his conversation with Hiratsuka Shizuka one day, and learned that Chen Feng was only earning a lot of money by delivering food, so he made a side note to Chen Feng's income. Yang Nai was confused.

If you fish a little bit, you can earn 20 yuan a day, and if you take a day off on weekends, you can double or even triple that amount. When did food delivery make so much money?

Even though he is only a high school student, the income from part-time jobs alone is much higher than that of many middle-level white-collar workers. Is this... scientific?

"That should save a lot of money, right?"

"I don't think much about it. Half a month ago, it seemed to be around [-] million. Now it's estimated to be [-] million. It feels okay."

For Yang Nai, this amount of money may be more than enough to buy casually, but Chen Feng is not her, and he doesn't have so many various industries under his command. The terrifying speed of earning money is actually beyond Yang Nai's imagination.

But that's good~

A small platform that ordinary people can do can do this. If it is given a big platform, Yang Nai can't even imagine what Chen Feng will become.


He found that Yang Nai next to him became excited for no reason, and Chen Feng didn't pay much attention to it. Yang Nai could be regarded as a good friend with him, besides, this guy's mood swings have something to do with him. After a fight, there was nothing to care about, so I let nature take its course.

Apparently, Yang Nai had made a very detailed plan for today's whole day before coming to Chen Feng to help him choose gifts. There was no pause in the middle, and the projects were one after another. Those who didn't know thought they were playing in an amusement park What about rides?

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