The pain from the ball hitting his face was not even comparable to the pain at the back of his head. Yui, who was squatting on the ground, couldn't stop crying, and her two hands covering her head were shaking.

Maybe even Sho Tobe didn't expect this to happen, he was at a loss for a while, so he wanted to laugh, his eyes were full of innocence, maybe this was not what he thought, but it was what he did in a hurry.

"Sorry, sorry, Yui, we just wanted to play a prank. Right Ooka, it's just a prank among friends."

He grabbed Ooka who was rushing over and asked loudly, the eagerness in his tone could be heard with his toes.

Because the ball he threw also hit Yuigahama Yui, Ooka felt the gravity on his shoulders, and he also nodded awkwardly.

"Yeah Yui-san, we just... just want to learn how to play a prank in the recent popular TV series, it's just an accident between friends, sorry, sorry... I believe you can understand us, right? "

He clasped his hands together, looking quite sincere, but even if he was not sincere, the result would definitely be the same.

Even though the word 'pain' was echoing in her brain, Yuigahama Yui raised her head with difficulty, her tears were quite dazzling in the sunlight, and she laughed tremblingly.

It turned out to be the plot of a new TV series, not to mention it was just a joke among friends. If I got hurt, it was because I was too timid, no wonder others.

Enduring the pain that seemed to tear his head apart, Yuigahama Yui stammered:

" that so? I didn't..."

Before she finished speaking, her eyes suddenly opened wide...

what did she see?

The two culprits were still laughing and trying to find reasons for themselves, when suddenly Sho Tobe was grabbed by the shoulders.

"Who... um..."


As soon as he turned around, Sho Tobe was thrown two or three meters away by a fist the size of a sandbag.

Hearing the sudden muffled sound coming from beside him, Ooka had a bad premonition in his heart, but as soon as the premonition arose, he was held down on the head and fell to the ground.


The brains of the two were almost blank, especially Sho Tobe, he even felt that his eyes were bright as if he had been illuminated by a strong flashlight, as if countless stars were shining.

The two were stunned for a moment, and Yuihama Yui, who was squatting on the ground, couldn't react to the series of events that happened in front of him for a while.

Chen Feng slowly squeezed the football that was still rolling on the ground with one hand, and quietly looked at the football in his hands with a pair of ferocious eyes, with a very calm expression on his face.

clap clap-

The tinnitus in his ears hadn't completely dissipated, but Sho Tobe, who fell to the ground, could still hear the heavy footsteps as if Kuafu was chasing the sun.

Regardless of his stature, he has hardly ever fought with others since he was a child, not to mention fighting with others, even his father never beat him like this.

Unprepared, he was hit by Chen Feng's fist on the face, and he has lost most of his face so far.


Feeling his collar being grabbed and lifted up, Sho Tobe, who was half confused, saw who lifted him up.

Chapter 81 Shooting Warning

Chen Feng grabbed the guy by the collar and said in a sincere tone:

"Sorry, I accidentally punched you. Although we are not friends, I am really sorry."

As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, the football was thrown directly in his face.


My nose hurts...! !

Throwing Hubuxiang in his hand to the ground again, Chen Feng picked up Ooka who was just about to get up, pinched his face and pressed him against the wall of the sports warehouse, pulled his hair and smashed his head When it hit it, it made a piercing sound.



"Oh, it's just a joke between strangers. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Although we don't know each other, you will definitely forgive me, right?"



Chen Feng pulled the boy's hair and smashed his head again.

"But you're sure to forgive me, right?!"

"Woo woo woo... forgive... forgive..."

"A bunch of idiots."

Throwing the thing in his hand on the ground like throwing garbage, there is nothing but disgust in his eyes.

It wasn't until this time that Yuihama Yui, who was squatting on the ground, realized what had happened. She hurriedly put down her hands covering her head, pretending that nothing happened to her, but her trembling teeth and half-wrinkled brows But it shows that she is still in pain.

"Student Chen Feng, don't do this, Hubu and the others didn't do it on purpose..."

"Did I talk to you? Go sit there."

Chen Feng stared, and Yubibin shrank his neck immediately, but instead of sitting obediently as Chen Feng said, he came up to block between Chen Feng, Tobe Sho and Ooka.

"'re an idiot too. Go away, I don't want to beat them up."

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