Leaving Yuigahama Yui with a tangled expression on his face, Chen Feng kicked each of the two on the ground in a moderate manner.

"Trash, get up."

Watching the two slowly getting up from the ground, there was anger and fear in their eyes, that is, the kind of look that wanted to fight back but was timid.

Chen Feng walked towards Hubu Xiang. This guy who was about the same size as Chen Feng thought that Chen Feng was going to beat him up, so he took a half-step punching posture and punched him first.



The fist that was swung with all its strength was easily blocked by Chen Feng, and his eyes were fixed. At this moment, Chen Feng had the idea of ​​breaking the idiot's neck, but he quickly suppressed it.

It was also seeing Chen Feng's eyes, and countless cold sweats broke out on the back of Xiang Hube.

Clenching his fist and twisting it down, Chen Feng immediately went around behind this guy, put his foot on the crook of his leg, and kicked him to the ground.

Regardless of this guy's wailing, he clasped Sho Tobe's wrists, knelt down and said in his usual voice:

"Do you know? What you do is an ugly twist of tranquility and mediocrity. You look like a man, but you don't even look like a man. If I were your father, I would send you to the crematorium to be burned today." .”

With a snort, Chen Feng got up and kicked Hubuxiang over, and he looked at the timid Ooka.

"Do you want to resist and resist like him?"

Ooka's painful face was full of snot, and he shook his head frantically, but when he saw Chen Feng walking towards him, he was no different from seeing a ghost.

Chen Feng didn't beat this guy, but squatted in front of him, looking at him carefully.

Chen Feng trembled while looking at this guy.

"Do you enjoy other people's inner wailing and superficial peace and tenderness? Great, right? Have you enjoyed it?"

"No... no... I just... just..."

After repeating it for a long time, Ooka couldn't even speak smoothly.

Chen Feng didn't bother to say much, he got up and said:

"As a man, he doesn't even dare to apologize for what he did wrong. He just finds irrelevant reasons as excuses all day long. Do you want to say 'I'm sorry for being human' one day? Apologize!"

"Classmate Chen Feng..."

Yuihama Yui yelled in a complicated mood as he was reluctantly checking Tobe Sho's wounds that had been beaten so badly that even the skin on his face had rotted a lot.

"I'm really fine hahaha, look how much... ah, it hurts!"

"You're all right?" Chen Feng put his hand off the back of Yuihama Yui's head and shook his head, "Go to the infirmary and show the doctor, there are few capillaries in the head, and your impact has caused a large number of capillaries. The blood vessels burst and all swelled up."

The two idiots on the ground didn't know whether they were afraid or they really realized their mistake, and began to apologize seriously to Yuihama Yui. Originally, according to Yuihama Yui's character, she would not blame the two, it was almost the moment of apology Yuihama It means acceptance.

Chen Feng lit a cigarette and turned to leave. He was rather disappointed and said:

"I don't know who your friends are."

"No, no, no... Tobe-san and Ooka-san were just careless, not to mention it's my fault, if I hadn't been scared, I wouldn't be like this haha..."

"Then you should drown in this deformed friendship."

"Hey! What are you doing?"

A girl suddenly came from behind Chen Feng. Chen Feng had an impression of this voice, as if it was coming from the leader of Bihama Yui's small circle.

Sure enough, Chen Feng looked and found that it was the blond girl, accompanied by a guy with an annoying smile.

He frowned, not intending to pay attention to these people.

But Yumiko Miura still strode towards him, first helped up Ooka who was so frightened that his feet were limp on the ground, and then helped up Sho Tobe who was overturned and couldn't even stand on his feet.

Pointing a finger at Chen Feng, Yumiko asked unkindly:

"What are you doing? Did you hit them? I tell you, don't think we'll let you, you'll pay for it..."

Chen Feng, who had already walked halfway, suddenly stopped, turned his head slowly, and flicked the half-burned cigarette away.

"You trash, do you want to die?"

Chen Feng's hands had already started to feel inside his clothes, and he had already taken out the gun and loaded it.


The sound of metal collisions sounded, and Ye Shan felt that something was wrong when he saw this. Chen Feng's expression was so calm that he felt scared. This expression was very similar to those gangsters known by his family. The way the guys look when they're angry.

And because his family members are executives in Yukinoshita's company, he has seen some photos and heard rumors about the matter of Yukinoshita's family some time ago, saying that it was a friend of Yukinoshita Yoshino who shot and killed him in the end. The intruder rescued her. Although the photo is a bit blurry, the figure looks like Chen Feng no matter what.

His impression of Chen Feng was really deep, so seeing that the situation was not good, he hurried over to stop Chen Feng with a smile.

"Hey, classmate Chen Feng... Misunderstanding, it's just a misunderstanding, Yumiko is also a little anxious, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I apologize to you on her behalf..."

After finishing speaking, Hayama continued to bow and apologize.

Chen Feng, who calmed down a little, squinted his eyes. Chen Feng withdrew the bullet, pressed the bullet back into the magazine in front of Ye Shan, and retracted the gun.

"Take care of your woman, I remember your name is Ye Shan, right?"

"Yes, my name is Hayama Hayato, and I am..."

"I don't care who you are, but if you can't manage your own people, it will be dangerous."

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