"Forget it, gkd, this is it!"

Er Nai pulled Chen Feng to an inverted T-shaped machine, and the two seemed to need to stand opposite each other across the screen.

"Fighting game?"

The staff next to the machine explained:

"Guest, this is our newest machine, which can sense your movements without any external equipment for simulated battles with friends."

"It seems interesting."

Chen Feng stroked his chin and motioned for the staff to continue the introduction.

"The human body parts in the game have real simulations, and each part will determine the damage you cause according to your strength."

The staff pointed to a big sandbag at the bottom of the screen in front of Chen Feng and said: "You can resist the opponent's attack or counterattack, and you can simulate [-]% of the real scene, and the sandbag is just an ordinary sandbag, you can use it as you like. Use strength.

After telling Chen Feng about how to move, Chen Feng and Er Nai started the game.

"Stinky rascal, eat my kick!"

Er Nao should have practiced dance and other sports before. The ligaments in her legs are very soft, and her legs seem to be relatively strong. She lifted her foot and threw it on the sandbag of the machine. With Er Nai's movement, he kicked Chen Feng's man in the head.

I thought that Chen Feng would suffer from a game he had just played and was kicked by himself, but he didn't expect that Chen Feng on the other side suddenly tensed up and bent over to avoid Er Nao's attack, instead he arched his body and stretched from bottom to top Insert two fingers above the sandbag...

Hmm... the sandbag was poked through.

[game over!

The screen shows that the game is over, and starts to play Chen Feng's slow motion just now, and the reason why Er Nao failed.

One hit kill!

Player A dies

Cause of death: Throat pierced by fingers]

Not only Nino, but even the staff on the side were taken aback. How strong is this fierce-eyed guest... Even piercing through such a thick sandbag...

However, it is common for sandbags to break, and there are about 10 spare sandbags in the warehouse. He started to replace the sandbags, and the two played against each other again.

However, each battle did not last more than 3 seconds. Each time, Er Nao took the initiative to attack and died inexplicably in the next second, or Chen Feng's character on the game screen rushed over in an instant, and Er Nao died...

[game over!

One hit kill

Player A dies

Cause of death: Skull fracture]


[Cause of death: Both eyes were pierced, directly destroying the brain]

[Cause of death: Cervical spine suffered gravity fracture]

[Cause of death: Broken sternum inserted into the heart]


"Guest...Guest, all our spare sandbags are broken, that..."

The staff member said carefully that Chen Feng's series of actions just now obviously scared him clearly, and he remembered that the players who came to play this game some time ago were at most stunned or unable to move. If the player is recruited, the system will directly judge the other player as dead, right?

And the strength of this guest must be too much... Generally speaking, a sandbag can be used for half a month without any problem, why does one break in a few seconds here?

He couldn't imagine what it would be like if he was punched by Chen Feng like the sandbag just now...

Must die, right?Must be right!

"Oh, that's fine."

Chen Feng got down from the stage in boredom, and said, "It still feels like the picture doesn't match your hand, and it feels too awkward to fight."

The staff who were dismantling the sandbags suddenly broke out in cold sweat, and the movements of their hands were a little faster.

As for Er Nao, she sat aside in a daze with a suspicious expression on her face, and a voice kept echoing in her mind.

'where am I?what am i doingWhy didn't I see clearly?How did the game end?How did I die? '

Outside the shopping mall, a girl behind a beautiful woman touched her pocket, and was surprised to find that she seemed to have forgotten her mobile phone on the rest chair upstairs.

"Mom, I'm going up to get my cell phone. I forgot to take it when I went downstairs just now."

"Eh? Don't be taken away, Xiaohui, hurry up, mom is waiting for you here."

"Well, I'm sorry..."

"What kind of silly boy are you being polite to your mother?"

The beautiful woman pampered the girl's head and watched her daughter go upstairs.

Chapter 99 Megumi Kato and 'Mr. Weird'

The game operation inside is too simple, and the dance machine looks more interesting, but there are more people playing it, and there will be no room for a while.

He decided to go out to smoke a cigarette.

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