As a qualified mercenary, he can be said to be full of alcohol and tobacco. As for drugs, if the drugs he was addicted to are included, then he is full of alcohol.

Smoking is not allowed in some areas of the shopping mall, but it is allowed in certain areas. For example, smoking is allowed in the rest area of ​​the clothing store next door. Designed by men who are women shopping, I feel so pitiful for no reason...

Chen Feng has already started to be a good citizen. Of course, he will not smoke in places where smoking is not allowed. The school does not count, anyway, the rules there are ignored by dogs, and there are many students who violate the school rules. I can't see how many can be dealt with, and the school regulations are in name only.

"There are so many people in the mall today..."

Sitting on the chair, Chen Feng sighed, but then he found that there seemed to be something pink beside him, so he picked it up, "Mobile phone?"

He casually glanced at the special promotion notice at the entrance of this clothing store, and with his brainless toes, he could guess that it must have been left by a passer-by who was waiting to enter the store. The pink protective shell and a small finger-sized The doll, if nothing else, should be a girl's mobile phone.

Scratching his head, Chen Feng got up and planned to hand over the item to the lost and found office of the mall, and the staff there would find a way to contact the owner.

This kind of thing is not uncommon. It is normal for customers who come to the mall to leave any valuables, not to mention losing a mobile phone, and it is not uncommon for him to lose a gold chain.

It's just that he doesn't know where the lost and found office is here, so it seems that he has to find someone to ask.

But this is not a problem for him, Chen Feng walked into this women's clothing store, with a cigarette in his mouth, aggressively walked towards a shopping guide, his eyes were fixed, and it seemed that he might take it out of his pocket at any time. It was as if he stabbed the shopping guide with a knife.

The shopping guide looked nervous, and Chen Feng came to her and asked:

"Hello, I want to know where the lost and found is located here."

The shopping guide was sweating slightly on her forehead, and she was a little nervous. After hearing Chen Feng's question, she was relieved and thought to herself:

"I thought it was a member of the extreme way who came to seek seems not..."

She wanted to think about it, but she had to answer quickly, she hurriedly replied:

"It's in the path on the right when you go down the second floor. Guest, do you want me to take you there?"

"No thanks."

What a polite underworld...

Fortunately, she didn't say this, otherwise Chen Feng would really play a gangster operation for her.

After getting the information he wanted, Chen Feng walked out of the store.

"'s gone, it's really troublesome."

On his right, where he had picked up the phone before, a girl wearing a beret seemed quite distressed and was talking to herself.

The place where the other party looked seemed to be on the rest chair. Is she the owner of this phone?

Chen Feng froze, and looked at the girl involuntarily.

Most likely sensing Chen Feng's gaze, the beret girl smiled at him apologetically, turned around and planned to leave.

At this time, Chen Feng stopped her.

"What are you looking for?"

"Eh? Me?"

The girl turned her head in doubt, and found that Chen Feng seemed to be talking to herself.

"Yes, I see you are looking for something, lost something?"

"Well, something is missing. Maybe it was sent to the lost and found office. I'll go there and have a look."

Although the girl was smiling lightly, she exuded a sense of keeping a distance, which almost cut off the continuation of the entire conversation. It seemed that she didn't want to say too much with Chen Feng, but she was just a little bit out of politeness. Replied a bit.

"Phone, pink?"

"Hey!!" The girl who was about to turn around and leave looked at Chen Feng in surprise, "That..."

"Is it this one?"

Chen Feng took out the mobile phone he picked up just now from his pocket and shook it, only to see the girl opposite nodded slightly, as if he was relieved.

"It would be a great help if you could return it to me, sir."

"I will return it to the owner."

Chen Feng kept staring at the other person's eyes, and found that the girl's eyes were calm, and there was basically nothing to see in them.

"I am the owner."

The girl pointed at herself, and looked at Chen Feng suspiciously, as if she felt that Chen Feng looked very strange.



"If you are the owner of the mobile phone, you should know."

Chen Feng is not a fool, he believes what others say. Since he picked up this phone and wants to return it, it means that he has assumed the responsibility of returning the owner of the phone, so this is to test the name of the person on the other side. Whether the girl is the owner of the mobile phone.

However, the girl was only stunned for a moment, and she soon understood what Chen Feng meant, and directly said a series of numbers.


"Why does your password feel weird..."

Chen Feng turned on the phone and entered the password the girl said, and found that the phone was indeed successfully unlocked.

"Because a lot of things happened on that day that year. I heard what netizens said on the Internet, so I set it up like this."

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