The girl touched her lips with her index finger, as if she was recalling and said: "My friends on the Internet said..."

"All right, all right, I'm not interested in knowing those things. The password is indeed correct. I'll ask you one more time. If it's correct, I'll make sure you're the owner, and I'll return the phone to you."

A foul smell poured from the tip of Chen Feng's nose, he grinned and raised his eyebrows with Chen's disgust, "What's the phone number?"

"Number...? It's this one."

As she spoke, the girl calmly reported her mobile phone number, while Chen Feng took out his mobile phone and dialed the number. After a few seconds, the pink phone in his hand rang, and the caller was himself.

That will most likely be fine.

Chen Feng walked towards the girl, and threw the mobile phone into her little hand, which was mostly tucked into her sleeve.

"Here, remember not to lose it next time."

"Thank you, I won't do it next time, this is reward money..."

The girl took out her wallet, took out [-] yen from it, and planned to give it to Chen Feng. He returned such a valuable thing as a mobile phone to herself, without saying anything, but the reward still needs to be thought about, otherwise it would be too shameful. Be a little bit more human.

But facing the girl's action of handing over the money, Chen Feng's face darkened, and he thought of some bad things.

Handing money, women, cowherd business cards...

His reputation was almost ruined that time, and after that, every time a woman gave him money, whether it was a cashier or something, he would feel awkward for a while.

And it seemed that he didn't intend to pick it up, he just raised his hand with his back to her and waved it twice.

"Keep it for yourself. I'm not doing a mission. There's no such thing as a reward. And it's too little. I'm too lazy to pretend."

"Ren...mission?" Kato Megumi felt as if he had gotten something different.

"It's nothing."

After finishing speaking, Chen Feng snuffed out the cigarette butt in his hand and put it in a small box in his pocket, and went straight back to the game hall, leaving Megumi Kato standing there with a puzzled expression and tilting his head.

"What a strange gentleman."

Turning on the phone, seeing the string of numbers on the call log, Kato Megumi thought of Chen Feng's smooth operations.

"Ah...too bad, I accidentally gave my private number to a stranger."

Even though she said so, there was no panic expression on her face, it was as plain as water, ordinary people couldn't see what was going on in this girl's head at all.

I only heard Kato Hui muttering guessing:

"Is this a new way to ask girls for their phone numbers? It feels quite innovative."

Silently, Kato Megumi noted the number on the first line of the call log, and she didn't understand why she did this.


do not know……

But there is a completely different existence from other notes left on her mobile phone

——Mr. Weird Met at the Mall

Chapter 100 Upcoming live paintball competitions

Back in the store, Chen Feng was shocked to find that Yihua was holding a lot of different small dolls in her hands, which seemed to be prizes from those claw machines, and she was distributing the small dolls to other people.

Seeing Chen Feng coming, he trotted over.

"Student Chen Feng, come here, let me give you one, which one do you want?"

There are still 3 dolls left in Yihua's hand, Chen Feng raised his eyebrows.

"You caught it?"

"Of course, I caught one for each of you."

"It's a bit powerful." Chen Feng said.

"Tch, each one is guaranteed, which is equivalent to buying."

Er Nao, who was sitting by the side playing an arcade game and had just cleared the level, directly exposed that the secret of Yi Hua's ability to catch so many dolls was actually money ability.

"This is not right, Nino." Yihua stroked Nino's head kindly, "My sister caught it once, and she caught it once, and she caught it ten times. Since the results are all out, then naturally There's nothing wrong with it."

"Nonsense, let me see what's there...I want this! Where is the new body~~ Sanjiu don't run away!"

Er Nai said that the fried rice was really delicious, so he took one of the black and white cat head dolls, and ran over to tease San Jiu.

Looking at her active younger sisters, Yihua smiled and said:

"Where is Chen Feng? Which one do you want?"

"I don't need to..."

Feeling that he was not very interested in this kind of doll, Chen Feng planned to decline Yihua's kindness, but before he could say anything, he was stared at by Yihua.

"No, this is a commemoration for everyone to come out and play together."

This seems to be the case, so Chen Feng chose the most masculine doll among them.

A pink Q-version little flower demon.

so cute……

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