"Nino and Hiratsuka-sensei, they won't be able to hit them if they hide behind a board."

"How about we suppress the firepower and then fight again when we get closer?"

"It seems that this is the only way to go."

Yihua nodded, but at this moment, a round object was thrown beside the two of them, and the other was thrown into an unknown corner, Yihua yelled:

"Sanjiu run, there are grenades!"

Sanjiu ran behind without saying a word, but Er Nai suddenly ran out from the side and directly chug Sanjiu.

'Red team, No. 19 was hit and eliminated.Eliminator: No. 2. '

Yihua crouched halfway behind the banyan tree and took aim at Nino. Just as she was about to pull the trigger, the helmet on the back of her head was hit by a paintball. She looked back and saw Hiratsuka holding the gun and smiling.

"biu~ eliminated."

'Red team, No. 21 was hit and eliminated.Eliminator: No. 1. '

"Ah...it's too good." Yihua stepped forward and pulled Sanjiu who looked extremely surprised, "Let's go, let's go out and wait for the next game."

Watching the two leave with the French military salute, Shizuka Hiratsuka exclaimed:

"How about it, is this tactic easy to use?"

"It's not bad. Fortunately, I was able to shoot accurately. Otherwise, Sanjiu might really run away."

Er Nai held the gun and said proudly: "I didn't expect that my shooting talent is not bad."

Hiratsuka smiled quietly, and didn't have the confidence to hit Nino. If she read it right just now, Nino seemed to shoot half a shuttle bullet at Sanjiu, who was only 7 meters away, and the gun had no consequences. effect.

If he really went to shoot a real gun, Nino probably wouldn't say that.

"By the way, what about Clover?"

Ninao asked, "Didn't she still follow the two of us just now?"

"She said she was going to go around and steal her butt, but she was eliminated. I heard her number, as if she was hit by a grenade."

Shizuka Hiratsuka pointed to the drone in the sky. She heard it a few minutes ago, but she didn't say anything.

“Good food...”

Er Nai pouted.

"Watch me kill everyone!"


A grenade was suddenly thrown from a distance and rolled to the feet of the two of them. Shizuka Hiratsuka pulled Nino, who hadn't noticed anything, and hid behind the banyan tree.

"Fortunately, it didn't blow up... Phew..." Hiratsuka Jing breathed a sigh of relief, and the two of them were almost cut off for chatting.

"who is it?"

Er Nao showed her small head, saw Yang Nao who was not far away gestured yes to her, then shot at them frantically, and she shouted:

"Xiao Jing, I'm here!"

"Yuno?" Hiratsuka Shizuka heard Yangno's voice and asked, "Is Yangno alone?"

"I didn't see anyone else, maybe it's not just her."

Er Nai gritted his teeth when he saw Yang Nai, with a look of bitterness and hatred.

"That brat is probably near her, be careful."

Shizuka Hiratsuka, who knew Yoshino's character well, warned vigilantly.

"So what? Can he hit me when I'm behind cover?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka suddenly remembered the 'figure' Chen Feng gave him, and murmured:

"It may be impossible to say..."


Nino didn't hear what Hiratsuka Shizu said.

"No, keep an eye on Yang Nai, I'll find out where that brat is."

"There I saw it!"

Looking along where Nino was shooting, Hiratsuka Shizuka saw Chen Feng running back and forth between the various bunkers.

"Wait... what is he doing? No, he's throwing a grenade, run!"

The densely packed grenades were thrown over by Chen Feng one by one. He was creating an artificial bombing zone!

It's just that Chen Feng threw the grenade very well. Hiratsuka Shizuka and Nino were being forced to the other two bunker areas by the grenade he threw. If the two wanted to walk together, one of them would be directly eliminated by the grenade. .

Hiratsuka Shizuka knew what Chen Feng wanted to do after a little thought, but she had no way to deal with it

"Tch... is this brat a human mortar?"

She could only watch Er Nai get further and further away from her...

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