It's also fortunate that this is not a real battlefield, otherwise Chen Feng might really turn into a human mortar and explode for fun. The scene is probably already thunderous and screaming.

Hiratsuka huddled quietly behind the bunker, she planned to show her head to see how the situation was, but just as her head was exposed, she was forced back by several paintballs, and her hair was covered with black lines.

"Yang Nai!!"

"Hi~ here you are."

Yang Nai responded loudly with a gun in his hand.

"Did that brat tell you to do this?"

"No, hey hey hey, Yang Nai, I will kill you all right here."

"Don't say such crazy things directly!"

"Anyway, if you want to kill Xiao Jing, don't show your head, otherwise you will have to leave."

Squeezing the grenade in his hand, Hirano and Hiratsuka Shizuka began to throw each other, and the fight was fierce for a while.

Chen Feng can be regarded as a veteran on the battlefield. He used the relatively dense bunkers around to run around, and blocked Er Nao's escape path with grenades while running, Er Nao's face flushed red in anger.

You said how could a good gunfight game be turned into dodgeball?But she could clearly see Chen Feng passing through the gaps between the bunkers, but she couldn't shoot him.

"Smelly rascal, this is too shameless..."

Whenever he shoots a few shots and intends to retreat in the direction of Shizuka Hiratsuka, Chen Feng will predict the location of his retreat and then throw a grenade at the corresponding place to block her retreat route. Rapidly drawing closer, the battle situation became more and more unfavorable for his side.

Er Nai here is trying to escape from Chen Feng's trap with her brain spinning rapidly, but what she doesn't know is that Chen Feng's troublesome approach is just to give her a little more experience in the game, or else it was thrown over before. It's not a grenade but a few paintballs shot out.

Although the muzzle velocity of this thing is very low, it is often necessary to predict when shooting at a slightly longer distance, but Chen Feng's shooting experience is not comparable to that of ordinary people, but this exaggerated shooting level is tempered in the battle of blood and fire out of the results.

While thinking, three more grenades were thrown from the air, and Er Nai hurriedly avoided. Since she was the main target of Chen Feng's bombing, and her mental quality was not strong enough, she couldn't even figure out her own position now.


Another grenade rolled to her feet.


Without even resting for a few seconds, she started to run and hide again.

How many grenades did this stinking hooligan bring?

Er Nai couldn't find Chen Feng's figure anymore, she leaned against the wooden plank and cautiously poked out, but she didn't notice that Chen Feng was standing quietly beside her and looking at her.

"Missing? It must still be nearby!"

"Well, you guessed it."


Chen Feng's voice suddenly appeared next to her ear, Er Nai was frightened by this business, and jumped up on the spot, but before she raised her gun and turned around, her foot slipped on the uneven muddy ground , and fell forward.

Thanks to Chen Feng's quick reaction, he stretched out his left hand and directly grabbed Er Nai's back collar so that she formed an angle of about [-] degrees with the ground and did not fall directly.

"Phew...wait a minute, what are you doing..."

Er Nai who was pulled up by Chen Feng suddenly felt that Chen Feng hugged her neck from behind, a palm even gently climbed up her cheek, and slowly covered her mouth, the exposed skin was like It made her tremble like an electric shock.

He he he... This place is also monitored by drones. If it is photographed, I will be ashamed to face others, but the surveillance should only be seen by one or two staff members, but it is not impossible...

Just... just treat it as punishment for being caught, hmph, it's cheap for him.

Er Nai slowly closed his eyes.

"Well, it's over." Chen Feng said lightly.

Finish?Hasn't this started yet?

Nino with her eyes closed was at a loss.

The expected thing didn't seem to happen, and Chen Feng's hand was also released from his neck.

It wasn't until the drone in the sky broadcast the sound that Er Nao realized what happened just now.

'Blue team, No. 2 was eliminated by knife killing.Eliminator: No. 25. '

Nina: "???"

Are you a man, are you a man? !

Touching his neck, Er Nai glanced at the red mark on his hand, and Chen Feng's hand had already pulled out the dagger from his trouser leg and was holding it in his palm.

He didn't want to do that kind of thing just now, but was killing himself? ? ?

So angry!

Chen Feng also found that Er Nao looked very angry, and scratched his head helplessly.

Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, there is no need to be so angry when you lose, right?

But we'll talk about these things later when we get to the venue, Yangno's fight with Hiratsuka is still in full swing.

"Be careful, don't fall again, it is unlucky to get injured during the big holiday."

Patting Er Nao's helmet, Chen Feng inserted the dagger in his hand into the scabbard of his trouser leg neatly, turned his eyes and ran directly to the battle area where Yang Nao and Hirazuka Shizuka were fighting, leaving Er Nao alone in a daze Looking at his gradually disappearing back.

So... so handsome...

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