On the way to support Yang Nai, Chen Feng met a few members of the blue team. He didn’t know these members anyway, so naturally he didn’t need to consider the other party’s game experience. Solve it all directly.

The five members of the blue team who had finally surrounded were either shot in the head before they could react, or they were stunned by Chen Feng and stabbed to death from behind, or they never knew which corner. A few grenades rolled out and killed them.

The only one who was lucky enough to see that there was no bullet in Chen Feng's gun, but before he raised the gun and pulled the trigger, he saw Chen Feng's hand flicker like a phantom.


A paintball slammed into his head.

And that empty magazine didn't even fall to the ground until he was eliminated...

A few people were eliminated without even firing their guns, and there were still question marks when they were eliminated.

who I am?where am I?How did I die?

It's just that Chen Fengniao ignored them, and ran away at high speed after being killed, leaving a bunch of people messed up in the wind, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally spread their hands helplessly.

"What kind of underworld work is this on the 25th?"

"No, I don't even know how I got stabbed."

The blue team member pointed to his neck with a red spot and said.

"Did you see it? He reloaded too fast, and I didn't even look at it."

"Don't talk about it, I was directly surrounded by four mines, and I couldn't run anywhere, and I died suddenly."

"I'm afraid I'm not a professional player."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hiratsuka Jing, who was playing Qin Wang around the pillar with Yang Nai, heard a series of announcements from the drone, and her whole face twitched.

"Isn't this brat too ruthless?"

"The taste of hugging thighs is actually very good, Xiaojing, what do you think?"

"Then get rid of you first and then go find that brat!"

The pace under Shizuka Hiratsuka's feet suddenly accelerated, and Yango's back could basically be seen.

"Then...that might be."

Yang Nai pulled out a grenade and threw it to his feet at the corner, then continued to run forward.

Just as Hiratsuka Shizuka was about to catch up with Yango, when she was about to turn around, she suddenly saw a hand grenade lying on the ground with a flashing signal that hadn't exploded, so she stopped and ran in the opposite direction.

Because the whole game will only shorten the lap three times, it is already the last lap at this time, so Chen Feng met a small number of people from the red team and a large number of people from the blue team on the road. It can be seen that the red team is basically overwhelmed by the blue team fight.

Outside the arena, a group of people sat in the monitoring hall to watch the battle on the battlefield.

On the screen, Chen Feng organized a few teammates of the red team to start a counterattack. Chen Feng basically didn't speak during the whole process, and used gestures to communicate with his teammates.

It's also thanks to the fact that most of the people here are senior military enthusiasts, otherwise they really don't understand what Chen Feng's gestures are trying to express.

Of course, there are also those who don't understand, that is Nakano Kazuka, Nakano Nino, Nakano Sanjiu, Nakano Mayzuki and Nakano Yotsuba who have been eliminated long ago.

To put it simply, all the Nakano sisters were wiped out.

Clover drank coffee and asked:

"Eh? Chen Feng, what does this mean?"

Following Chen Feng's example, Clover stretched out her left hand and shook it above her head.

A former Blue Team member sitting behind her explained.

"Are you together? I haven't seen you much before, but number 25 is really good." The blue team member explained with admiration: "The meaning of number 25 is to let number 8 on the left and number 11 behind cover he."

"Wow, it's so profound. So what does Chen Feng mean now?"

"No. 25 asked No. 23 to outflank from the right."

There were only 7 members of the red team organized by Chen Feng and him, but the blue team had 11 members, almost double the number.

Because Chen Feng's command is very professional, and Chen Feng has eliminated many people from the broadcast before, many members of the red team trust this new face.

At this time, three of the 11 members of the blue team were lured into the trap by Chen Feng's tactics and killed, but the red team also lost one person, and now there are only six members.

Chen Feng asked two people to cover fire in front, and the other three were pulled aside by Chen Feng to discuss tactics.

Everyone watched in bewilderment as Chen Feng drew the tactical map of this area on the ground. Like a calm chess player, he arranged everyone's position and the direction of attack later, and even a few people It was placed in a position with few bunkers, almost a living target.

The other members didn't know why, but they trusted Chen Feng almost unconditionally, as if a charm of Chen Feng attracted them to do so, even if Chen Feng arranged for them to die, they also obeyed unconditionally .

Everyone who was watching the battle heard Chen Feng's voice.

"At least three of you will 'die'. If there are too many, none of you may survive, okay!!"


"Then start to act!"

Everyone came to the designated location according to Chen Feng's arrangement, but because two people's locations were exposed abnormally, these two places became the focus of fire, and they were eliminated in a short while.

The members of the red team are decreasing one by one, and the members of the blue team were also taken away by the red team who suddenly rushed in madly.

The number ratio of the two sides was rapidly closing, Chen Feng directly asked his teammates to attract firepower for himself, he led a person around to the back and directly let the blue team bloom from the middle.

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